March 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey TEAM GOOSEBERRY KIDDOS! I totally zoned and forgot to post about the mandatory team shindig Clem had you all participate in this afternoon.

It was a fairly low key affair in which her primary goal was to get people to relax and have fun, because we're all competitive perfectionist assholes here and she knows that a couple of you are probably stressed out about the game (SHE IS FOR SURE). Activities included:
  • Human Knot, the teambuilding game where you all hold hands at random and then have to untie yourselves.
  • Spider Web, a physical puzzle in which you have to get each member of the team through a different hole of the web and can't touch the threads of the web. This is usually a low ropes course thing but in this case was done with a ~magically conjured~ web, because fuck it, we're wizards. Clem set up the web so that there are only 4 holes you can feasibly get through without someone picking you up.
  • Freeze!, the improv game in which two people improvise a scene and anyone watching can "freeze" them, tag in, and unfreeze improvising a totally unrelated scene with the same positions.
  • A game Clem calls Mountain Lion, in which she is the mountain lion (natch) and you are all deer. She stands in a marked circle (the watering hole), which you may approach from any angle. You can only move when she's not looking at you. If she sees you moving, you're out. The goal is to get part of your body into the circle without her noticing.
  • Ten Fingers, which is like Never Have I Ever without the alcohol. She's gonna try to keep people on task asking non-dirty questions for this game, cause her intention is that you learn about some cool life experiences your teammates have that you didn't know about, not gauge their sexual prowess.

If you guys wanna discuss how that all went this is the place to do it, but it's just gonna be an OOC and not a IC/OOC because it's been a long week and I am very tired.

Go go Goslings!

just some gifs )



USA PRO QUIDDITCH, now a semi-regular feature

This is a monster post because I'm two weeks behind, which is entirely IJ's fault