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Aug. 15th, 2013


Got an announcement.

After talking with my colleague and looking around town, I've decided to start my own medical practice. It's gonna take a little time to get an actual office but I want everyone to know once it's up and running it's a safe haven. I'm working on getting the supplies needed to run things out of my home for the time being. So if your condition's a bit peculiar (or you're not strictly speaking human) call me. And if you can't reach me contact Jim Kirk or Christine Chapel, they'll know where to find me.

I'll also make house calls, if the situation calls for it.


Okay with a resume finally typed up I finally get to go around applying for jobs. Here's hoping it turns out alright.

Aug. 11th, 2013


Well damn that's a lot of moving vans around the place.

Christine? Mary? Bones? Khan? Who's here?

Aug. 6th, 2013


Hey I thought I should warn you in person as it seems you haven't realised. Bones is here but he's my Bones. I've already met him in person and I can swear on my life that he would never do what your Bones did.

Aug. 5th, 2013


Well damn looks like Shizuka's gone.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


My God, what the hell is going on? How did I get here?

Jul. 21st, 2013


I've been thinking about this job thing lately and I still haven't found one. Instead I am thinking of perhaps going back to college to do something with the sciences here? Mostly I don't know exactly what I want to do mostly as being a Starfleet Captain doesn't leave for much transferable skills in this place though I did plenty of college courses when I was a child so I do have experience in that area. Or perhaps Business Management and open up my own store?

What do people think?

Jul. 18th, 2013


I have been here long enough now that I might require some form of funds in order to continue as I am. I have several dresses that I have made since arriving here, thanks to Captain Kirk assisting me with purchasing the material to do so.

Would anyone care for dresses? I could sell them reasonably decently, though I must first seek out the prices. I am not certain how much things cost these days, though it seems money is entirely different here. I do not know what is a dollar, for that matter, or how much it is worth.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that this is not the afterlife.

Jul. 1st, 2013


okay. Fine. How did you get a job here?

Jun. 26th, 2013


I really want to go swimming.

Jun. 23rd, 2013


I guess I should find something to do with my days here besides spend time with the lovely ladies. Shizuka I definitely enjoyed our evening together and would love to do something again.

So what do all of you do around here to keep yourself entertained?

Jun. 19th, 2013


I'm just going to say a few things right off the bat, mostly directed to the new people here.

I'm an alcoholic and like it or not, I speak my fucking mind. I come from a post apocalyptic future and lived most of my life below ground, which is why you'll see me wearing sunglasses most of the time. English is my third language, your pop culture references are three hundred years old. You're free to ask me anything, but don't mention my kid, ever. And every once in a while, I blow up - literally. Most of the time, I swallow painkillers and I don't care what I wash them down with.

I also don't care how much of a big bad you are. I really don't. In here, you're just Mr and Mrs Smith. And you're gonna stay it.


I would love to get to know all of you better. If you would like, fill out my little survey.

- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- What do you like to do?


A Gala? That sounds interesting.

Would anyone like to come with me? I can treat you to a wonderful night.

You going?

Jun. 18th, 2013


As of today I am now gainfully employed. Meet the newest member of the Lincoln River Hospital Emergency Room staff. I'm going to have to figure out how to work the antique equipment but it shouldn't be too hard. I always knew my medical archaeology degree would come in handy sometime.

Also would anybody around here like to teach me how to drive and tell me where to buy a car? Cars from the 23rd century are quite a bit different from the ones here so I haven't a clue. I'm tired of walking everywhere.


This is bullshit.


hello/// where am i/ i don't understand what is this. my name is mary tudor. am i doing this...right/

Jun. 16th, 2013


Why hello everyone, I'm Jim and have just gotten here. I have to say this wasn't what I was expecting when I took over Captaincy - far from it in fact. I have to say while I don't like being kidnapped like this especially when I need to get my revenge on Nero but seriously some of the chicks I've seen around are hot. If you want some fun, perhaps show me the town I'm more than happy for you to do so.