Posts Tagged: 'x-player:+emma+2'

Sep. 9th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hello my lovies! This is me being brave and asking if anyone would like to log. Full disclosure: I kinda of suck at writing longer tags unless something intense is happening. But yes! Logs! I love them!

(Totally screening comments in case no one wants to log.)

Sep. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hello darlings! I (Emma 2.0) am already back with my third character because apparently I'm very inspired by this game. You can read up on my other two here. Now let's make this quick because I'm running off to my parents for free food soon.

Xavier Rosales -- Ribbonfin senior. Originally went to a hippie-dippie magical school called Joshua Tree that makes Gooseberry look like a military school. Half-blood. Only child. Hails from Marfa, Texas, which is home to a rather large magical art community. Involved in Gaming, LARP, and (surprisingly) Dueling. Really embarrassed he is an indecisive Ribbonfin stereotype. His father is a famous magical artist, his mother runs a large art gallery, and he can't draw a flower to save his life. Read all about him (plus magical Marfa/Joshua Tree) here!

And now I go eat.

Sep. 4th, 2016



Hello lovely people of Gooseberry! I'm Emma 2.0 ([info]classical) and I'm really excited to be here. Umm. I'm a registered nurse and I work in the operating room, which means my job is pretty much a Monday through Friday gig. I like stuff and do things? The best way to get ahold of me is email since I can answer that at work even when I can do tagging. But enough about me and onto my characters!

Drusilla Goshawk ([info]language) -- Azurcrest senior. Originally Gryffindor. Half-blood. Youngest of nine children. From Inishmore, Ireland. Quidditch Keeper. Involved in Event Committee. Outdoor Exploration. Ridiculously outgoing and likes to push boundaries. Her grandmother wrote The Standard Book of Spells and her mother is famed Irish National Team Chaser Aoife Moran. Has an Irish accent. Read all about her here!

Ulysses Quayle ([info]postmodern) -- Ebonhide junior. Originally Pukwudgie. Pure-blood. Youngest of three children. From Olympus, Tennessee. Quidditch Chaser. Involved in Choir and Drama. Nice enough. Heavily involved in music and more on the quiet side. His father has quite the chatter of becoming the next president and his mother is basically magical Martha Stewart. Has a twangy accent. Read all about him (and Olympus) here!

Basically, I am up for basically anything. Friends, enemies, past relationships, etc. Give me everything please.