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November 18th, 2010

[info]skeletonradio in [info]musingslogs

Who: Ike and Teddy
Where: Ike's apartment
When: Backdated Tuesday morning
What: Brother reuniting
Warnings: Violence

For someone who worked and lived in public, it was nice to have certain things that he kept to himself. )

[info]ex_babymoon626 in [info]musingslogs

Who: Daniel Pena and Kinsley Calydon
What: While eating dinner, Danny overhears an interesting problem.
Where: Dumpy diner near Hamartia.
When: Evening shift.
Warnings: Harmless as a baby puppy in a cloud of cotton.
Status: Complete!

[info]notjustsidekick in [info]musingslogs

Who: Jane & Luke & Thomas
What: Jane’s been comin’ up to the Aubade and decides to check up on Thomas, but meets Luke instead.
Where: Aubade 506
When: Backdated to last Thursday night (during the inhibitions plot)
Warnings: Some awkward. Smiley Thomas. Nothing major.

Why would she want to go in and talk to Luke if Thomas wasn't there? There were plenty of reasons. )

[info]odangochan in [info]musingslogs

Who: Bunny & Friends (and anyone else who'd be there)
What: Harry Potter Wizard Wars Midnight showing
Where: In front of a Seattle Theatre
When: Thursday between 8PM and Midnight
Warnings: complete and utter geekery.

They were going to get some prime seats. )

[info]iquakewithfear in [info]musingslogs

Who: Alfie and Quinn
What: Alfie wants to know why Quinn does not have a five-year plan.
Where: Outside Aubade
When: Day after Penguin Pals
Warnings: None

Alfie knew quite a few things she wasn't meant to know. )

[info]bearable in [info]musingslogs

Who: Annie and Teddy
What: Teddy meets his stalker at the time and place specified here.
Where: Apartment complex near Hamartia, then the Hamartia.
When: around 4pm
Warnings: Creepiness. Dark thoughts. Mentions of evil deeds resulting in (NPC) character death. Oh and cussing.

Three years ago, you saved my life. )

[info]andadoctor in [info]musingslogs

Who: Gwen & Jane
What: Chance encounter. (no inhibitions)
Where: Bathos Elevator.
When: Sunday
Warnings: none

Damn. This isn’t going down. )
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