Gooseberry High OOC

March 2017


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Posts Tagged: '%21+plotting'

Mar. 13th, 2017



[No Subject]

lmao three ooc mod posts in one day sorry sorry sorry

Hey all! Would anyone like to take [Senior Student N] or [Senior Student O] in the plot calendar? These are free-for-all, so doubles are allowed. Done! Thank yooou :)

Mar. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey TEAM GOOSEBERRY KIDDOS! I totally zoned and forgot to post about the mandatory team shindig Clem had you all participate in this afternoon.

It was a fairly low key affair in which her primary goal was to get people to relax and have fun, because we're all competitive perfectionist assholes here and she knows that a couple of you are probably stressed out about the game (SHE IS FOR SURE). Activities included:
  • Human Knot, the teambuilding game where you all hold hands at random and then have to untie yourselves.
  • Spider Web, a physical puzzle in which you have to get each member of the team through a different hole of the web and can't touch the threads of the web. This is usually a low ropes course thing but in this case was done with a ~magically conjured~ web, because fuck it, we're wizards. Clem set up the web so that there are only 4 holes you can feasibly get through without someone picking you up.
  • Freeze!, the improv game in which two people improvise a scene and anyone watching can "freeze" them, tag in, and unfreeze improvising a totally unrelated scene with the same positions.
  • A game Clem calls Mountain Lion, in which she is the mountain lion (natch) and you are all deer. She stands in a marked circle (the watering hole), which you may approach from any angle. You can only move when she's not looking at you. If she sees you moving, you're out. The goal is to get part of your body into the circle without her noticing.
  • Ten Fingers, which is like Never Have I Ever without the alcohol. She's gonna try to keep people on task asking non-dirty questions for this game, cause her intention is that you learn about some cool life experiences your teammates have that you didn't know about, not gauge their sexual prowess.

If you guys wanna discuss how that all went this is the place to do it, but it's just gonna be an OOC and not a IC/OOC because it's been a long week and I am very tired.

Go go Goslings!

just some gifs )

Mar. 11th, 2017




Hey everyone! Tomorrow I'll be composing the list(s) of targets and kills that will take place for this minigame. The winner won't be announced until next Saturday, the 18th. Monday through Friday, I'll be posting a new batch of who was killed, and who the survivors' next targets are. The first lists will be posted Monday morning, when your character will find their plastic butterknife in their locker.

This post is for you to make requests. Please keep in mind this will mostly be random, but I can attempt to create certain match-ups if RNG is cooperative. (For instance, if RNG kills Clem, and Cameron really wants Ulysses to do the murdering, I'll try to arrange that. On the other hand, if Ulysses is killed before I can make that happen or I just can't get the Clem-knife in his hands, the request cannot be filled.)

  • Is there someone you want your character to kill?

  • Is there someone you would prefer they be killed by if they die?

  • Are there any combinations you'd rather NOT have happen to your character?

  • The list of participants is here!

Mar. 9th, 2017





Wanted Lines Meme: March )




The following is an announcement from Katie and Ali, who the mods would like to thank for their hard work:
Following Cecil's post about bullying on the journals, Cecil and Maggie collaborated to create a warded dropbox where students can report incidents of bullying on or off the journals, located here.

Cecil and Maggie may notify students of their upcoming detention (via the journals or in person), but regardless there will be a post every Friday by Cecil or Maggie that details: who has detention, where detention will occur, how long detention will last, and what the students with detention will be doing. This post will be public so everyone can know just what they're getting into if they break the rules, but be careful! Harassing the students that got detention can be a good way to end up there yourself.

The dropbox has three forms: the in-character form (for students that want to report other students in-game), the out-of-character form (for players who want to help out Katie and Ali by pointing out incidents that might be missed since Cecil and Maggie are trying to keep an eye on things as well as they can), and the dispute form (for students that get detention and want to argue their case!).

If you've got any questions, post them here or email Katie and Ali!

Cecil is hoping he'll get to post a lot of blank Friday detention lists, so be good students of Gooseberry! A week without detention may result in baked goods for all!
The mods are also on hand for questions (please excuse us if we're slow later in the day)! ♥

Mar. 7th, 2017




As this is a drastically shortened month, please we are limiting plot calendar spots to one per player, thank you!


Feb. 20th, 2017



REMINDERS: February 20

  • I'm about to tackle the Divination Tower! Thank you all for always being so patient. ♥

  • Absolute final call for the lottery event! We'll be selecting someone for it tonight, and the post announcing what happened will be up in the morning.

