Posts Tagged: 'player:+jenny'

Mar. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]


Sup it's Jenny. My third is Antonia Papadakis, Ebonhide junior prefect and horrible obnoxious monster.

Here's the deets )

Feb. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

GREETS. It's Jenny (Xavier) here with my number two (lol) and Calvin's onii-chan, DAMON EVERCREECH. Damon will be arriving at Gooseberry on Sunday and getting sorted that night, then starting class on Monday. I am very excited that his arrival will apparently be leading to the first annual Gooseberry Hunger Games? And also cannibalism?????

Dimi's concept is "Typical Gryffindor with something to prove walks line between hero and villain." His classes are Charms, Herbology, History of Magic, Outdoor Education, Potions, Aesthetic Magic, Magizoology, Wizard Lit. He's going to be trying out all the clubs for a while, but will probably wind up sticking with Outdoor Exploration, Archery, Duelling & Fencing and Drama.

Dimi is charming, confident, artistic, outgoing and a complete shitter. He is a bully-of-bullies. A kid with a superhero complex teetering on the edge of super villain. He will be white knighting all over campus when he isn't out taking photos. For the previous six years at Hogwarts, Dimi was extremely popular within his house, well liked and well known for sticking up for kids who were getting picked on. If you were a bully or a victim at Hogwarts in the last 6 years, you probably had a run in with Dimi Evercreech.

So, why did Dimi leave Hogwarts so near the end of his secondary school career? GOOD QUESTION! It's because this child is a mess. He'd actually applied to the Gooseberry transfer program almost every year since he was first eligible. He was passed over each time because he was a troublemaker with average grades who didn't bring much to the table outside of an excess of personality. At the end of Dimi's sixth year, his core friend group imploded on itself very publicly and dramatically. On the one hand, this meant when he came back for his seventh year he mostly hid in the library and studied, so his grades got better. On the other, he spiraled into a depression and didn't really have a social outlet. So the Head of Gryffindor recommended him when a spot opened at Gooseberry and he accepted because he needed to GTFO.

Dimi is here to make friends, have fun and burn the Coppertale senior boys cabin to ash and cinders hopefully get steered away from becoming Darth Vader.

Jan. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

HI THERE. My name is Jenny. I am absolutely a human and not a sentient neural network comprised of tumblr porn bots and smart refrigerators. I am freshly 31 and a professional intern wrangler and technology facilitator for physicians. I like cats, video games, making gifs and Sameer Gadhia's delicious voice, which is like the voice version of hair in a shampoo commercial.

I will be playing senior Ribbonfin meathead, Xavier Lewis. These creaky old bones are 8 years out of practice for online RP, so I appreciate your patience while I remember how to interact with other people. I AM REALLY EXCITED TO GET STARTED. Here are some KEWL FACTS about Xavier: