March 13th, 2017




Hi everyone, we want to address some things that have been going on in the game lately.
  • First off, replies to this post are screened. If you'd like to leave your opinion, you may.

  • Secondly, we're going to be actively slowing down on this detention giving plot.

  • We're sensing there's some OOC tension over IC consequences, and it's making managing and moderating the game not fun for your mods. We work really hard to keep this game running smoothly and keep everyone satisfied with their experience, and it seems like this is becoming more and more of a challenge.

  • Detentions and other punishments are supposed to contribute to roleplaying and plot, but lately that's been unfolding in a negative way. We don't want to remove the mechanic, as the setting is one that's reactive and characters can't do whatever they want, but we need to reconsider a few things.

  • Our current plan is that the Head Boy and Head Girl can't hand out detentions without mod approval anymore. You can continue to use the dropbox Ali and Katie were kind enough to set up, but we're going to err on the side of caution. Ali and Katie, thank you again, and we apologize for this sudden change in policy.

  • We also want to encourage people that if they're uncomfortable with how a plot is unfolding in the planning stages, please express your concerns then so that everyone can have a good time.

  • The Hunger Games post has been delayed a little because the mods needed to discuss this. It'll be up in the afternoon.




One mod still can't access InsaneJournal reliably for large portions of time, and in fact, accessibility is continuing to worsen. Because of this, we're looking to start the move to Dreamwidth this weekend. We'll have a guide on how to transfer smoothly prepared for you by then.

For now, Meggie has posted the first Hunger Games target assignments in a brand new DW OOC discussion post. We encourage you all to head over there and help break that post in! :)

Thanks, everyone. ♥



[No Subject]

lmao three ooc mod posts in one day sorry sorry sorry

Hey all! Would anyone like to take [Senior Student N] or [Senior Student O] in the plot calendar? These are free-for-all, so doubles are allowed. Done! Thank yooou :)



[No Subject]

In every adorable sophomore bird dorm, there must be one awful, awful person.
This is Lyss, and I have taken it upon myself to write this person, and I'm sorry.

So hey you guys, meet Jade Otterwell! )