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Oct. 26th, 2013


Albus & Helena

WHO: Albus Severus Potter & Helena Ravenclaw
WHAT: Um, they are on a date. Sort of. Mostly. Yeah!
WHERE/WHEN: Let's place this from half-way through the dance through the unveiling @ the Masquerade.
NOTE: I was planning for a few threads before the main thread went up. I am still happy to thread with others on the main post. :)

Albus hadn't planned on asking Helena to be his date for the Masquerade. He thought the nature of the dance meant they weren't supposed to know who was who, but then he noticed Ava asking Helena about her plans with him for the night along with others coupling off so he sent a silly invitation. He thought there were enough clues, including the smiley he taught her to draw, but the way she talked about knowing she'd have a good time worried him. What if she thought she agreed to a date with some dashing bloke? She'd be sorely disappointed when he took off his batman mask!

He spent the beginning of the dance trying to find people like Gilderoy, Anthony, Frankie, Ron, Roxy, and the girls from school. He met with varying success. Some people were definitely better at this costume thing than others. He tried hard not to worry about Helena. If she did figure out the invitation and didn't find him, well, at least there was no awkwardness. If she didn't sort it? Awkward city when those masks came off. He glanced at his watch. Half way through. His tummy lurched. Oh, sweet Helga. "I'm going to get a drink!" He called to his group over the music before heading in the direction of the refreshment area.


WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: Masquerade Party!
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Community Center
RATING: Medium to start?

Read more... )

Oct. 20th, 2013


Owled to Helena

Albus sends a duplicate of this mask along with an "anonymous" note.


I'll be wearing this for the Masquerade. If you find me, I bet we'll have fun.


[he knows this is all a dead giveaway, but he is trying to keep the spirit]

Oct. 16th, 2013


Sent to Lucius )

Oct. 11th, 2013


WHO — Everyone.
WHERE & WHEN — Friday night, All Night Long.
WHAT — Karaoke!
RATING — Medium? Feel free to do spin-off threads.

It's Friday night — what are you doing? Hopefully in town for a karaoke night at All Night Long! The mic opens up around 8, and drinks and snacks/pub food are served well into the night, although anyone under age 17 will not be served anything alcoholic. The music library had been enchanted to play songs from just about any era within the range of the characters — so basically, if your song exists between the late 1800s to the modern day, any character who knows the song would be able to find a karaoke version, no matter their original time period. (I'm sure music gets around.)

This is an IC/ooc event! If your character comes to the event, post a comment with their name in the subject line, and put in the comment box what they sing, who they're looking to hang hot with, whatever. I figure this can go for a couple days since it was a last-minute idea. Afterwards we could also do a funny pictures thread just for reasons?!

Basically: group activity, have fun, everyone's invited!

Oct. 8th, 2013


WHO: Edwyn, Rowena, Helena (possibly), & Mike
WHAT: Mike crashes dinner
WHEN: Tuesday, 7 PM
WHERE: Ravenclaws' Study, Castle
RATING: F for lol
STATUS: Closed//In Progress

Edwyn lounged in his chair by the fire, reading King Lear. "This man is too proud," he mused, turning the page. "Nothing good can come from this." He liked this William Shakespeare, a writer from his future, but many of his stories were predictable. The clock above the fire chimed the hour, and he glanced up at his wife where she worked at her desk, grading the most recent batch of assignments from her students. He smiled at the sight of her. "It is now after seven, and they are late," he said, a smile audible in his voice. "I believe that means we get their dessert. Yes?"

He stood and stretched, marking his page with one long finger between the pages, and walked over to Rowena. "How are the students doing, my dear?"

Oct. 5th, 2013


Arianna's Garden Party!

Sally planned this celebration in honor of Arianna's birthday and one year anniversary in the village. Any of Ari's close friends are welcome to say they helped Sally plan the event. It takes place in the botanical gardens. The weather is cool, but guests should be fine with light jackets/shawls. There are blankets laid out for the picnic. Sally cooked up a storm, but guests can bring dishes too. Since the event is outdoors and low-key, think finger-foods. The cake is a tower of different flavored cupcakes. Consider anyone who cares about Arianna invited. The event took place Saturday, Oct. 5th at noon. IC/OOC!

