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Aug. 5th, 2013


While it is impossible to lower myself so far as to engage in commerce, it has come to my attention that it is important that I find a way to earn money so that I might not disgrace the honor of my daughters.

I am a well-learned man, perhaps I might teach in a local university, or work with students in some sense. Would such a thing be possible, in this world?

Jul. 29th, 2013


I find myself missing my lessons as well as my horses.

May I have permission to come see you?

Jul. 22nd, 2013


It has taken some time I have finally learned how to operate this device. I am Anne Boleyn for those of you that I have not met.

This seems to be the place to ask questions and I have one.

If one was married before one arrived here and this is a different time, does that mean that you are still married? If so, how does one go about getting a divorce? Because I would like to acquire one as soon as possible.

Jul. 18th, 2013


I have been here long enough now that I might require some form of funds in order to continue as I am. I have several dresses that I have made since arriving here, thanks to Captain Kirk assisting me with purchasing the material to do so.

Would anyone care for dresses? I could sell them reasonably decently, though I must first seek out the prices. I am not certain how much things cost these days, though it seems money is entirely different here. I do not know what is a dollar, for that matter, or how much it is worth.

Jul. 14th, 2013


Seems like the cupcakes were a hit, and I really enjoyed making them. Guess I can do this normal thing, after all.

Jul. 11th, 2013


Filtered away from Elena, Klaus, Elijah and Katherine


I'm not ready yet!



Jul. 9th, 2013


Well blow smoke up me arsehole and call me Shirly. Ain't this fucking tip top? Where the fuck are we and who has a spliff they wanna share?

Jul. 5th, 2013


Mary, Elizabeth, I have been told that you are here.

I should like to speak to both of you, in turn.


I am not certain how to make this a private entry, but Captain James Kirk? If you are here? I' your assistance, please.