August 2015




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Aug. 26th, 2015


You know your social life is in a really sad state when you run to a forum for some socialization. The last few days, I signed in and stared at the screen, trying to figure out a way to introduce myself. I never really had a problem talking to people. In person is great because you can get a sense about how everything is going. On here, though, I just imagine that everyone is rolling their eyes or mumbling under their breath. It's not really conducive for communication.

But I thought what the hell! Captain America is on this thing. Jane Foster certainly can.

See how I did that? Snuck my name it? It took me 15 minutes to come up with that, and I am spent. It's Wednesday! Yay hump day?

Feb. 16th, 2015


I'd forgotten that I really love discount chocolate day. There's nothing like stocking up for practically nothing and eating it while you watch one of your favorite movies. Especially when it's so cold out.

How do y

Feb. 15th, 2015


WHO: Jane Foster and Steve Rogers
WHERE: The Space Lab
WHEN: Monday evening
WHAT: A friendly chat, probably the two of the each telling the other they're awesome

But whatever she needed next was swallowed up by a very undignified squeak of surprise when she looked up and saw Steve Rogers in the lab )

Feb. 14th, 2015


[Avengers, Pepper]

If you guys didn't see it already, my Congress interview did not go well. I thought they wanted information but they want to shut down my research and are suspicious of Asgard and another attack. I refused to answer when they asked about my relationship with Thor. I'd really not like to have to do that again but they threatened to try again with a subpoena. It was so bad.

[Thor, Sif, Warriors Three]

Every year at this time, an organization called the Girl Scouts sell cookies and they're delicious. I got you guys each two boxes of Thin Mints (green box) and Samoas (purple box). They're in the lounge.


I have no idea if you can be called into Congress but it wouldn't surprise me if they tried. It almost sounds like they want to blame you for New Mexico and London at least, probably for New York too. I don't want you to be surprised if the government starts looking at you.

And they asked about you and me. We're linked together now and that means there's probably going to be attention on us now. Media attention. Publicly.


WHO: Dr. Jane Foster, various members of the Congressional Committee on Science
WHERE: Washington DC
WHEN: Let's say Friday
WHAT: Jane Foster goes to Congress. It goes super well

You don’t have the right to tell me what I can and cannot research. )

Feb. 12th, 2015


Despite my best intentions, I always did like Valentine's Day. And it isn't for all of the young lovers married in secret (as the legends say) or Lupercalia generally, it's because any day that makes you feel like someone is thinking of you is a good day.

Also, I really like those little candy hearts.

It's been a while since we've had a check in. Why don't you spend a little time telling me about what you've got going and how you're doing. Let's make sure we're all keeping our goals in common and helping one another along.

All right?

Feb. 8th, 2015


WHO. Jane Foster & Thor
WHERE. Her apartment, his apartment. His & hers, awwww.
WHEN. Backdated to the night of the big NYC snowstorm. Brrr.
WHAT. Some Aether ideas, a little schmoopy couple stuff. Yanno.


Hardly genius, Jane. That epithet I save for you. )

Jan. 26th, 2015


NYU shut down early so I had to drop by New York Public library for a short while.

Sadly, I didn't get stuck there with Jake Gylenhaal, but at least that's good news that it's not the end of the world?

Jan. 19th, 2015


[Avengers, Pepper]

I've received something. It's not a subpoena but I've been asked by Congress to for my expert testimony regarding wormholes. Does this kind of thing happen a lot?

Jan. 18th, 2015


WHO: Sif, Thor, Jane, Fandral, Volstagg, and a Dr Strange
WHEN: BACKDATED to after this exchange.
WHERE: Avengers Tower, Sif's quarters.
WHAT: The Lady Sif is not herself, and all who can come to aid the fight.
WARNINGS: Somewhat disturbing poisoning? Fantastical themes! Upholstery defiling.

The Lady Sif is not herself. )

Jan. 15th, 2015


It was a good thing that the ammonia leak on the International Space Station turned out to be a false alarm. I'm still glad I got the chance to test the Iron Patriot armor's space capabilities. I'm not sorry we had a chance to drill everybody on the ground on the procedures that we'd need if we had to evacuate the ISS, or even just one section of it, on short notice.

Special thanks to Commander Chris Hadfield for talking me through my part from the ground. Couldn't have done it without you.

Jan. 10th, 2015


Who: Jane, Thor, Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg
Where: Jane Foster's Home For Wayward Asgardians apartment
What: IC/OOC Family Dinner (and a movie) at Jane's
When: Saturday night as invited
Warnings Most likely nothing; Aesir have good manners

Dinner at Jane's )

Jan. 6th, 2015


Thanks to everyone who sent me a kind message yesterday; sorry I can't respond to all of you. Those of you who were unkind can

This is Cecilia Payne )

[All the Aesir: Thor, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg]
I need a break from work and I thought you all might want to get out of the Tower for a bit. Dinner and a movie at my place Saturday? Say 6:30?

Jan. 5th, 2015


State of the Company. )

I see that both you and Coulson made it out alive, Cap. Good talk?

Hi. Hoping the flowers are still sitting in a nice vase somewhere and not at the bottom of your garbage bin.

[Science Brother from Another Mother]
Hey -- could use your medical expertise. I've brushed up on my bio/chem/physio in the last 12 hours but I'd like to not take chances.

I never did ask, but...dark matter detector?

One more game. Eight-ball.

Jan. 4th, 2015


I have to say thanks to everyone who volunteered at the soup kitchens over the holidays. It meant a lot and we broke our records for the number of meals we served to those less fortunate. It might sound odd, but I really can't imagine spending Christmas anywhere else than with those folks who are so grateful just to have a roof over their heads and a warm meal for one night.

It's always nice to go into the office during break. A lot of the justices take weeks off for christmas which means that there's no trials or court appearances. Of course, tomorrow everything goes back to normal.

At least the crime seems to have momentarily quieted down as well, apart from the yearly credit card leaks which I can't do anything about.

Now that we've gotten the issue of chemistry out of the way, would you agree to dinner out? Just the two of us - a date.

Jan. 3rd, 2015


WHO: Tony Stark & Jane Foster
WHERE: Stark Industries offices, Space Division
WHEN: Today.
WHAT: Jane is making herself at home in her new job, much to everyone's horror.

So much for 2015. )

Dec. 29th, 2014


Who: Volstagg - Jane and/or whomever would like to greet Volstagg
When: Backdated to around the time when Sif is beserking
Where: Central Park, NYC
What: Volstagg's arrival
Rating: Low

The driver had seen many strange sights, but this one took the cake... )

Dec. 27th, 2014


Who: Jane, Thor, and Fandral
Where: Jane's lab at the Tower
When: BACKDATED immediately following Thor's return from Amsterdam
What: Jane and Thor are reunited for about three minutes before Fandral arrives to brief Thor on their Aether problem
Rating: It's two Asgardians and Jane so... PG for kissing

''You did commit treason for me so...'' She shrugged. ''Are those sandwiches?'' )


You must provide me a full account of your adventures with the Lady Sif, sir. She has fallen extremely ill and I know not how or why, only that it began after your return.

Sif has taken ill. The Aether is our priority, as the All-Father has commanded, but Sif must be made whole. She will be instrumental in recovering it and she is our good friend and comrade.

Dec. 25th, 2014


Christmas presents from Jane )

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