March 10th, 2017




  • Remember to sign up for the Gooseberry Hunger Games! Tonight is the last night to sign up. Anyone who has not left a comment by 11:59 PM MST cannot play. Tomorrow, there will be an OOC post for plotting, where you may request certain pairings, although nothing can be guaranteed due to the heavy RNG element of this minigame. On Monday, everyone will receive their assignments and the first kills will be posted. Sign up HERE.

  • Remember to submit requests for the Ilvermorny Quidditch team! You have until tomorrow night. Fill out the form HERE.

  • At this point, most of you won't be surprised to hear that Gooseberry will very likely be moving to Dreamwidth. The date is undecided, and while we wanted to wait until April, technical issues with accessing IJ may force us to speed up the timeline. The mods will be hands-on making this process as seamless as possible, and we appreciate all of your patience. It's been a stressful last couple weeks, and we're lucky to have such a loyal playerbase willing to see it through with us.