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Aug. 27th, 2010


Who: Bunny, Allyson, Luke, JP, & Sam
What: Zombies and Cake
Where: Bathos 302
When: Friday 7PM.
Warnings: Squealy girliness.

Bunny's day had been ridiculously uneventful. )


Who: Sam and Rorschach Rory
What: Two roommates talking about their days, like totally normal people.
Where: The Hamartia, 505
When: At about 3:30 AM after Rory meets Jack
Warnings: Doubtful.

Everybody Loves Rorschach, Episode One )

Aug. 20th, 2010


Who: Everyone
What: Verisimilitude Portal Event
Where: Verisimilitude
When: 8/20/2010, after nightfall
Warnings: Various, since this is a party-style post

Verisimilitude is removed from the city, a sprawling manor home crumbling with age on the outside, but fully furnished on the inside (click for floorplans). There is music playing throughout the house, and there are drinks and bar items being served on the second floor. Just inside the door, the following rules are posted:

The Rules )

[This is a party style thread. Put your character's location within Verisimilitude in your subject line.]


Who: Sam and Luke
What: Another member of the Sam's-Kooky-Friends club is found!
Where: Fifth floor hallway
When: About an hour before the party.
Warnings: Not likely.

Too many runaways eating up the night )

Aug. 19th, 2010


Who: Jack
What: Dream log! Open.
Where: Jack's crazy brain.
When: Tonight.
Warnings: Oh, let's say all kinds, to be safe. Jack's head is not a nice place to be.
Notes: A la the Inception shared dreaming rules, people who come into the dream can manipulate the setting. They can't change where it's set, but they can do things within the environment. Open to multiple commenters, considering that it's a dream and time works oddly. Feel free to pick either scenario or both, what the hell - in the first, you'll get Jack, in the second, you'll get Corbinian (just to spice things up).

d'endormir la douleur sur un lit hasardeux )

Aug. 15th, 2010


Who: Jane and Samantha
What: Unable to sleep, Jane returns from the corner store with a bottle of Jack and a packet of cigarettes.
Where: Street, outside Hamartia
When: Early evening
Warnings: Jane drinks, smokes and craves illicit drugs. She also might swear.

Craving an inner sanctum sanctuary )

Aug. 14th, 2010


Who: Silas and Sam
What: Elevator shenanigans
Where: Hamartia
When: Sometime this week
Warnings: Swearing?

In which Sam will more than likely claim life isn't fair )


Who: Allyson & OPEN
What: The stalking of shiny things. Random encounter.
Where: Somewhere about 45 minutes or so from the UW, on foot.
When: Friday afternoon.
Warnings: General oddness. TBD otherwise.

Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. )

Aug. 8th, 2010


Who: Sam and Warren Rorschach
What: I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship... Or not.
Where: Hamartia, #505
When: August 9th, 12:05 AM.
Warnings: We'll see.

Stay away; don't you invade my home. )

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