06 October 2010 at 12:17 pm
[Orihime is at a table outside the ramen shop with her head rested on her folded arms and a stack of plates in front of her. She'd decided to treat herself to just one plate of gyoza with mustard on them, since she had a picnic to go to, but then she'd decided to have another, and another... And now she's just sitting here with her head burrowed in her arms, trying to cheer herself up so she doesn't bring everyone down.

[But it's getting hard to keep pretending that she doesn't notice Kuchiki-san and Kurosaki-kun are gone.

[Kurosaki-kun is gone...]
[action I closed I backdated to after the pail shenanigans]
30 September 2010 at 08:43 pm
[Nepeta comes bursting in the bloody door, bearing a huge bag of towels, some pain medication, a kitten, and a robot.] Tereziiiiiiiiii~! I'm hoooommmee~!
[action] [open]
29 September 2010 at 04:44 pm
[Armed with a watering can and other gardening implements she scrounged up, Xion is trying her hand at fixing up Mami's garden. Watering the plants is going easily enough, but she's not sure what to do about the burned patches. Why would someone want to burn Mami's garden, anyway? :( She's hardly the farmer that Mami was, but she's doing her best.]
Location: Sector 4: Mami's garden
[video/action] [open]
28 September 2010 at 05:57 pm
Oh...oh my gog! They've got pails and porn in the store!

[Nepeta's found the convenience store's supply of buckets and playing cards. She hasn't even tried opening the card packs, but they've got all four romance suits on them and no pictures of what's inside, so it must be porn! o_o Shocked thirteen-year-old is shocked.]
[action // open]
23 September 2010 at 06:36 pm
[ it started early this morning, but he didn't really notice until about two hours ago, when his clothes were noticeably ill-fitting. unfortunately, by that point the shrinking had sped up considerably -- and now he's less than a foot tall.

feel free to investigate the pile of rumpled clothing in the park and discover a tiny, tiny Suzaku within its folds. he'll stop shrinking when he's roughly the size of a mouse, but he already looks like a doll and the communicator is much more difficult to use.

he wants to get back to his house, but he's not sure how to go about it -- and, technically, a little bit naked right now. ]
18 September 2010 at 12:24 pm
[There's a long line of bamboo at the beach, their stalks curving gently over the quiet trickling of waves. Further back on the beach are colored lanterns and little tables with pens and sheets of paper and string.

You're supposed to write poems or notes to your loved ones who can't be with you today, right...?]

((event-style posting; comment here to get tagged by other people. sorry if this infringes on the people who posted recently, I was going to post this this morning but had to go out... consider this a post for people who don't have quite enough substance for their own action posts!))
[action, video | open]
15 September 2010 at 08:05 pm

[GIR's screen is wobbly and shaky at first while dirt and patches of grass go flying through the air and soon it points down to show a nice little hole in the ground at the park. Then--watch watch watch!--a nice sprinkled donut goes right inside it before he covers it up with dirt all over again.

He claps, impressed, and then turns so that you'll be able to see him and the...bunch of other holes in the ground behind him.]

I'm growin' breakfast trees!

[SMILE! Is that an egg poking out from the dirt? A piece of toast? Who knows. Meanwhile Mr. Mongoose--a grey and white puff of kitten is trotting behind GIR, sniffling curiously at the holes.]
22 August 2010 at 07:29 pm
[The video cuts on the sight of a boy with black hair on a perfectly normal-sized head and a trench-coat. It may be late at night, but nothing stands in the way of heroism!]

MY FELLOW HUMANS. Do not be alarmed, but there is a great danger here that you need to be made aware of. There are aliens among you! Not just any aliens! Like that troll alien. But one alien in particular who plans to destroy the Earth!

His name is ZIM and he is short and large red eyes and antennae. HE MAY BE ARMED AND DANGEROUS. Do not let him fool you into believing he is human! The green is not a skin condition.
17 August 2010 at 05:55 pm
[ oh hey have a little green boy staring at you. ]

What is this?! WHAT IS THISSSSS? [ screaming ] WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?! WHAT SQUIRMY, DISGUSTING, EVVVVVIL HUMAN DARE IMPRISON ME?! [ practically growling ] OH, YOU WILL PAY, OH YOU WILL PAY! PAY, I SAY, [ a breath, then ] PAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Never will I let you get away with this, [ a dramatic gasp as he tries to get some more air, then, ] WHOEVERKIDNAPPEDME!!! [ can you tell he's angry? there's a silence as he considers something, then he looks aaaall around himself as if looking for something that should be there until he settles his eyes on the communicator once again. much calmer tone compared to before ] GIR. [ no response, so ] GIR! GIR!!!! I command you to report to me!!

