Posts Tagged: '%2A+quidditch+madness'

Mar. 12th, 2017



USA PRO QUIDDITCH, now a semi-regular feature

This is a monster post because I'm two weeks behind, which is entirely IJ's fault


Feb. 20th, 2017



Two Weeks of Pro Quidditch for the Price of One!

I was going to do like fancy pretty HTML for this but I've been stewing over it all week and that put me a week behind so you all get A SERVICEABLE BUT UNATTRACTIVE SPREADSHEET instead.

~Check Your Teams' Scores Here~

james madison voice: HIGHLIIIGHTS )

Feb. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

HEY FRIENDS IT'S JJ! Three things. First of all:


I'll usually post Quidditch stuff on Sundays but I forgot to post that reminder so HAVE AT IT. Anyone can place bets and if your character doesn't want it to be known that they did so, they can place a bet through someone else. Or do it double under the table. Clem won't rat you out. THANKS GUYS ILU ALL.

Secondly, this is Todd! Say hi to Todd.

including his face since icons are broken and you can't see his face! )

Lastly my 2 jobs are both gonna be super crazy for the next few weeks so I might be around a little less on weekdays. Be back soon!!

Feb. 7th, 2017




Since her freshman year, Clem's been running a Pro Quidditch betting ring for Gooseberry students. And guess what? The Pro Quidditch season is starting this weekend! Miscreants and sport enthusiasts unite!

As this is her third year doing this, she has a pre-established ward for participants. If your character participated last year, or has been vetted in this year by a reliable member, drop me a comment on this post and I'll add them to the list (which is going to live here on the betting page).

I have some information on the 24 teams playing available here! (PS let me know if you can't see this gdoc I've been having some trouble with it). Last year the top three teams were, in order: Drake Kill, Sweetwater, and relatively new team Klamath, which was an upset.

XAVIER LEWIS placed the correct spread bet last year despite the long odds on Klamath, and won the entire pot of 350 dragots.

more info on how quidditch works under the cut )