  • The Masquerade Ball is this Friday! Use this post to look for dates and make plans if you need to. Also feel free to ask us if you have any questions on the mechanics of the Anonymity Charm. You can also ask Calvin or Ravi IC questions, as the resident mod-played nerds and part-time glorified NPCs.

  • There will be a crafting session on Wednesday, February 22. Supplies will be provided by Event Committee with some of the extra funds accumulated by the flower delivery service. Do you guys want an IC/OOC for this? If so, can a kind volunteer player take a little pressure off the mods and post it? If no one is able to, then Mina will be the host. Thank you, Ivy and Laurel, for hosting the crafting party!
Time honored nosy mod tradition: Who are your characters' dates?




Cabin searches! All the Heads of House, plus Ms. Lilywhite and Mr. Covington, go to perform searches on cabins and lockers, looking for the stolen jewelry. But if they find contraband along the way, you'll have to face the consequences!

Luckily, Quinn Cunningham's plan was a success, allowing students across campus to hide their drugs and alcohol. What this means is that your character won't get in trouble unless you want them to. Staff is focused on finding the stolen jewelry, they're not interested in a witch hunt. As such, any minor offenses are likely to get off with a warning.

Locker searches will be done in the morning, during breakfast, with cabin searches happening immediately after. Cabin searches start with the freshmen cabins, and move up towards the senior cabins. Students will be asked to wait out by the fire pit while their cabin is being searched. Only male staff will search the boys' cabins, and only female staff will search the girls' cabins. Once they're finished, students will be allowed to return to their cabin. If contraband or something else troubling is found (i.e. something that makes staff concerned for the well-being of a student), they will be pulled aside privately to talk.

The search will be performed with Detection Spells, which will scan for contraband. There will be spells that will detect Dark artifacts, and can inspect areas in a X-ray-like fashion. They will automatically flag contraband items and concealment spells of any kind. If the spells get a hit on a forbidden item or any traces of spells meant to hide, deceive or disguise, the drawer/bed/box/etc. will be searched. If staff has an issue with something you own, e.g. a locked container with suspicious spells on it, they'll ask you to open it so they can inspect it. Long story short, your contraband must be out of the cabin to avoid being found.

As for who knew this was coming, yesterday...
Mr. Hightower told Ravinder Dhaliwal and Sun-mi Choi.

Mr. Merrill told Cecil Honeychurch, with the assumption he would inform Quinn Cunningham and Jesse McBride.

Ms. Rhee told Magdalen Gillis.

Ms. Vector told... nobody. You kids are accountable for yourselves.

Further specifics under the cut... )

Feb. 19th, 2017



VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Operation Save Our Butts (SOB)


if you have a non-azurcrest character with a cat/owl/raven-sized familiar who would help stash contraband, this post is for you! )

Feb. 13th, 2017




  • Last chance to submit Valentines! Tonight, I'll be formatting them all, and anything not there before I go to bed (~midnight mountain time) isn't getting posted! The submission box is HERE.

  • Galentines will be happening tonight. The mods will not be posting IC/OOCs, but you guys are welcome to do it for us!

  • Valentine's Day is tomorrow! There will be a small IC/OOC with an RNG contest open to couples.

  • Today, a list of all the couples in the school was posted in the lodge, including some characters who aren't couples. A freshman did it, and has added goofy "ratings" to each pairing. Examples might be: HOT HOT HOT, ALREADY MARRIED, DOOMED, WTF, LIZZIE & MR. DARCY, etc. What was said about your couple (or not-couple)?

    • Also, we have an opening for [Character O], who the freshmen making this list think is one half of a power couple with Sybilla Borgin. This slot is open to anyone to take! Plot calendar doubles are allowed. Taken! :)

  • Last chance to place your Quidditch bets! You have until 8 PM MST today, so head over HERE and start some illegal gambling!

Feb. 12th, 2017




The winners of Sophomore bonding each receive a box of planet-themed chocolates. They're enchanted so that you see beautiful swirling galaxies when you eat them. It's slightly disorienting, but very pretty!
  • Gabriela Flores
  • Joanna May
  • Calvin Evercreech
  • Micah St. Clair
  • Ariadne Flint
  • Frances Noble
  • Regan Hobbs
  • Gavin Ogletree
  • Estella Morales-Tran
  • Susana Velasquez
The winners of Senior bonding are allowed to plan the meal that will be served on Monday 2/13/14. Please respond to this post with your chosen menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Tess & Quinn
  • Honorable mentions go to:
    • Cecil & Rafael (For Cecil being actually good at this; Rafael sunk you.)
    • Laurel & Asher (For being so darn cute???)
    • Leo & Ravi (For being competitive.)
    • Robin & Isaiah (For loving Chopped.)
    • Levi & Chris (For... whatever that all was.)