(( Yes, yes this is Zim from invader zim. ))
16 August 2010 at 11:16 pm
[Isn't this a familiar sight?]

[There is a BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW unicorn sparkling as it GALLOPS RIGHT ON UP TO YOU. YUP.]


ooc: feel free to attack/destroy/eat the unicorn for the unicorn still has many lives left and it will just come back!
[action || open]
14 August 2010 at 01:33 am

[All decked out in his doggy suit, GIR is taking a walk just as the sun goes down. But this isn't just any walk. Oh, no. GIR has plans, you see, and this involves the certain someones who engaged in bedroom jousting while he was in charge of the dome. Yes, that's right, GIR saw all of you and now he's on a mission to find where you live and knock on your door. Why?

Because he. Wants. Your. BABIES.

Sorry, Zero, but GIR doesn't actually know how long nine months is.

But, of course, feel free to stumble upon the strange looking dog walking on two legs while he's on his quest!]

((ooc: GIR will only be visiting the houses of the people who had sex while he was in Acumen's place, so if that includes you, you can action out answering the door when he knocks or whatever it is you wish. ♥;))
02 August 2010 at 10:39 pm
[It had been days since Miranda slept so long, but standing on her feet and dancing and all the stress of the day before had been helpful in pushing her into a deep slumber. When she does finally awaken that morning, she is drowsy and unfocus when she reaches for her communicator and puts it on to hear the morning announcements--

--Only to realize something is touching her. Something is rubbing itself against her--]

AHHH! Wh-Wh-What are you d-doing?! S-STOP!

[There is distant giggling. Loud, high-pitched, echoing giggling. And then sound of something crashing into a solid surface--hard and metalic.]

{OOC: Please do not be alarmed. It's just GIR.}
Location: Her room in the Shelter / Early Morning
The 74th Day
02 August 2010 at 10:01 pm
Good morning inmates. It is the 74th day of the third generation.

I am finally online once more, and will be reviewing the system over the next few days to ensure that everything is once again functioning as it should be after the security breach. Inmate GIR will be restrained in a suitable manner. All food and goods imported yesterday will be removed over the course of the day; the kitchen area will be fully restocked come afternoon, with the convenience store, pizza shop, and ramen stand by nightfall. Unfortunately, restocking of the refrigerated blood will not be until tomorrow. Despite this, the integration of new arrivals today will proceed as normal.

I apologize for the events yesterday, inmates. The previous A.I. had supposedly upgraded the security protocol to prevent such an infestation from being successful, however...

[A few beats]

...Princess Zelda, I have your request waiting for you at the entrance to Sector 0.
[Voice|Action|Open] Backdated to Early Evening
31 July 2010 at 01:27 pm
[Richie was on his way back to his dorm when it happened. Suddenly even seems so much bigger. And it kept getting bigger and bigger and he realized it wasn't just a difference in perception.

He was getting smaller.]

H-Hey! [high-pitched, very distressed voice that many may not recognize] Who got their hands on a--?!

[Anyone who walks around this area of the park may find a pile of clothes, but no body, or they may notice a robot that looks more like a spider with four legs instead of one of Acumen's, hurrying through the underbrush, as if searching for something.]
Location: Park / Early Evening
29 July 2010 at 06:02 pm
Do a little daaaaance.

[Suddenly, more demanding,] OBEY. [GIR laughs while he orders some angry bots to escort every single one of you to one of the parks. Fighting back will only result in punishment...and believe him, you don't want to know what GIR has cooked up for you then.

While you walk you may notice that dawn has suddenly become night again, the lighting is still working though it's all very...vibrantly colored and disco-y--maybe a strobe light here and there--and that the once peaceful silence has turned into blaring techno.

GIR starts to sniffle happily.]

Y-you're all so beautiful.

