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Aug. 28th, 2010


RP: Secret Blown Open

Characters: Parker, Chase
Time/Date: After midnight, August 28
Location: Hotel roof
Warnings/Rating: Mild language, possible Leverage spoilers
Summary: Parker is a mess after Rand's reading her is played over the network
Status: Complete

Only 5 people knew what happened. )

Aug. 27th, 2010


RP: This wasn't Berk

Characters: Astrid, Booth
Time/Date: Late afternoon, August 27
Location: Lobby-ish
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Astrid is not pleased and wants some answers
Status: Complete

It was warm and there were no dragons )


RP: Didymus has been 'shopping'

Characters: Sir Didymus and OPEN
Time/Date: August 27, late afternoon
Location: Outside the Hotel
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: He's found some food.
Status: Player drop

Meat! )

Aug. 26th, 2010


RP: Target Practice

Characters: Jaime, Jayne
Time/Date: Afternoon, August 26
Location: far end of the island
Warnings/Rating: Jayne's ... mouth. and Jaime's mouth. but not together.
Summary: Jaime wants to learn some new tricks, so she goes to the guy with the biggest gun
Status: Closed

Click click Boom! )

Aug. 25th, 2010


RP: One ginger or two?

Characters: Scully and Snape
Time/Date: August 25, after this
Location: The Library area
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: His search for reading material is interrupted.
Status: Complete

She had burned that bridge long ago... )


RP: Tired of the Games

Characters: Lily, Harry
Time/Date: after this, August 25
Location: Kitchen
Warnings/Rating: Tired, annoyed Lily?
Summary: Lily isn't sure who the conversation was meant to attack, but is displeased all the same
Status: Complete

I died the day you disappeared, so why would you be welcome here? // Ride the wind that brought you back away )


RP: The Finder In Hiding

Characters: Jaime, Dug
Time/Date: afternoon, August 25
Location: Pool
Warnings/Rating: Maybe swears, definitely angst
Summary: Jaime tries to hide from what everyone heard
Status: Complete

Oh, god )

Aug. 24th, 2010


RP: Hearing Voices

Characters: River, Chase
Time/Date: August 24th, after this hits the net
Location: Second floor. She's pacing up and down it.
Warnings/Rating: There's potential for swearing and limb flailing that could result in injury - someone is not handling the situation very well.
Summary: River doesn't react well to her life being broadcast for 'the world' to hear. Chase thinks it's funny and torments her for it. She kicks him, potentially breaking his jaw. He departs, leaving her miserable.
Status: Complete

Sad little king of a sad little hill )


RP: A Very Magical Meeting

Characters: Lily, Magius, Tyler, Balthazar, Remus, Reid, Severus // Lily, Merrick
Time/Date: Evening, August 24
Location: Kitchen
Warnings/Rating: Magic!
Summary: The magicians compare notes
Status: Wrapped up

Do you believe in magic? )

Aug. 23rd, 2010


RP: Brewing

Characters: Lily and Severus
Time/Date: August 23, after this
Location: Room 215
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: Making Wolfsbane
Status: Private, Complete

His every instinct railed against such a thing... )


RP: Criminals

Characters: Spike, Parker
Time/Date: Late afternoon, August 23
Location: Parker's room (403)
Warnings/Rating: Language, most likely
Summary: Spike and Parker meet for a discussion.
Status: Wrapped Up/Complete

We're both criminals, after all... )


Rp: Waking Up is Hard to Do - - -

Characters: David Bruce Banner and Sir Didymus
Time/Date: Afternoon, August 23
Location: In his room
Warnings/Rating: tl; dr/TBA
Summary: David wakes in a new place and meets a very strange stranger.
Status: Complete

He'd been falling, and dying]. He remembered dying... )


RP: Scalpel Hunting...

Characters: Severus and OPEN Simon
Time/Date: August 23, afternoon
Location: The infirmary (aka Rm 216)
Warnings/Rating: Low (one mild swear word)
Summary: Scalpel hunting (at least on his end)
Status: Complete

Nipping across the hall wasn't too large an imposition. )


RP: Miserable Little Thief

Characters: Parker, open
Time/Date: Early Morning, August 23
Location: Her room for now
Warnings/Rating: TBA
Summary: Parker's awake and musing.
Status: Open, ongoing

To raid or not to raid, that is the question? )

Aug. 22nd, 2010


RP: Arrival

Characters: Jasper, Alice
Time/Date: Evening, August 22
Location: 3rd floor
Warnings/Rating: None Possibly Rsmut
Summary: Jasper arrives
Status: Complete

It was a familiar smell ... )


RP: After the Fire

Characters: Isadora, Iridia, Spike
Time/Date: Afternoon, August 22
Location: library area, lobby
Warnings/Rating: none to speak of
Summary: Dora pitches in with the clean up
Status: Complete

They'd certainly done a job on the place )


RP: Moody people meeting.

Characters: Xena and Severus Snape
Time/Date: August 22
Location: Hallway outside his room
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: The two most moody, brooding people on the island meet.
Status: Private, ongoing.

Read more... )


RP:Wounded Souls Can Only Find Solace with Another

Characters: Gwen Cooper, Jack Harkness
Time/Date: Night, August 21
Location: His room
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for now
Summary: Gwen realizes she should not be alone
Status: Private, ongoing

Darkness of the heart can only be cured by friends. )


RP: Not ready for this

Characters: Tyler, Lizzy
Time/Date: Night, August 21
Location: the pool
Warnings/Rating: None?
Summary: Tyler contemplates and tries to deal
Status: complete

The fake stars were pretty )

Aug. 21st, 2010


RP: I want to help

Characters: Kyle, Simon, Jaime, Parker, River, Mal, Faith
Time/Date: evening/night August 21
Location: Infirmary
Warnings/Rating: none?
Summary: Kyle wants to feel useful
Status: Complete

Helpful Kyle was Helpful )

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November 2010



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