Posts Tagged: 'x-player:+amy'

Jan. 14th, 2017




Hiatus for me. The season of winter (even if winter in Alabama is more like "sometimes it's winter, sometimes it's ::spins wheel of weather::"--but dark comes early because of the time) is kicking the ass of my mental well-being hard. Hugs to all <3

Nov. 22nd, 2016



[No Subject]

Hi! Amy here with character #2! I bring you Iliya Krum!


Oct. 16th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hello! I'm Amy and I bring you Harriet Cohen!

  • is a Coppertale junior
  • is from San Francisco and went to Port Prep (and Hebrew school) before coming to Gooseberry
  • is Jewish, a lesbian, and planning to become either a hazzan (cantor) or rabbi (she's super musically oriented, so she's started leaning toward hazzan)
  • is in Dueling and Fencing, Choir, and Drama
  • is a contralto who tends to sneak in on tenor parts because 1) she can and 2) alto parts can get...repetitive
  • intends to audition for the role of the Phantom when the Drama Club's musical try outs roll around
  • is not good at subtle
  • tries not be too blunt or an asshole
  • wants people to be their best
  • has a wee Singapura named Yentl

    Her full bio is here! Let us plot!