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January 17th, 2011

[info]notjustsidekick in [info]musingslogs

Who: Luke and Wren
What: Rooftop conversation.
Where: Somewhere in Rainier Valley.
When: Backdated to the end of last week.
Warnings: None.

It was raining tonight. )
Tags: ,

[info]dyingatherfeet in [info]musingslogs

Who: Thomas, Audrey, and later, Max
What: What should be a simple move gets complicated.
Where: Outside Hamartia primarily
When: Recently
Warnings: Considerable swearing, some violence

building a bridge across where we live )

[info]thatshellfire in [info]musingslogs

Who: Kyle and The Bat
What: Chit chats!
Where: Kyle's apartment
When: After his promotion is announced.

I said the APB was over, not pull off a B&E and help yourself to my living room )

[info]mariphasa in [info]musingslogs

Who: Will (narrative)
What: Shifting back
Where: An alley a few blocks from Bathos
When: A few minutes after this, Saturday night
Warnings: Um, nudity and vomiting? :-D

He tried not to move, letting his skin settle back into place )

[info]dontstopblievin in [info]musingslogs

Who: Johnny and Mere
What: Delivering Lunch!
Where: Mere and Frankie's Garage
When: Lunchtime on Tuesday
Warnings: Johnny is crack and ridic and LANGUAGE.  Also probably angst/violent thoughts/huge misunderstandings.  You know...the things Drama is made of.

[info]demos_oneiroi in [info]musingslogs

Who: Hal and Tristan
What: Meeting the Roommates
Where: Aubade 402
When: A few hours after this
Warnings: To be updated if needed.

Tristan had no idea how long he'd been asleep )