Oct. 3rd, 2013


Who: Helena Ravenclaw and Garrick Ollivander
What: Talking wands and cores and magical properties.
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Ollivander's office
Rating: Low

. . . )

Oct. 2nd, 2013


Happy Birthday, Arianna!

Helena gives this, this, and this pretty dress. She also gives this coral bracelet (Helena likes Coral now, okay?!) that is infused with a calming charm for when Arianna is feeling a little more frantic and lost. Helena infused the charm on her own (with maybe a little help from Daddy?)

Anthony gives this stuffed plush and a bouquet of wild flowers.

Dennis gives a random assortment of hair accessories, headbands, clips, that sort of thing. He also gives one bottle of body lotion that is apple cinnamon scented (and he thinks smells weird).

Oct. 1st, 2013


Owl for Hannah Abbott )

Sep. 27th, 2013


Albus Severus & Helena

WHO: Albus Severus Potter & OPEN until filled Helena Ravenclaw
WHAT: Al needs to sort some stuff.
WHEN: Backdated to last night after James' entry.
WHERE: Outside the Blue Cow.

It was no real secret that Albus Severus Potter was losing that which made him undeniably Al. In his real time, he stuck close to Scorpius and certain family members. Sure, he made Quidditch, but Albus was not in the habit of fitting in. He was in Ravenclaw not for any thirst of knowledge, but for a deeper desire to understand people. Facts and figures, while important, meant little to Al. He wanted to know what made people tick, which was easy for someone with as much empathy as Alby. However, that same empathy ultimately hurt the youngest Potter child. There were only so many emotions one person could feel without going bonkers. He put others' needs before his own, which became more a compulsion than a selfless act as bitterness started settling into his soul. When things became too much, Al wrote and sketched, but even his work was taking a turn toward the dark as his pain increased.

It wouldn't be any easier at home. He always stood out as the awkward and unusual one in his family. His thinking was vastly different from most of them, but he still had his parents and his siblings. He had them here too and they were good, but they had their own lives to lead. He didn't belong to anyone here. Everyone came in pairs of some sort. There was no one person he could turn to when he felt like this. Scorpius wasn't even here anymore. Making matters worse? The village exploded every few weeks. He hated fighting. It accomplished nothing in a place like this where no one was holding anyone else accountable for past misdeeds. It wasn't that he didn't understand the anger on all sides, but it was exhausting. Who should he reach out to? Who should he try to make feel better? Did what he have to say even matter?

He was worried about his grandfather. He didn't want James getting into trouble. He only had him here. What if James upset the magic somehow and was sent back? The only reason Albus didn't wish harder to leave was because of people like James and Fred and Gideon. He only had them here. They couldn't go vanishing on him. What was the point then? Why was he even here? This place was meant for his uncles and the people they needed from a time they needed. Albus and his cousins didn't factor in, which...was okay. Well, it wasn't, but Al understood it. Emotionally it hurt, but how could anyone remember a stranger? He knew them, but they didn't know him. He wasn't even some cool hero from the history books. He was just Albus Severus Potter, the one with the funny name. Did everyone really need to keep dwelling on that?

When it became clear his thoughts were too jumbled to sort through more of the journals, he grabbed his sketch pad, notebook, and quills. He was about to head to the tree-house, but decided on The Blue Cow instead. He rarely drank, which is how he got so sick that time, but, damn it, he was of age, and he could learn to pace himself like Jamie and Nate told him once.

He didn't stay. He ordered his drink and slipped out. He didn't really feel like running into anyone. He found a large rock in the shadows and sat. If no one noticed him, he could nurse whatever drink the bartender recommended and write about what he observed.

Sep. 23rd, 2013


Strikes & Skates is open!

SUMMARY: Mary is the manager of the bowling alley and skating rink, but she has no employees yet. She also had no idea such activities existed before she landed in the village. She spent time scouring On The Shelf and talking to those who understand muggle things (if this is you, please say so!) before opening tonight at 5:00 p.m. Since it is brand new, everything is in order, but it is entirely clear Mac is frazzled and doesn't feel comfortable running this place. Still, the girl knows how to party! Mike's Corner is providing free food (let's say if you want a certain food type, it is there for now), she hired DJs (music people, help please!), and she is open until eleven. Party on! IC/OOC

Sep. 15th, 2013


The Dance.


