Posts Tagged: 'player:+sara'

Jan. 31st, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey, sorry for the frivolous post, but is anyone else suddenly not getting notifs?

Dec. 29th, 2016



[No Subject]


I am the worst and have been on functional hiatus all week and will continue to be until the New Year because lots of time off somehow equals significantly less time for roleplaying, don't ask me how, buttttt

my point is

IF YOU NEED ONE OF MY KIDS ANYWHERE, OR THINK THEY WOULD HAVE REPLIED TO SOMETHING, please poke me here? Because lbr I'm never going to go back over everything like I should because have I mentioned that I am the worst?


love and kisses,
bad!sara (ree, isaiah, saira, gabi)

Dec. 8th, 2016



i apologize for the novel, i get yelled at at work all the time for my long emails and notes

Hello friends!

So, I've decided that Saira runs a study group and basically has since five minutes after the Sorting Ceremony (imagine, lil fourteen-year-old bbSaira standing up at dinner that first night all like "I will be in the library at 7pm tomorrow if anybody would like to join me for a study session as I plan to make this a regular thing" and the entire rest of the freshman class being like "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU WE HAVE NOT EVEN HAD A SINGLE CLASS YET WHAT WILL YOU EVEN BE STUDYING???" imagine it. did it bring you joy? It did me!)

It is really serious and really intense and probably, lbr, really good at bringing your grades up if you are capable of workin' it. Technically, it's open to anyone, but in reality if you're gonna fool around Saira will kick your ass out SO fast.

Per the gorgeous mods, they can't reserve a table in the Library, but Ms. Petrichor likes Saira enough that she makes sure there's always SOME spot open for them.

I'mma handwave what day and time it actually meets for now just because I'm shitty at timetables I want to see if there's enough interest in having characters involved to bother designating an official time at all. But! If there is I will figure it out!

So! Anyone want to be a regular member of Saira's Study Group?

ETA: Member list here!

Oct. 21st, 2016



[No Subject]

Gonna echo Dana, actually: I'm going away tomorrow and likely will not have computer access til Monday. I'll have my phone, but as a rule I don't log into games on my phone without prompting (though I may respond to comments, idk, depends on how much juice my phone has during the loooong car rides.) SO if you post anything that you'd like a response from one of mine on before Monday afternoon, pleeeeeease shoot me an email so that I know to check it out!


-Sara (Ree, Isaiah, Gabi, Saira)

Oct. 7th, 2016



[No Subject]

Oh hey friends.

I am back, back again, with my fourth and therefore (boo) last. This is Saira Raza (yes, I picked the character whose name is almost identical to my own JUST TO MAKE EVERYONE'S LIFE HARD,) Coppertale junior girl and ultimate studyholic. Her short description is 'Gooseberry's answer to Hermione Granger, now with more studying' and that basically sums it up. She's taking nine classes and is also on Event Commitee. She isn't your typical brash-and-bossy Coppertale, if only because growing up with the mother she has means that she learned to get her way more subtly most of the time (but she usually does get her way. She'd call it 'sly,' but what she actually is, is manipulative as hell.) She spends MOST of her time on school work and making sure she is THE BEST STUDENT and ALWAYS FLAWLESS because she has spent the majority of her life trying to prove that she's just as good as her two brothers, and to do so she actually has to be like ten times better than them for her parents to notice. Her twin did NOT get into Gooseberry, and her mom would still say he's the jewel of the family, so there you go. Her older brother Kazim IS here, hint hint hint.

Saira wants to be a Healer, specifically a mind Healer, hence the Occlumency, and her senior project is (unofficially, but it's what she's already working on) going to be Legilimency.

For reference, her family is Muslim and she does wear a hijab, idk if that will ever come up ICly but not every single one of the icons I have for her reflects this (most do, but there are few enough of Golshifteh Farahani without ruling out ones where you can see her hair completely) so I just wanted to state that whether it's apparent in the icon or not, she does.

Anything? Anyone? Bueller?

-Sara (Ree, Isaiah, and Gabi, all of whom are also open for new plotting for anyone who wants or whose intros I have missed, esp. Zay and Gabi, I NEED PLOT FOR THEM GUYS CMON.)



[No Subject]

Omg guys I was just driving to work and I was driving toward the sunrise and there were just what had to be fifty crows circling right abpve-and-ahead of me. Landing on telephone wires, flying around, just almost filling my field of vision, oh my god, THE GAME IS BECOMING REAL.


So yeah weird morning.

Sorry not sorry for the ooc spam.

Sep. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

Holy shit y'all, I got away for three days and this place explodes.


Sep. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

Soooo she was accepted like a decade ago and I really SHOULD have intro'd her in the pre-opening post, but then my life ate me alive, and now we are open, so. I'M DOIN' IT HERE, BITCHES.

Hi! It is Sara, and this is my third, Gabriela Flores. Gabi is a sophomore Ribbonfin and her one-sentence descriptor thing is 'Ribbonfin's little ray of unquenchable sunshine.' She is from Guatemala and went to Castelobruxo pre-Gooseberry. She is a very sheltered lil girl from a big family whose mother died when she was ten; her two older brothers were the protective sort before that happened, and it went into overdrive afterward, especially since she was just entering school at that point and was (and is, lbr) kind of fragile. As a result she didn't grow up or come into her own there in a lot of ways, and it's because of that that her teachers back home recommended she come to a new school, to try to force her into depending on herself somewhat. She is very sweet, very cheerful and optimistic, very sensitive and very naive. She's a follower who loves being part of a group. She has no sense of personal privacy, sorry girls in her cabin.

She is probs quite easy to bully if you're into that kind of thing, especially because she will forgive you for it every. Single. Time. BUT CAN YOU BULLY THIS FACE? REALLY?

Gabi is in *deep breath* Boating, Choir, Equestrian, LARP, and Cheer Squad, so chances are your character has encountered her.

GIVE ME THINGS. And now I'm going to bed to sleep off the last of my goddamn cold.

-Sara (Ree and Isaiah as well)

Aug. 13th, 2016



Pre-Opening Introductions


Welcome to Gooseberry High! This is the catch-all post for all character introductions before the game's opening on September 1st. Please comment below telling everyone about your characters, respond to their comments, goof off, plot, all of it! ♥