August 2015




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Jul. 22nd, 2015


Somebody on my Facebook newsfeed posted this really intense video on the Chattanooga shootings and was all like, positive about it. I didn't want to say anything, so I just unfriended her. But the tone was scary. 'Yesterdays's moderates are today's terrorists'. So much anger. I talked to my parents about it, and my father said that this was how it was like, after 9/11. All Muslims became the target of bias and hate crimes out of anger and fear over what happened. And now the mosque that we attend has asked everybody to be cautious. It's rants like this video that inspire more violence.

Jul. 18th, 2015


Ramadan ended yesterday, and while I was glad to celebrate it, I'm just as happy to finally eat during the day again, OMG! This video totally sums it up. LOL! I totally did that thing, where I ate something and then remembered and spit it out. Me and my family went to the mosque for Eid al-Fitr and have been visiting relatives all day. I'm secretly updating on my phone.

A month of fasting made me kinda weak. A cousin of mine suggested I take some vitamins and supplements, so my Ammi bought me some. Fish oil capsules? Ew. I hope it doesn't taste fishy.

Jul. 10th, 2015


Social Media: 'Excelsior-Gee! News' live-blog chat.

ParkourLuck: Ughhh! Why can't I be in San Diego right now?! Hall H people are walking to a Star Wars concert?!?! I want to hear the new music! Okay it may be the energy drink talking but between that, Lego Doctor Who, and new Legend of Korra comics, I feel permanently scarred that I'm trapped on the far side of the country. Not that I was able to go to NYCC either.

If anyone can record the concert, please upload it to youtube. I gotta hear this music!!!111one1!!

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Jul. 3rd, 2015



News Headline: Social Media Blows Up After Avengers Robot Goes Shopping

JULY 3RD, 2015: What do robots shop for? That was the question on everyone's mind in upstate New York when the mysterious new Avengers member - known only as Vision - walked through a wall into an art supply store. Occupants quickly snapped photos of the magenta-colored creature as he walked through the store, picking up items and placing them casually within a basket.

"He - I think he was a he - was very polite," said cashier Amy Rollins, looking a little dazed. "He gave me a tip. I told him we didn't do that but ... I'm not going to argue with a robot!"

Many took to Twitter and Instagram with pictures of their odd run-in, with opinions ranging from excitement to fear. Very little is known of the Vision, but people are understandably concerned about a robotic creature working closely with the Avengers so soon after the attack on Sokovia.