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April 13th, 2011

[info]napoleonic_star in [info]musingslogs

Who: Orin and Adam
What: Guilt trips and emotional disconnect
When: The night of Orin's press release
Where: Seattle PD and Adam's car
Warnings: Angst, emo, mild sociopathy. The usual Morgenstern family shenanigans.

he was five seconds away from getting dragged back in a cell for his behavior )

[info]commandandlead in [info]musingslogs

Who: Poppy and Meredith Barnes
What: A meeting.
When: Last week.
Where: Between their two Bathos apartments.
Warnings: These two cannot have a conversation without swearing at each other.

I will hold on hope and I won't let you choke on that noose around your neck )