Posts Tagged: 'player:+roz'

Dec. 8th, 2016



[No Subject]

Okay. So I know I missed a couple intros and I'm not caught up on them. And I'm posting this at like midnight But I have an intro lol So

I'm Roz, I have nothing exciting to add about myself because I'm boring

I did go to the dentist today, to get a root canal removed because I can't afford to get it fixed, and I told my dentist that my pain's all over the place and I'm not even sure if it's the root canal at this point, so he took that full head kinda xray and was like you right. You got these two wisdom teeth that have massive cavities and are kinda broke and they're wisdom teeth like you don't even need those so let's just remove those first and see if they're the bastards causing this pain. And I was like alright cool, because I kinda need this molar to chew on anyway. And then he read my mind and was like - so I know the last time I removed a tooth, it took you three visits for us to numb it, so let's not do that this time, and take these antibiotics for a week first instead.

And that is a story of my day.

cut to save your flist and because this got weirdly long after the story of my day at the dentist )

Nov. 9th, 2016



[No Subject]

Okay We still got a couple days until the next Grotto party. And it's been a minute since the last meme, but this game is like seventy percent journals, so there's a lot of character actions that get lost in translation but also are probably kinda super important.

SO we should have a Getting to know YOUR character meme. I don't know how to make the special text box within a box thing on our getting to know you meme, because apparently that was a question I forgot to ask during our html tutorial.

The questions are subject to change, because it doesn't matter. We don't go over apps that often after people join the game, so now is your time to gush about your characters so we as students attending the same school as your characters can know them as well as you do.


Nov. 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]

uh who wants to thread with me?

For any of mine but I haven't turned in a log for activity yet, and I plan on tagging everyone back, but I really wanna turn in a completed log for november, so specifically who wants to thread with Chris and all his complicated emotions? Anybody?

Oct. 19th, 2016



[No Subject]


Roz back. I wanted in on all the prefect wards, not even gonna lie


I mean, I also wanted a female and a junior. So I had a lot of ulterior motives here.

This is Olivia Sanchez, she is the coppertail junior female prefect, and I promise, she was not adopted and has known about magic her entire life. I KNOW a break from the norm, right? So she grew up in this weird massive clash of culture of a shit show. Her mother is an eccentric healer who is very hippie like, her father is a tough as nails muggle boxer. Her siblings are a marine, a charter school teacher and a pro quidditch player. There's three siblings, not just one extremely talented sibling there.

So she was drilled as a boxer coming up, because they all kinda were, and then they became adults and were like 'nah' and went their own way, but she's the baby so she's not an adult yet so she's still being drilled about that boxer life.

Which is why she loves gooseberry, because she gets to not be about that life for a minute. So not about that life means she's super hardcore into engineering. She's not about making gadgets or blowing shit up, she's about making shit work and understanding why that shit works, which involves a lot of wires and a lot of proud smiles and silent 'eh? Eh' expressions with her eyes. For her senior project she's working on a completely new spell and when she figures that out, she's gonna be all

 photo mMRMgM9.png

about it and it's gonna be great. But she's also a prefect lol. And she's not a power hungry prefect, or a prefect who doesn't believe she should be a prefect. She's nice, and understanding but firm, and tends to talk to people like a healer talks to an injured patient. She's the kind of prefect that if you give her a good enough excuse, she'll likely knock off a single house point and say well played, and then go about her day because this is a school for learning, and one thing you should be learning is how to perfectly execute your own defense, so she can't fault you that. BUT since I made the snowflake Solomon, this chick is still tough as nails and has an amazing resting bitch face. I mean, she is a boxer. She wants to inspire both fear and respect.

She needs friends, prefect friends, people who hate her, girlfriends (I forgot, she's is gaaaaay; but girlfriends like friends who are girls, not like polygamous relationships), exes, and everything else. Give me everything. I'm pretty excited, can you tell?

Oct. 12th, 2016



[No Subject]

I'm not entirely sure where to post this?


For the next week, Chris is going to doing Wes's accent. This probably wasn't clear before, but Chris is from Boston, so his natural accent is very similar to like ... the Departed. It's not super thick, but it's noticeable. So for the next week, he's gonna be doing a southern accent, and since he's been living with Wes for three years, it's actually gonna be a pretty good take on the southern accent, and it will be nonstop. He is determined to not break character, regardless of the event, or the time of day. He's taking this very seriously, so it's not gonna be mocking Wes, and he's not gonna acknowledge this random change in accent. And he's gonna take advantage of using that weird play on language that Wes uses naturally, because Boston people don't get to say shit like 'bless your heart' so he's gonna enjoy that.

BUT also, if anybody wants to share a scene with Chris during this week, I am totally open to that. Because I need to scene more. And I'm sorry Chris is being such an asshole about the rule change >_> He's just a bit of a dick. So this is a heads up so your IC knowledge matches your OOC knowledge but also an ardent invitation for scenes :)

Oct. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

This is gonna be less pretty bc I'm doing it from my phone while at work.

I'm roz, and I have another intro to add to the last fifty intros we've had.

This is Solomon Webb. He's a sophomore, in ebonhide and the chaser for their quidditch team. I mean A chaser. So Solomon is from Honduras. He went to a magic school there on the mainland before coming here. Yes, he speaks English.

So basically, Solomon likes learning shit. Everything he speaks about, he speaks with genuine passion. This is the kid that can answer any random question you have because he's a walking trivia game. He's in nearly every club, he's bummed he couldn't take more classes than he already is. But he's also chill most of the time, super nonconfrontational, and a good friend. He's that friend that is nearly down for anything but also the most level headed of the group. Sure, he'll bury a body with you, but he's gonna make sure we do this smart.

So! He needs friends, and also people he probably accidentally annoys. Previous crushes or exes are also totally cool. Etc etc.

Aug. 13th, 2016



Pre-Opening Introductions


Welcome to Gooseberry High! This is the catch-all post for all character introductions before the game's opening on September 1st. Please comment below telling everyone about your characters, respond to their comments, goof off, plot, all of it! ♥