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Mar. 23rd, 2013


Happy Birthday, Polaris!

Before Spring Havoc started, Draco made sure he had a group of people**, fireworks, music, and pretty much every toy he could get his hands on for Polaris' birthday. Figure he pretty much led a "parade" to her house. Sorry, Lily & Scorpius.

**anyone Draco considers family/friends would have been invited (including the DE but not quite DE yet side so...)

Oh, right, there is a pony. )

Mar. 15th, 2013



Left for Caradoc Dearborn, Pansy Parkinson, and James Potter. )

Left for Fred. )

Mar. 14th, 2013


Lily Luna's Birthday

WHAT: Scorpius threw Lily a surprise party. Since he cannot post, baby brother will fill in! Go ahead and leave who showed, presents, etc.

Cut for picture )

Mar. 2nd, 2013


Ain't no party like a Gryffindor party! )

[Gryffindor banner image from MaggieJezebelWeasley @ DeviantArt!]

Feb. 11th, 2013


WHO: Emmeline Vance and George Weasley
WHAT: Learning about Dumbledore's Army. Plus, Emmy needs a drink.
WHEN: Backdated to the evening of Emmy's arrival
WHERE: Brews & Bottoms
STATUS: In Progress

It had been an extremely long day for Emmeline, which was obvious from the yawns she tried to stifle every few minutes. )

Dec. 28th, 2012


Who:Hannah Abbott and any DA members that would like to show (Teddy was also invited)
What: An unofficial DA reunion
When: Friday, December 28 starting around 7:00 pm and lasting until...
Where: Number 14

Hannah was making a concerted effort to do something positive that didn't involve holing herself up in the shop. )

ooc note: This can be done as an IC/OOC thread. Feel free to tag below with whomever you want to mix and mingle with if you want to thread. I'd love to throw Hannah in with as many folks as possible so feel free to claim her. No time stamps needed unless you just want to put them there.

Dec. 27th, 2012


Backdated to Christmas day

Presents from Helga )


Backdated to Christmas day

Christmas gifts from Fred )

Dec. 25th, 2012


Christmas Gifts!

From Sirius [to James, Remus, Lily, Draco, & Lorcan] )

From Bill [To all Weasleys] )

From Trish [to George, Fred, Albus, & Arthur's Secret Santa Gift] )


Holiday Presents

For Godric )
For George Weasley )

Dec. 24th, 2012


Weasley-Potter Family (Including Hermione, Sirius, Remus, Teddy, and Tonks) )

Gifts for Fred )

For Helga, Trish, Alicia, Angelina, Katie, McGoogles, and Cho )

For Roxy )

For Draco )

Secret Santa for Lavender Brown )


Secret Santa

Bellatrix sends to Lily Potter:
This multi layer, decorative box filled with delictible chocolates.
And this bib for her baby on the way.

Your Secret Santa.

Lorcan D'Eath sends to George Weasley:
All presents are contained in this box.
Contents: This shirt, an several bottles of different types of fire whiskey.

Ho Ho Ho. Merry Christmas,
Your Secret Santa.

James Potter Sends to Albus Severus Potter:
This Amazing Spiderman Statue, charmed to web crawl around his room and also shoots webs.
Also there is an assortment of comics: Spiderman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wolverine, and Doctor Strange.

Merry Christmas!
Your Secret SANTA.

Dec. 6th, 2012


Welcome to Winterfest!

Today we're celebrating six months in the village!
Winding throughout the village's market district, from the bridge all the way to the Quidditch pitch, various booths have been set up for all the participants. In a large empty spot, between Brews & Bottoms and the Nightclub, a stage has been set up for various performances, including karaoke, a weapons demonstration, and all sorts of other things. Set up at evenly-spaced checkpoints throughout the line of booths are food and beverage stands. At sunset there will be fireworks, courtesy of the Weasley twins, and some other fun displays. Enjoy!


This works like all our other IC/OOC thread blends! The comments are all up! I've set them up by the booth and who is running said booth/section, so that you'll know who's in charge. Of course, anyone is welcome to interact anywhere they want with whomever. Have at it, folks! /Turning off email notifications.

Dec. 4th, 2012


WHO George Weasley & Angelina Johnson
WHERE & WHEN Brews & Bottoms, early evening.
WHAT A really long overdue conversation?
RATING Probably low.

It was still hard to wrap his mind around how everything would turn out ... but this had been put off for way too long. )

Dec. 2nd, 2012


Who: Dom & George Weasley
What: Quidditch
Where: The Pitch
When: Sunday

Hhahaah! )

Nov. 29th, 2012


WHO George & OPEN!
WHERE & WHEN Park, mid-afternoon.
WHAT Random run-ins! The village really isn't that big...

Coffee shops weren't really his thing. )

Nov. 24th, 2012


Who: George & Trish
What: The Grand Tour.
Where: All over the place!
When: After her arrival.
Rating: low.

George's handwriting was always a little comforting.

Oct. 26th, 2012


The Founders' Feast!

Ain't no party like a Founders' party.

Throughout the day decorations at the castle are being set up. There is an air of business about the place that would seem to energize anyone in the vicinity, though if that's actual magic at work or just the excitement of the Founders is up to debate. A little bit before sundown the founders will invite the rest of the village into the castle for the feast.

The interior very clearly takes after Hogwarts, though on a much smaller scale. It is obvious that a lot of time has been spent in preparation. The main hallway opens up through a huge set of wooden doors into something like the Great Hall, and this is where the feast will take place! There is more than enough room for the entire village. Offshooting from various parts of the Great Hall are side paths which lead to either outside or other parts of the castle -- though we advise against breaking into the Founders' private chambers, thanks!

In the center of the Great Hall is one large table; there are plates and bowls of various breads, fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheeses going from top to bottom. On another table sit pitchers of ale and mead, and regular water for the underage crowd. Snacks are available as well, though the center display is obviously meant to take up the most attention.

There is music playing from within the castle, though it is more of a magical enchantment done on various pieces within the castle itself than spontaneously appearing music. The snack trays will float around from person to person and are a bit pushy, so it might be in your best interest to take a snack or two when it comes around! If you deny them too many times, they will snap at you in old English. The drink pitchers might do this too if they have been sitting idly for too long. The suits of armor will randomly jump out and surprise people who walk by; there is no rhyme or reason to it, so good luck if you're drunk and trying to find the bathroom...

As the evening goes on and everyone eats their fill, the focus turns to entertainment: Shall we have entertainment duels? Or who wants to see their Founder show off his or her magical talent in front of a crowd? Anything can happen! Have fun!

How This Will Work

Players can either thread out what their character(s) did with each other, or just "OOC"ly comment with their character(s)'s name in the comment subject area saying what they wore, what they did, who they would have tried to talk to, etc. It's up to you. Sorry this went up so late. For everyone in the path of Hurricane Sandy, please be safe this weekend, and if you can't get online to respond -- don't worry! This thread will stay open for responses.


WHO George Weasley & Molly Weasley
WHERE & WHEN George's house, waybackdated to Molly's first night in the village.
WHAT Everyone needs their mum sometimes.
RATING A for adorable?

insert something witty here )

Oct. 9th, 2012


Who: George and Roxy Weasley
What: bonding
Where: George's headquarters.
When: after school.

Most time had been spent on her fathers heels though. )

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