16 September 2010 at 05:51 pm
[...It's been no good. There's no finding that plushie of Kobato's, and he did look. And what was he supposed to say, anyway? Somehow, talking to a little screen seemed wrong.

Was she crying again? For some reason, Kiyokazu couldn't stand that thought. He just had to take care of her for Sayaka! He wasn't...going out of his way or anything. He felt like it. That was it.

But first he had to find her. And the only way to do that was...with the communicator. Dammit.]

Hey, girl--Kobato. [He makes the correction, remembering that she's hardly the only girl here.] Where are you?

[He's moving even as he calls. The shelter was the first place to start looking for her, right?]
12 August 2010 at 08:22 am
[ Asuka's walking to and fro across the park green. Once she reaches a particular point, she turns around sharply to walk straight back to the beginning. Over and over and over again. She looks a bit absentminded, like her mind is somewhere far away. ]

[ Anyone who sticks around to watch will see Asuka finally stop in the middle, clutch her head, and mutter to herself. ]

--stupid. I hate her. I hate, hate, hate her.
29 July 2010 at 06:02 pm
Do a little daaaaance.

[Suddenly, more demanding,] OBEY. [GIR laughs while he orders some angry bots to escort every single one of you to one of the parks. Fighting back will only result in punishment...and believe him, you don't want to know what GIR has cooked up for you then.

While you walk you may notice that dawn has suddenly become night again, the lighting is still working though it's all very...vibrantly colored and disco-y--maybe a strobe light here and there--and that the once peaceful silence has turned into blaring techno.

GIR starts to sniffle happily.]

Y-you're all so beautiful.

OOC info under the cut! )
[ action / open ]
27 July 2010 at 05:07 pm
[ After making sure Sakura was safe, Kamui has made his way to the Dolphin Observation Deck, and situated himself on the highest possible point -- a lamp post nearby. The angle still gives him a view of the water below; there's a comforting feeling, looking down on a large quantity of water in the semi-dark. Familiarity helps with the hunger gnawing at him, even though there is no one ever slated to come out of those depths -- the dolphins don't count. He's as hungry now as he was then, but there are no sick and dying people to help along this time. With the insane robot now in charge, he's concerned (and kicking himself for no longer hoarding packets). He rests his hand on his knee, and then his chin on that.

Subaru... ]
Mood: broody/hungry
Location: Dolphin Observation Deck / Mid-morning
[Action | Voice | Video ]
21 July 2010 at 03:22 pm

[Running at full speed which admittedly isn't all that fast, Kobato can be seen sprinting down one of the many streets of the dome, holding her hat as she goes. Looking frazzled with a red mark on her face from where she slept on the floor after rolling off her futon she closes her eyes and pushes herself to run faster]

It...It's my first day of school and I'm already late! [skdfls ;O;] How did this happen!?

[Gasping for breath she slows to a walk before bending over and leaning on her legs. Just a short pause to breathe.]

[OOC: Guess who stayed up too late last night? Also, she's probably running in the wrong direction, all worked up from being late. Feel free to stop or correct her! She can be running or paused. ♥]
17 July 2010 at 08:49 pm
[You know what time it is? SUKIYAKI TIME.

By which we mean, the video clicks on to the sizzle of a sukiyaki pot, and a very cranky Kiyokazu who doesn't like letting other people cook for him. Even robots. Trouble is, it's too much for one person.]

Oi, Kobato. Get over here, and bring that growly-voiced friend, or whatever. There's too much.

[There's a long, long pause.]

Those twins from before. And anyone, too. There's a lot; don't let it get wasted.

[He's not apologizing! He just hates wasting food. :T Ingredients cost money.]
[video//voice + action for Kaoru as always]
16 July 2010 at 11:17 am
Oi! Listen up!

Many of you lived the life of a commoner before coming here. Don't even try to deny it! We all know this is true, and it's painfully obvious who some of you are!

So! Let's play a game, you commoners!

[Points at you. YEAH! YOU!]

Tell me about the games you played during your pathetic commoner life back on your world!

I want to know, because I want to try something new! And then maybe we can have a big get together and play the game that sounds the best!

[Yeah, as much as he dislikes most people, HE IS SO BORED.]
13 July 2010 at 10:57 pm
[ //open// late morning ]
[After the party, Allen drifts off to the pet cafe. He's just standing outside, looking through the window at the animals playing inside and smiling sentimentally to himself. It is completely sappy. Feel free to come bother him...!]

[ //closed// afternoon ]
[...until later in the afternoon. When he finally pries himself up and sets off in the opposite direction, to the house where he knows Road is staying. He'll try the obvious and knock, to see if she's there.]
[voice that is accidental for a good cause!]
09 July 2010 at 06:44 pm
[there's just this loud smacking noise as a communicator gets thrown at Lero's head - pushing the button as it hits the poor umbrella in the face.]


Be quiet Lero. [lots of clanging - and is that the sound of something burning? Dear God it is]

[Road huffs.]

This is stupid. I don't - [pause as she slams something down violently] It's green. Is it supposed to be-?

[sizzling- and Road yelps in pain.]

Road-tama should be more careful, lero! What would the Earl say if he saw Road-tama like this, lero-

[and it gets cut off as Road picks up something else to fling at the poor umbrella]

I said be quiet!

[ KO ]

ooc: Road is cooking! because who else is going to do it? and trying very hard not to show that she is obviously affected by the absence of the Earl. sob. Action's always open for Tyki.