Posts Tagged: '%21+hiatus/slow+posting'

Mar. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Uhhh, let's call this a slower-than-usual notice. I'll be visiting with family/doing house buying stuff(!!)/traveling for work starting this evening through Monday evening. I'm still planning to make a small appearance at the grotto party/cookout, so if you want Ursula/Essie/Jacob, don't hesitate to grab me.

Happy Murder Games everyone!! ♥

Mar. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you all know that I won't be as active for the next few days (Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning) because my mom's coming to visit. I'll still be around here and there (because, as you know, I have a problem), but I'll be slower than usual. I'll try to focus on Grotto stuff when I have time, so if you need mine for that, never fear!

♥ Katie
(Cecil, Casper, Cole, Ty, + Gavin)

Feb. 15th, 2017


[No Subject]

Hello my friends!!!

It is my deepest sorrow to inform you that I will be going on hiatus starting tomorrow (this is where you all rejoice right? ;D) I'm going to California until 2/27, but I am also going with my two best friends who RP so. This may just be like all my other "hiatuses". (I really can't stop myself from reading the comms and replying because #love #addiction. And we'll be playing when we have down time so, I'll poke in here and there. Just wanted to give a heads up since we have lots of stuff planned (HARRY POTTER WORLD WHAT) so it will be sparse probably.

If you need/want anything from me, still email me or message me on the dropboxes. I can tag whatever you need so long as you don't mind waiting a minute. Plus, I can't go long without hearing from you, after all. Ill miss youuuuuu. ♥

Callie (Vee, Ryan, Ana, Marilyn, and Milo)

Feb. 12th, 2017



Slowaitus... :(

Sorry, guys! So much fun and wonderful stuff is happening in this game and I'm just not able to keep up right now. I'm still interested and paying attention, but my internship and lack of laptop has made it impossible to be as active as I used to be, which is hard for me... :(. Don't be surprised if you get weird tags from weeks back (But also don't feel obligated to tag back). Cricket, Jesse, and I are all with Gooseberry in spirit and hopefully in actuality sooooon!!!


Feb. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey guys, slowatus for me from now until Valentine's Day. I've got a lot of art projects on my plate in addition to mod work that I need to get done, and RP time and art time often overlap. I won't be totally absent, but I'm going to be even worse at long threads than I already am.

I'll be hitting those senior bonding tags and catching up with Calvin this afternoon/evening.

Please let me know if you want my characters for anything, particularly Valentine plans! ♥

-Meggie (Diego/Calvin/Rafael/Reid/Kenzie)

PS: Feel free to use this post as an ooc space to discuss Valentine Day's plans with one another, too. The tea in the gardens takes place during lunch and is happening on Tuesday. Also...


Feb. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

hi friends cameron again to say that im gonna be sporadically around today and then gone gone gone from friday thru monday (im going on a weekend trip w my gf and her parents LITERALLY pray for me pls) so

email/dropbox me anything i ought to see and also feel free to godmod my terrible two (ulysses and cash) into doing something stupid while im gone

Jan. 28th, 2017



[No Subject]

I'm back from being disappeared.

Don't hate me :(

Anything I should comment to / be aware of? Help a girl out!

♥ Jordan

Jan. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

hey, my grandma passed away today and i'm gonna be scarce for about a week while i help with funeral things. that's also why i've been slacking in replies lately, i just haven't had the energy. we're going down to alabama this weekend and idk if there will be wifi in the hotel, but shoot me an email if you need anything.

Jan. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Heyyyyyy darlings ♥

I've got all sorts of crazy work/travel adventures from tomorrow until 24th Jan, so I'll be slower than usual until then! Pretty much I'll mostly only be around in evenings, but I'll try to sneak things on my phone during the day because I have no self-control :D

Rin (of Asher, Hazel, and Jaime)

Jan. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

I have to apologise for being a fail and missing things (talent show! quarantine!) over the past week or so. I've been off work for a couple of days with one hell of a migraine and been epically busy because apparently my place of employment cannot operate without dumping a pile of work on my desk. Tired, exhausted and ready to spew does not make for good RP!

I apologise if I missed anything in journals my chars would have replied to. Please feel free to draw my attention to them, and I would also love to thread :)

(Tabs, Dom, Will, Jo)

Jan. 14th, 2017




Hiatus for me. The season of winter (even if winter in Alabama is more like "sometimes it's winter, sometimes it's ::spins wheel of weather::"--but dark comes early because of the time) is kicking the ass of my mental well-being hard. Hugs to all <3

Jan. 9th, 2017




So I thought I could handle playing and Hellweek but alas... that is obviously not true. I'm currently at the end of Hellweek but there is shows every day but Wednesday for the rest of the week. I then leave for my cruise next Tuesday, so I'm going to be on Hiatus from today until the 29th when I get back to a place with not so expensive wifi.

