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Aug. 5th, 2013


Really long day. Here's to working for the weekend.


English is hard, but anything can be learned if you try hard enough. And this...internet makes it very easy to find words that are hard.

So I wish to introduce myself to everyone, in English.

Bonjour, my name is Fantine. Cosette's mother, although that is a great shock to me as she was just a little girl when last I saw her. I am not afraid of hard work, and I am very grateful to all that we have been given here. My own home! It is a dream come true. They seem to be very kind people here, yes? And I just want to give my heartfelt thanks to all here who have given us another chance.


I guess we're not going home anytime soon? I...I think I might be okay with that. I kind of like it here. It's quiet. Nothing like Chicago, and no monsters trying to kill us, and I...I feel better than I have in a long while.

I was hoping maybe that I could find some work here, something a few hours a day, maybe as an assistant in an office, or a receptionist somewhere. I'm still...injured, but I'm getting better and I need to contribute somehow.

Aug. 4th, 2013


I am not enjoying these nightmares.  Is there a cure for those in this time? I am still so unsure about everything.  I could use a distraction or way of healing myself of the pain that continues to visit me every time I close my eyes.  I would like to get more than an hour or two of sleep per night.

Aug. 3rd, 2013


It's been a great day so far. I think I'm going to take Cash for a run and then scare up something for dinner.


Thanks for the party, guys.

Aug. 1st, 2013


"No matter what situation we find ourselves in, we can always set our compass to our highest intentions in the present moment." - Jack Kornfield

I don't know. I discovered it flipping through an old book that followed me here. Fitting, but still corny.

...No pun intended.

Have people arrived with pets? If you can't find them, do they end up in some kind of i-am-not-from-here pound? I'm looking for a dragon. He's purple and answers to Lockheed. I'm hoping he didn't get swept up in this insanity, but if he's somewhere else around here, I need to find him.

Don't worry. He doesn't bite unless you're name is Pete Wisdom.

Jul. 30th, 2013


Bonnie's gone.


I like this place much better than New York. It is a lot quieter and there are not as many people. The only bad thing is that I am still in human form. I suppose I have gotten somewhat used to that though but it still feels strange. I also need to find a job. I worked at a tea shoppe in New York. Is there anything like that here?

Jul. 29th, 2013


All right ladies (and gentlemen- there you go, Captain). All of you. Every single one of you.

We all could do to bond and get along a bit more so I figured this would be a fun little exercise.

Comment with one or two or five of the hottest celebrity guys that you admire.

I like Leonardo Dicaprio. And Adam Levine.

[OOC: No more pics guys, sorry. I didn't realize because it's an alternate universe, pics won't exist here.]


Err, Case? Last night was out of this world and all but I didn't exactly expect to end up literally out of this world. Where the hell am I? Wow, I must have hit my head harder than I thought.

Pledges Spidey? Is this your doing?

Jul. 27th, 2013


So while the guys are playing football, who wants to come over and watch a movie, ladies?

Jul. 25th, 2013


Well that's just fucking great.


Not everything is as it seems in Lincoln River. New people are arriving every day and, with them, they bring their secrets and their lies.

Isn't it terrible when the one you want doesn't want you? Wouldn't you do almost anything to forget that feeling of loneliness?

...Or would you instead have sex with someone who looks suspiciously similar to the golden girl you can't have?

Rumor has it, that's exactly what one salty dog has been up to lately. Let's just hope he doesn't end up getting a shock when it all comes crashing down around him. Playing with emotions never has a fairytale ending.


[Filtered, private to Elizabeth Tudor]

Though we are sisters but by blood, I find that in these modern times, our world has been torn apart. I wish not to be dramatic, but the concept that your mother is here, stating that Father perfected the art of divorce yet at the same time she insists that she wishes nothing to do with him is a bit unnerving for someone in my position. I will never recognize her as my mother, as she is not. She is responsible for the death of my own mother, whether or not she will ever take responsibility for her actions. But, for the sake of appearances to those in this modern time, it may do us well to appear as though we are on friendly terms. What say you, sister?

[Filtered away from King Henry, her father]

For those who requested dresses, I have some prepared. However, I'm unfamiliar with what is considered a fair price for such handmade clothing these days. Please do not mention any of this to my father. As much as I do not like secrecy, it seems it is needed in this moment.

Well, as my father has asked me previously, is there any position fit for a former lady?

Jul. 24th, 2013


I think the worse thing that happened on shift today was a call about someone finding their flowers trampled. That was after four cups of coffee.

Jul. 23rd, 2013


I took a few days for myself, to get settled, and what not. Now I think it's time to get off my duff and get to work.

Jul. 20th, 2013


Wow, I had a rough night, and I didn't even drink. Apparently in my disoriented state, I forgot Steve and I were neighbors, and I'm honestly still not even sure how I got to his house.

Excedrin? Yes, please.

Jul. 19th, 2013


You know it's Friday when you're picking the town drunk up at 8 A.M.

I think he broke my finger. Fuck.

Jul. 18th, 2013


I have been here long enough now that I might require some form of funds in order to continue as I am. I have several dresses that I have made since arriving here, thanks to Captain Kirk assisting me with purchasing the material to do so.

Would anyone care for dresses? I could sell them reasonably decently, though I must first seek out the prices. I am not certain how much things cost these days, though it seems money is entirely different here. I do not know what is a dollar, for that matter, or how much it is worth.

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