Feb. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey guys, slowatus for me from now until Valentine's Day. I've got a lot of art projects on my plate in addition to mod work that I need to get done, and RP time and art time often overlap. I won't be totally absent, but I'm going to be even worse at long threads than I already am.

I'll be hitting those senior bonding tags and catching up with Calvin this afternoon/evening.

Please let me know if you want my characters for anything, particularly Valentine plans! ♥

-Meggie (Diego/Calvin/Rafael/Reid/Kenzie)

PS: Feel free to use this post as an ooc space to discuss Valentine Day's plans with one another, too. The tea in the gardens takes place during lunch and is happening on Tuesday. Also...


Feb. 9th, 2017




Hey everyone!

Your local Mean Girls are going to be trolling people on Valentine's Day, and I don't want to assume anything about what they would or would not know about your characters' love lives. As such, if you want to lend us a hand, please consider a few questions and maybe let us know...
Would they know who your character is dating?

Would they know who your character has a crush on? Is there anyone it might SEEM like they have a crush on?

Are there any messy love life details that are public knowledge?

What and who are you not okay with them going after?
As always, there's no guarantee they'll pick on anyone in particular so... I probably can't help you with specific requests. This is just to help give us ideas. THANKS.

Feb. 6th, 2017



ANNOUNCEMENT: Where's Wesley?

  • As many of you have gathered, Wesley Carpenter was pulled out of school by his parents and will not be returning. His roommates were informed today, and that information can be considered public knowledge.

  • That character name is going to remain untouched. Wes will remain part of game canon, and his PB will not be available for use.

  • In the future, the empty spot in the cabin is going to be filled by... Damon Evercreech. Damon will be a Hogwarts exchange student who came under special circumstances. He's the older brother of Calvin Evercreech ([info]evercreep), and will arrive when someone actually applies for him! This means that not only will you have a bratty little brother, but you'll get to play his arrival in America.

  • This will be finalized later, but if you're interested, you can contact Meggie for more information on the Evercreeches. She's willing to retcon elements of the Evercreech brothers to provide more flexibility.

Feb. 4th, 2017





Mwah! )

Feb. 1st, 2017





Wanted Lines Meme: February )

Jan. 31st, 2017




Please remember the new rule: each player is limited to one slot for the first 6 hours. After that, the only limit is one slot per character.


Jan. 30th, 2017




The following Animagus Studies characters can successfully make a full transformation as of February 1:
  • Nathaniel Bird: raccoon.

  • Reid Wainwright: mute swan.

  • Kurt Wolfhart: Australian shepherd.
What this means for you three is that any time from here on out you can choose to have your character make their first full transformation. It doesn't have to take place Feb 1, or any time in February for that matter. If you have any questions regarding the transformation please comment below.

A few things to note: Even if you have completed your transformation, you must continue to take and pass Animagus Studies. Ms. Rhee will be helping you to control your new form and navigate the legal proceedings. You must register with the MACUSA as well as the government of any other countries where you hold citizenship.

All school rules apply even if you're now a giant predator animal (or a tiny sneaky one), just be responsible pls children or Ms. Rhee will turn into a bear and eat you.

Jan. 23rd, 2017




A few reminders!
  • Remember to sign up for Quidditch tryouts HERE before the 29th! There will be an IC/OOC for tryouts, but decisions will be primarily made based on this little form.

  • Responding to Anonymous Writer's question next weekend increases your chance of being selected for the lottery event. :)

  • There's going to be a Grotto party February 3rd! :)))) Since that's such short notice, we're going to begin kissing game signups on this post HERE. Assume this party was in the works prior to staff's announcement. For references, the Grotto has always been off limits, but teachers are incapable of enforcing that due to the fact they can't find the damn thing.

Jan. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Ok ok ok ok.

I am obscenely behind on Rafael after the whole lock-in event. This is a gratuitous OOC post promising I'm getting to Wes, Leo, Quinn, Ty and like... everyone who was kind and checked in on Rafael or needed a response from him. Chris and Robin, assume all of his responses were cold, sharp anger, and he's been icy ever since. Coppertale lost like 100 points at Rafael's hands alone that day. Vector had to call him into her office to talk about it the next day.

I love you guys, your patience keeps me alive. ♥