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Sep. 6th, 2010


Who: Colt Byron and Joss Makepeace
What: Joss returns a letter, Colt is mean
When: End of the week
Where: Colt's apartment
Warnings: None.

She reminded him of his fears, the ones that still kept him up at night, the fears that he would turn into his father and hurt everything he touched )

Sep. 4th, 2010


Who: Erin and Colt
What: Day two of being impossible
Where: The recluse's apartment
When: Day 2
Warnings: None

Despite forbidding Erin to show before noon, Colt had been up since sunrise. )

Aug. 30th, 2010


Who: Colt and Erin
What: Channeling 10-year-olds Employer/Employee meeting (Completed log)
Where: Aubade 106
When: Yesterday
Warnings: None

Colt was starting to regret ever coming up with the fool idea to start a school. )


Who: Colt Byron [Colin Craven] and Joss Makepeace [Scheherezade]
What: A chance meeting in an insane asylum provokes some very different reactions.
When Six years ago!
Where: A very expensive (and discrete) private hospital

To Colt, the mind was like a delicate bit of glass, breakable if you hit it at the right angle. Hadn’t his father been sane before his mother died )

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