Posts Tagged: 'player:+marin'

Mar. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

yes i made a character journal for no reason even though we're moving. i had ambitions of tagging tonight. :'( BUT HELLO ALL it's Marin finally joining the 5 character train with Iliya Krum, Ebonhide junior boy. He's [personal profile] iliya over on dw and you can snoop him HERE.

rundown under the cut )

OKAY SO i know this is not an easy character to befriend, so please don't feel obligated to give me all your characters. i'd love a few friends (musicians or ebonhides???), and several people he keeps being pointlessly rude to because he doesn't know how to talk to you :(, and maybe history with people he went to Hogwarts with??? this is so incoherent im not awake

Jan. 11th, 2017



Sauna Access Cards

sometimes i do this thing where i go into photoshop or my coding program with this idle idea and then i emerge hours later, blinking into the light, and realize i've done nothing useful

but on the other hand i made some gooseberry hb/hg/prefect/captain badges!!!!!


Pop on over here for the rest of the badges. I don't even know what you'd do with them BUT HEY THEY'RE YOURS NOW

Oct. 7th, 2016



slowiatus??? is that how you spell it

Hey, just a head's up that I have been literally figuratively dying for far too many reasons to list, and I'll be hella slow and flaky for a few more days. I THOUGHT I COULD MUSCLE THROUGH IT but sadly I gotta prioritize other things than RP right now. You'll still see me around, and I have some (many) emails to deal with (KATIE I SWEAR I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU or kas for that matter) which I will try my best to get to soon. :((((

That said, I'll also be prioritizing my usual modly duties, so you won't see any slowdown there~ In case anyone with an app in the works might be worried!

Marin (Sy/Mina/Ravi/Micah)

Oct. 3rd, 2016



[No Subject]

Hello again, my darling hermit crabs, it's Marin announcing her membership in the much reviled Four Characters Club. This is Micah St. Clair, Azurcrest sophomore and future film director. He's always got a video camera up (when the batteries are charged anyway), and loves to talk about his latest screenplay. His latest screenplay is invariably a sleazy B-movie horror with schlocky dialogue and clumsy titillation. He grew up in an isolated wizard town which curtailed his ability to learn what good movies are. Or... OK honestly, his taste is just incredibly shitty. Profile here but YOU'RE A BUSY PERSON WITH NO TIME TO READ SOOOO LET'S MAKE THIS QUICK )

Looking for: Friends! People he's asked to be in his movie, i.e. everyone. People who might seriously agree to be in one of his movies. People who think he's a pretentious shallow poseur who's only using his movies to flirt with cute people. Sophomores (or maybe juniors) who are really abrasive and might gel weirdly well with this guy who likes it when you're mean to him. ;*

Also I am so sorry that I've been horrific about catching up on intro posts, so if you want to grab Sy, Ravi or Mina for anything or specially request that I go back and hit up your character's intro PLEASE ASK

Sep. 26th, 2016




JESUS CHRIST okay I'm finally officially home (and so is Marin obviously) and we're caught up on mod updates, but here's a me-as-a-player post saying I'm good to go again. I'm sure that because I was either incredibly busy or incredibly not physically here for the last two weeks, I've missed a lot. I'll be back to normal oh so very soon.

IN SHORT. If there's anything that needs Diego, Calvin or Reid's attention (for instance, threads I dropped over the week that you were really enjoying), please let me know. I'm going to be getting to all my logs too. You are all so patient and I love you. ♥

Also if you want one of my characters for anything in the future, I want to know that too! I'm limited on what logs I can do until I wrap up some of these old ones though.........

Aug. 13th, 2016



Pre-Opening Introductions


Welcome to Gooseberry High! This is the catch-all post for all character introductions before the game's opening on September 1st. Please comment below telling everyone about your characters, respond to their comments, goof off, plot, all of it! ♥