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Aug. 16th, 2013


I seem to have broken my promise to myself to use this thing more than I have been. While I do love learning new things, this is perhaps a touch too foreign for myself right at this particular moment. Perhaps in time I will come to regularly check it rather in dribs and drabs as I have been so far since I have learned how to use it.

I have been using my time here to learning how to further educate myself in new subjects as well as the areas I was learning back home. Even the ones I was undertaking at home are even more advanced here which is intriguing and is therefore a pleasure to learn more things.

I am yet to have any luck finding any stables though here which is a shame. There is nothing quite like a ride during the afternoon or anytime as it is. Still I am making do here as much as I can.

Aug. 5th, 2013


English is hard, but anything can be learned if you try hard enough. And this...internet makes it very easy to find words that are hard.

So I wish to introduce myself to everyone, in English.

Bonjour, my name is Fantine. Cosette's mother, although that is a great shock to me as she was just a little girl when last I saw her. I am not afraid of hard work, and I am very grateful to all that we have been given here. My own home! It is a dream come true. They seem to be very kind people here, yes? And I just want to give my heartfelt thanks to all here who have given us another chance.


While it is impossible to lower myself so far as to engage in commerce, it has come to my attention that it is important that I find a way to earn money so that I might not disgrace the honor of my daughters.

I am a well-learned man, perhaps I might teach in a local university, or work with students in some sense. Would such a thing be possible, in this world?

Jul. 29th, 2013


I find myself missing my lessons as well as my horses.

May I have permission to come see you?

Jul. 22nd, 2013


It has taken some time I have finally learned how to operate this device. I am Anne Boleyn for those of you that I have not met.

This seems to be the place to ask questions and I have one.

If one was married before one arrived here and this is a different time, does that mean that you are still married? If so, how does one go about getting a divorce? Because I would like to acquire one as soon as possible.

Jul. 18th, 2013


I have been here long enough now that I might require some form of funds in order to continue as I am. I have several dresses that I have made since arriving here, thanks to Captain Kirk assisting me with purchasing the material to do so.

Would anyone care for dresses? I could sell them reasonably decently, though I must first seek out the prices. I am not certain how much things cost these days, though it seems money is entirely different here. I do not know what is a dollar, for that matter, or how much it is worth.

Jul. 12th, 2013


[posted in French]

I would like to invite all my friends and fellow French speakers for dinner on Sunday night for national day. I would cook everything of course, but if anyone would like to help, that would be wonderful! I just think it would be the perfect occasion to get together and get to know each other better.

Jul. 11th, 2013


It's hard to get used to this place.


[In French]

I -

I'm sorry, but is this...Heaven?

Jul. 3rd, 2013


I have just been shown how to use this device. It is quite odd is it not? I am not sure what to make of it but the fact that others can sit here and read what I am typing is intriguing if not odd. I have been here for awhile but I am still getting used to this place it is so different to my home.