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Jul. 18th, 2013


Wonder what's happening at home. Hope everyone's alright.

Jul. 17th, 2013


Oh hey, the pool is here just in time for this heat! And we don't even have to set it up.

God, I cannot wait to get in.

Jul. 16th, 2013


Nothing like listening to Seger and attempting to recreate a scene from Risky Business while cleaning. Happy Tuesday everyone.

Jul. 15th, 2013


So is there a place to go dancing in this town?

Not that I'm up for it yet, of course, but it's something to work towards. I used to love clubs, in Chicago.


In French

Is there someone here who would help me learn English? So many people type and write on these devices and I feel rather out of the loop of things.


So, yeah. It was Monday, but now it's AwesomeDay.


Hello? Is this thing on?

Jul. 14th, 2013


As much as I love sitting around this house pretending to be Martha Stewart, something in the form of a job would be great. Just don't ask me to host a book club or anything like that.


Screened to Tesla Spencer ([info]alset)

I screened this from your beau because no doubt if he read it he would start loudly protesting and claiming I have an uncouth interest in his daughter to everyone who would listen. I get it, he's a protective sort, but even I don't need that sort of reputation.

I've no need of that money I won at the poker game, so you ought take it for the wee lassie. I don't suggest you give it to the girl at once and let her go wild in a candy store, but I don't want the money and at least this way it'll be going to someone who deserves it, yes? You needn't even tell anyone where you got it.


I think my dog loves to run as much as my boyfriend does.


I had a really nice time last night.

Jul. 13th, 2013


Well, that's certainly a pick-up line.

Cut for images )


The pool is ordered. Planning a girl's night in for me and the munchkin, if anyone else isn't going to the game, you're welcome to join us.

Jul. 12th, 2013



I'd be up to being employed again. I'm good with computers. Very good. Maybe get my hands on a few files too.

Jul. 11th, 2013


Uh, thanks for the flowers I guess, but I wasn't really that mad.


Why can't everyone just be happy?


filtered from Klaus, Katherine, & Elijah

So...this morning after a very long labor (way too long) I gave birth to a healthy little girl! :D Her name is Miranda Rose Salvatore-Gilbert Gilbert-Salvatore (because Damon says so) and she's a few hours old now! I'm so glad my pregnancy is over and now I get to hold her in my arms.

And as I've told Damon more than a few times already, I knew we would have a girl.


Filtered away from Elena, Klaus, Elijah and Katherine


I'm not ready yet!



Jul. 10th, 2013


Is there anyone here I can actually trust or are you all serial killers and vampires? false alarm. Nothing to see here, folks.


Anybody wanna get a beer tonight?

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