OOC info under the cut! )
[voice || open]
28 July 2010 at 03:10 pm
[Hello again, inmates! Are we having fun yet? GIR has been quite aware that some of you aren't exactly happy with what's happening at the moment, so that's why he's got more plans up his sleeve for the rest of the day! The giant pizza, for one thing, he let fall from the sky, he's allowed the sun to gradually come up, and now he is BEATBOXING for your entertainment!

This carries on for...five minutes give or take--are your brains Jell-O yet?--before GIR starts giggling that same creepy giggle.]

Are you haaaappyyy~~?

I gave a pizza to the Tallest! I hope it didn't squish him...


((ooc: GIR is referring to Gino as his "Tallest," a.k.a. a leader of the Irkens and as for "cranky man," that is Kanda who will be blessed with the gift of 'flying' today. ♥))
The 73rd Day
26 July 2010 at 03:54 pm
...Acumen? ...Hellooooooo? LET'S MAKE BABI--


[Giggle while GIR proceeds to mess about with certain things in his new surroundings, gleefully asking what 'this does' or 'that does' in the process.

GIR eventually decides that he rather likes the dome in nighttime, so for now all you'll be seeing is darkness. But of course breakfast time doesn't have to suffer because of this! There's a gasp because now GIR has some ideas!

Should you be worried? That is entirely up to you.]


((ooc: Ok, guys, today's the day to meet your new Vermin Overlord! First off, you can always refer to this post for a day-to-day schedule of what's happening. This morning Orihime and Ribbons will be given special attention! GIR will be sending robots to Orihime's house to pamper her senseless and give her candy and as for Ribbons, congratulations, you will be sent a huge shipment of tacos with bacon in them.

Comment as you would any other day post and have fun~))
[action | open...I guess?]
25 July 2010 at 09:42 pm
[It's much too late for anyone to be up right now! At least to GIR, that is, and even though he'd love to wake up the whole dome he'd rather keep this whole thing a surprise. So, in the early morning he ventures off in search of Acumen, minus his doggy suit because apparently that didn't work last time. Acumen can't just be a disembodied voice, can it?

And then, right up ahead: an unsuspecting robot cleaning up some trash off the side of the street. Is that Acumen? What if it is? It's a robot, so it must be! GIR giggles and tiptoes up behind it with the utmost of care.]

Babies, babies, babies~

[If he can't convince Acumen from the outside, then he'll have to try on the inside, right? So, concentrated look on his face, GIR pops his head open, shoots a few dangly bits of wire out and suddenly there's a bright spark, a giddy laugh...and GIR's body greyed out and completely unoperational.

But don't worry. He still has room to laugh. And maybe, just maybe, you'll hear it in your nightmares.]


((ooc: Sorry for the late;; I was out all day. GIR is in a fairly undisclosed location, but I you want you can react if you want to either the giggling or the molestation. ♥ Get a good night's sleep, Marina.))
13 July 2010 at 02:29 pm
[The video comes on, showing Orihime sitting on her bed, cross-legged, with her still-damp hair piled on her head in a neat bun. She is surrounded by various stuffed animals, and her yellow Haro, and beams at the camera.]

Ta-daaa! Orihime's Amazing Plushie Emporium! I just wanted everyone to know that if you asked me for a stuffed animal, I got them all done. [holding up two cute dogs] For Rayflo-san... [and a stuffed cat and a catnip mouse] For Cielo-san... and I made a matching one for Kururugi-kun, but I already gave it to him at his birthday party.

[and a Chappy doll, and she giggles] And one for Kuchiki-san, too.

[brightly] The others I just made for decoration. [there's a little pig, and a little tiger, and a little bear] I'm working on C.C.-san's sundress and I have to fix Heiwajima-san's shirt... But then I can make anyone else something if they want.
[video | open]
12 July 2010 at 11:57 pm

[Clink clink clink and then he picks up a cute little biology text book he found while browsing the library so he can show it to everyone! GIR can read, actually, yes! ...Though he's holding the book upside down. He flips to a page and starts to point to one he's been very interested in!]

Does anybody know where I can find one-a THEEEESE???

[And, ta-dah: a picture...of a penis.]

((ooc: s-sob. I'm so sorry.))