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September 11th, 2010

[info]andadoctor in [info]musingslogs

Who: Everyone!
What: Someone is celebrating Halloween a bit too early. Everyone's wandering down to look at the party favors.
Where: In front of the Hamartia, Bathos, and Aubade respectively.
When: Right after this.
Warnings: Dead or traumatized teens(idk, halp?), traumatized tenants, possibly anything under the sun depending on who shows up.

The sets of bodies set outside of each of the buildings had generated a lot of different reactions. )

[info]ex_theredlig387 in [info]musingslogs

Who: Hal, Wren (and bonus implied!earpiece Charlie)
What: A delivery
Where: All over the place? But starting at a funeral home
When: Yesterday
Warnings: Nothing beyond the pale

Really, the chances of things going right were very slim. )

[info]notjustsidekick in [info]musingslogs

Who: Quinn and Luke (also known as Robin)
What: Robin saves Quinn. Kinda. ish.
Where: Rainer Valley area alleyway
When: Friday Night
Warnings: Violence, Quinn being a robot, Luke being REALLY EARNEST.

Robin to the rescue!... Kinda )
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