Sep. 10th, 2013


Who: Percy Weasley & the Planning Department - Daphne, Helena, Jasper, Lysander, Mike, Molly, Roxie, Victorie
When: Wednesday, September 11, 8:00 am
Where: The office where the Planning Department meets
What: At the beginning of the meeting, Percy realizes he's been pranked.
Note: I'm going to be super busy tomorrow morning so I'm putting it up tonight.

... )

Sep. 6th, 2013


Who: Greg and Helena
When: Tonight
Where: By the lake
What: Greg just likes the lake, that's all.
Warnings/Ratings: TBD

Deep thoughts. Of a sort. )

Aug. 27th, 2013


Eff Those Monsters!

WHO: Mike Corner, Merlin, & anyone 17+
WHAT: Eff demons, time for a little fun.
WHERE: By the lake.
WHEN: Tuesday 8 p.m. until laaaaate!
NOTE: IC only please.

Mike told several people that he wanted a "I fought a demon and won" shirt, but that did not mean the hellish events didn't take a toll on him. Like others, he too remembered the Final Battle at Hogwarts. Going through a bloody war again had not been part of Mike's plans. Hell, the village was not in his plans, but no one got through life without a few hiccups. Still, the last week didn't just remind Mike of the war. No, the Wizarding War involved a man who used dark magic for evil. The Village War? What the bloody hell was that? Mike told himself it didn't matter. They defeated the damn thing. It was how he blocked out the memories of Alecto torturing him all those years ago. He boxed it up and pushed it deep down inside him. Of course, blocking dark memories was easier when alcohol was involved.

He spent the majority of the day scouring the town for booze. It was no easy feat considering the damage, but Mike saw the cans and bottles he found as a reward for cleaning up the blasted rubble, glass, dirt, and whatever the fuck else was around. By the end of the afternoon, he had a nice variety of drinks he used magic to duplicate, mix, and replenish. Mike Corner succeeded in NEWT potions for a reason!

He was reluctant to leave his brewing and mixing so when he noticed Merlin was only a few feet away, he seized the opportunity. He didn't know him too well, but Mike thought Merlin seemed like someone who was up for a party. "Hey, Merlin!" He called. Other villagers might have fawned over the medieval crew, but Mike saw them as just people. Some he liked, some he didn't. Who cared if they were from the past? Did everyone like all the future kids just because they were from the bloody future? No, Mike didn't think so. However, he thought Merlin might be up his alley. "I think it is time for a party, what do you say, mate?"

Aug. 12th, 2013


Who: Rabastan and Helena
What: Rescuing and calming and stuff.
When: After this
Where: The book shop

Read more... )

Aug. 4th, 2013


Who: Evan Rosier and Helena Ravenclaw
What: Reintroductions and a movie.
When: Saturday night.
Where: The castle (Ravenclaw rooms)

A polite acknowledgement. )

Jul. 10th, 2013


Remus & Helena

WHO: Remus Lupin & Helena Ravenclaw
WHAT: Bonding!
WHERE: His cottage.
WHEN: Backdated to Monday/before William showed.

Remus could not tell Helena "no" when she asked if she could stay with him for a few days. He couldn't turn away anyone in need, but he had a particular soft spot for Rowena and Edwyn's daughter. Even before she aged down all those weeks ago, Remus enjoyed speaking with her. Still, he did worry that her parents would find him meddlesome. He didn't mean to be, but turning her away was out of the question. Luckily, they seemed to understand, but Remus knew it had to hurt them. He meant what he said to Edwyn regarding teenagers, but Remus also knew, if the situations were reversed, he'd feel like he did something wrong as a parent. Heck, he did do something wrong. He went and got killed. His son had been left without parents. Thinking about Teddy just made Remus more determined to be there for Helena and her family. Time was precious. The magic could take them back at any moment. He hated to see them suffering, particularly apart from each other.

He set out tea and toast that morning. Rowena mentioned Helena was having some trouble eating, but he didn't think commenting on it would do much good so he simply placed the simple breakfast in the middle of the table. "Sleep well?" He asked.


[present sent to Helena]

ALBUS sends Helena a stuffed bear.

The note simply reads HELLO

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