[action | open...I guess?]
25 July 2010 at 09:42 pm
[It's much too late for anyone to be up right now! At least to GIR, that is, and even though he'd love to wake up the whole dome he'd rather keep this whole thing a surprise. So, in the early morning he ventures off in search of Acumen, minus his doggy suit because apparently that didn't work last time. Acumen can't just be a disembodied voice, can it?

And then, right up ahead: an unsuspecting robot cleaning up some trash off the side of the street. Is that Acumen? What if it is? It's a robot, so it must be! GIR giggles and tiptoes up behind it with the utmost of care.]

Babies, babies, babies~

[If he can't convince Acumen from the outside, then he'll have to try on the inside, right? So, concentrated look on his face, GIR pops his head open, shoots a few dangly bits of wire out and suddenly there's a bright spark, a giddy laugh...and GIR's body greyed out and completely unoperational.

But don't worry. He still has room to laugh. And maybe, just maybe, you'll hear it in your nightmares.]


((ooc: Sorry for the late;; I was out all day. GIR is in a fairly undisclosed location, but I you want you can react if you want to either the giggling or the molestation. ♥ Get a good night's sleep, Marina.))
[Action|Now CLOSED]
21 April 2010 at 08:23 pm
Warning: Vampires do bite. )

{OOC: Yeah so...Aidou's starting to be controlled by his instincts, which are telling him that something is wrong with him and he needs to do something to save himself. For a vampire...that means he's wanting blood. Fair warning to anyone who doesn't want the possibility of their character being bitten.

ETA: Okay, so logically, Aidou won't be attacking dozens of people because Zero would stop him. So no more new characters being thrown in here unless you've asked for permission from me. Thanks!}
05 April 2010 at 08:25 pm
[Before you can hear any voice, it was more of chains shaking sound. Waking up with that present, and one little bot that flew around him, a small buzzing noise, before resting on his shoulder. Finally, someone spoke up. It was a man, who sound pretty well, after reading the message.]

How surprising. Can't lie about the crimes, however. [Smirks a little.]

Would anyone care to give me the smaller details about this place~?
[ voice ]
01 April 2010 at 04:21 pm
Days like today are good days for tea or hot cocoa, and a large bay window.

I've always enjoyed thunderstorms. Tends to remind us how powerful Mother Nature is.

... incidentally, there is a very large plate of lemon sugar cookies in the shelter kitchen. I certainly cannot manage to eat them all myself.
Mood: pensive
Location: Shelter/Afternoon
[action | open]
01 April 2010 at 12:49 am
[Deidara is standing out in the rain somewhere in sector 5, just chuckling a little. His hands are held palms upward, the mouths open and catching the artificial rain on their tongues.]
01 April 2010 at 12:53 am
W...What's with all the wet stuff falling down from above and the big sharp lights and the loud crashing BOOM sounds outside?! What...What's happening? Nana doesn't know what's going on!
[Video / Action]
17 March 2010 at 05:33 pm
[The video comes into focus and reveals a young girl's face, pale and soft with big red eyes, framed by blonde hair. There is movement in the background - she is walking through a building, which some may recognize as the shelter. If one listens carefully, they can hear the sound of something very heavy being dragged with each step.

She is smiling, tremulously - a smile that movement might shatter, and she does not look directly into the camera. The audio feed cuts in during speech:]

--ama. O-nee-sama. O-nee-samaaa.

Is this a game we're playing? )