XIII (Kele and Zeke)

Jan. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hi friends -
I've been whisked away on an impromptu trip, and this is the first I've had wifi!! I should be back tmmrw to tag into whatever, but there's a chance we'll be snowed in. It's been... kinda nonstop.

Anyway, I will be more responsive soon! Is the point of this message.

(Laurel, Z, Wilde)

Jan. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

So I got this wrong in the actual hiatus post lol oops. I'm going to NYC as of Saturday the 7th and will be there until Friday the 13th! I'm seeing Hamilton and am so stupid excited. I'll still obviously have my phone, which is new and not held together by tape any longer. I will also allegedly have wifi in my air bnb. I will also also be hanging out with rpers who understand the burning need to be rude and check your phone every second at least some of the time. So I'll be aroundish, but in NYC where I will be doing things and thus not as here as normal!

So I'm posting this now in case you need to catch my people for anything before I go!! And please email if you want next week, I will always have that!

[No Subject]

Hellllllo my sweet fellow Gooseberrians! So I'm posting this now because I probably most likely won't remember tomorrow because I'm not a morning person and can't function coherently when I wake up.

I'll be on a little mini-hiatus (possibly) starting tomorrow and going until Sunday. My boyfriend and I are going to visit his parents, though, which means I'll probably still post just as much because I'm bringing my laptop since I hate his mother with a fiery, inhuman passion and will need a distraction. So in short, it likely won't be noticeable but just in case I'm held hostage and forced to interact with her, I'm letting you all know. If that happens, send help. Or bail money.

I can respond to emails, so if you need something from a kiddo or me, just drop me a line! I will be sad if I can't talk to you guys for 4 days (Seriously, the six hours without IJ made me feel so alone) ♥


-Callie (Vee, Ryan, Marilyn, Susana, and Milo)

Jan. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

okay, immediately after i posted that introduction i remembered that i'm on call for the next 36 hours (and then i gotta sleep, unfort for me), so... freeze! nobody do anything until i get back! sorry!

Dec. 30th, 2016



and she's back


Holidays went from 0 to 100 REAL FREAKIN FAST. Then, I got the plague.

Now I am mostly recovered from aforementioned plague, still have a week off of work and am available for all your RP plotting whatever etc needs.

Let me know if I missed something I should reply to! Once Holidays started up I missed like EVERYTHING.

♥ Jordan

Dec. 29th, 2016



[No Subject]


I am the worst and have been on functional hiatus all week and will continue to be until the New Year because lots of time off somehow equals significantly less time for roleplaying, don't ask me how, buttttt

my point is

IF YOU NEED ONE OF MY KIDS ANYWHERE, OR THINK THEY WOULD HAVE REPLIED TO SOMETHING, please poke me here? Because lbr I'm never going to go back over everything like I should because have I mentioned that I am the worst?


love and kisses,
bad!sara (ree, isaiah, saira, gabi)

Dec. 25th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hey all!

I just wanted to toss out a quick note to apologize for my failing on the gift meme. After I got Cole's done, I was planning to get to the others...but never did! I'm in that 'anxiety over gift giving (real or fake)' club, so I just wasn't able to get it done in time. That said! If your character is a friend of Cecil, assume that your character got something sentimental, something practical, and some baked goods. If your character is a friend of Ty, assume that your character got something well-meaning and fun but potentially sort of playfully stupid from Ty. Casper is in a Mood, so any gifts he's going to give out will come later. I'll try to get any significant ones done over the next few days while I'm on holiday, but I definitely won't get to them all. :( I'm sorry I'm the worst!

Also, along the same lines, if I owe you a tag -- I'm working on it! and if there's an IC/OOC or journal comment that you'd like my characters to respond to for plot reasons or just because it's significant to you or your character -- let me know because I've probably lost track of it!

♥ I'll get my act together again someday. (Probably.) Thanks in advance for being patient with me and for being awesome in general; I do not deserve you, game!

Dec. 18th, 2016



Ack Ack, sorry!

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around much this weekend, I just drove home to San Diego and was really really busy getting ready and finishing up school. I missed stuff, but I super want to catch up. If you want to thread with any of mine in the dance thread or chat about anything before I post reaction stuff tomorrow, please hit me up <3333

Love ya'll and missed you <3