Posts Tagged: 'x-player:+dana'

Dec. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

What? Dana is back again. Yes, yes she is. I have sorted out some real life things faster than I thought I would. Full-time break from rp was good. To make a clean start I decided to bring in a brand new character. My schedule has changed a fair bit since I was here last, aka not as much time as before so only going to have Bianca for sure. I have two jobs now, because I am crazy. Work my regular 8-4:17 government office job and then on Friday - Sunday I will be an assistant manager at a movie theatre. So, if I am at the office job I can rp a bit. If I am at theatre, I can sparingly reply to e-mails unless I am on break. Wee. So ultimately, what this means is I am most readily available Monday - Thursday in the evenings, and an ever changing schedule Friday - Sunday. Safe to say, if things happen on a Friday, I will be slow as I usually do double shift.

Okay, enough about my babble. Let's introduce my new Ribbonfin Sophomore. It seems there will be a lot of new characters coming because oh my god look at that holds page.

Bianca Dubois! She will respond to B more than she probably would to be Bianca, but I will always call her Bianca. Anyway, Bianca is 15, Ribbonfin Sophmore. She is French Canadian, and is fluent in French and English but sometimes she may phrase things oddly in English. She attended a French-speaking Magical school in Quebec. She is definitely one of those annoying people who doesn't need to try that hard to learn, but she does study. She will ALWAYS be late, she does not mean to disrespect she just has zero concept of time it just slips away from her. Bianca is a hot mess, she looks disorganized and her area of the cabin is a disaster sorry cabin mates. She is a good dueller, and likes the outdoors. She squeaks in her assignments at the last minute. She might snooze in class. All this aside, she is actually a pretty good friend, loyal, and a great listener. She would give up sleep to help a friend out and that is huge. She likes to avoid confrontation for the most part, unless she feels like she is absolutely right and then she is a stubborn pain the ass. If you want a full breakdown of her read her application.

Alright enough from me. Would love any and all plot you wish to throw at me and Bianca. Friends would be good, as well as people who don't like her.

Oh and should perhaps say, she is muggleborn...haha.

Oct. 20th, 2016



[No Subject]

Just as a heads up. I am going away for the weekend and I am not taking my lap top OH MY. So I will have my phone but if you need Anu or Charlotte please e-mail and let me know. I am leaving Friday after work and returning Home Sunday night. Mini vacation trip to the mainland (I live on a large island) for fright nights at the amusement park :) so excited. It is for my birthday, which is Tuesday! So yeah I will be slow this weekend but back Sunday night at least not when Walking Dead is on. AMC's birthday gift to me!

Oct. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

Hello it is Dana again, player of Anuhea. I am trying my hand again at a second character and I am hoping I jive more with her. I am thinking that I do already.

This is Charlotte Meer! She is a Sophomore Coppertale. The Meer's a pretty rich, but she will have you know she got into Gooseberry on her own thank you! Or at least she thinks she did her last name might have helped who knows. But that said she was a student near the top of her class before Gooseberry and does well here too. She is side-eyeing you, Calvin (who she shares every class with and most of her extracurriculars as I noticed this morning and that is funny). She attended Port Prep cause I saw it was in her area as she grew up in San Francisco, California. She is a bossy judgmental mean girl, she likes things to go her way. She is one of those awful mean girls who is not mean to your face but behind your back. She is cheerful and energetic outwardly and some people might think it fake since she has that nasty side. She always used to tell people they were breaking the rules before, and now she is a prefect. She breaks rules when it suits her, but don't get caught with her because she will throw you under the bus. She is selfish and kind of awful guys I am sorry. She is boisterous likes to get her opinion across and probably a bit argumentative. Aka she is one annoying 15 year old with a prefect badge, I am so sorry guys.

Also for fun fact of people who attended Port Prep or ever asked why she wanted to attend Gooseberry. She is the youngest of four (all redheads) and there was always this expectation she would be like one of them be it good or bad. She never felt she did anything for herself. So she decided to change tact and go to school somewhere else and it worked out. She is in Dueling and Event Committee but also is on the Coppertale Cheer Squad.

For Charlotte I need a few things and I will list them behind a cut:
Listing )

Sep. 26th, 2016



[No Subject]

I feel like Anuhea's icon represents my feels right now. Hmm what to do. I feel like I've been quiet with Anuhea and I missed a lot of intros. So I thought I would sort of semi-reintro her.

Quick points and stats about Anuhea. She is a Ribbonfin Senior. Chaser. In Animagus Advanced Study, Outdoor Exploration, and Archery. She is on a sports scholarship. She is a pretty calm and forgiving person, a bit quiet but totally independent and loyal. She is also super indecisive and prefers others to make decisions for her or for her just to land in one. Sometimes she makes horrible choices.

Anyway, I would love to establish some more connections for her. Here are a few ideas.
Ideas behind cut )

I welcome anything really even beyond the list. I would just love to feel a bit more established. If your characters don't like her that is cool too. I am up for people not getting along and stuff. Now I just feel like I am babbling though. Anyway, thanks for viewing her re-intro.

Sep. 10th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hello. It is Dana, again, the player of Anuhea. I decided to pick up a second. I like having an even number of characters for some reason. So Mackenzie Prince was born!

Mackenzie is born and raised in Canada as her mother Viola is from there. Where as, her other mom and birth mom is from the USA as she is Juliette Prince (she is a squib). She had a bit of a hippie like childhood her parents home schooled her and they didn't have a lot of rules. They just wanted to experience things and learn and grow from them. Viola is a fortune teller/seer and Juliette is a painter. Mackenzie herself is a hipster totally, she definitely says those awesome words of "Oh yeah I totally knew that band before they got popular". Music is a huge part of her life she learned to play guitar and piano as a kid. She listens to music a lot. Like she would definitely listen to it to fall asleep. She likes to be original and individual. Though as a bet she went to cheer tryouts. Look at that, she got on the team. Look at that she turned out she loves it. So, basically, she loves cheer and music. She has a larger class schedule than Anuhea and she does pretty average or above average in all of them. She also is not the most stereotypical Azurcrest but she has her moments. So she is Cheer Captain this year and is super stoked on life.

I am open for anything with her, so throw what you have at me and Mackenzie. Who I swear I will constantly spell McKenzie because it was a school I went too.

Aug. 13th, 2016



Pre-Opening Introductions


Welcome to Gooseberry High! This is the catch-all post for all character introductions before the game's opening on September 1st. Please comment below telling everyone about your characters, respond to their comments, goof off, plot, all of it! ♥