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Oct. 26th, 2013


WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: Masquerade Party!
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Community Center
RATING: Medium to start?

Read more... )

Oct. 12th, 2013


WHO: Arianna & Kendra Dumbledore
WHAT: A not so happy reunion
WHEN: backdated to Friday, 6 P.M.
WHERE: The Greenhouse
RATING: S for Sad, or H for Heartbreak
STATUS: Closed//Incomplete

A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking. )

Oct. 9th, 2013


Sent to Arianna

SALLY sends Arianna a candle in her favourtie colour and scent. The note reads:


I adore you.

Sally Bones

Oct. 5th, 2013


Arianna's Garden Party!

Sally planned this celebration in honor of Arianna's birthday and one year anniversary in the village. Any of Ari's close friends are welcome to say they helped Sally plan the event. It takes place in the botanical gardens. The weather is cool, but guests should be fine with light jackets/shawls. There are blankets laid out for the picnic. Sally cooked up a storm, but guests can bring dishes too. Since the event is outdoors and low-key, think finger-foods. The cake is a tower of different flavored cupcakes. Consider anyone who cares about Arianna invited. The event took place Saturday, Oct. 5th at noon. IC/OOC!

Oct. 3rd, 2013


Happy birthday, Arianna!

Gilderoy gave her a watercolour portrait he painted himself.

Oct. 2nd, 2013


Happy Birthday, Arianna!

Helena gives this, this, and this pretty dress. She also gives this coral bracelet (Helena likes Coral now, okay?!) that is infused with a calming charm for when Arianna is feeling a little more frantic and lost. Helena infused the charm on her own (with maybe a little help from Daddy?)

Anthony gives this stuffed plush and a bouquet of wild flowers.

Dennis gives a random assortment of hair accessories, headbands, clips, that sort of thing. He also gives one bottle of body lotion that is apple cinnamon scented (and he thinks smells weird).


Happy birthday, Arianna!

ALBUS drew a picture of the gardens, filled with colorful & pretty flowers, to remind her of what will eventually be there again. He also gave her this cute teddy.

REMUS gives her pretty ribbons and a watering pail with her name engraved on it. He also gives her a small sword pendent in honour of bb!Ari.

SALLY gives her this pretty dress along with candles that smell of freshly baked bread. The card attached promises the garden birthday celebration over the weekend.

MIKE gives her a card and voucher for a free meal at the food court.

DRACO gives her a flower bouquet and a sweets basket.

Sep. 15th, 2013


The Dance.


Aug. 19th, 2013


Arianna & Remus

WHO: Remus Lupin & Arianna Dumbledore
WHAT: Remus brings bad news.
WHERE: Infirmary part of the community centre
WHEN: DAY FOUR of monster plot (so slightly backdated)
RATING: PG (may be triggery for those who lost loved ones)

There's nothing good about goodnight when it means goodbye. )

Jul. 5th, 2013



WHO: Albus Severus, Arianna, & Helga
WHAT: Re-meeting an old mate.
WHERE: The community garden
WHEN: Friday afternoon

Albus was all too happy to volunteer his services in arranging a meeting for himself and Arianna with the lovely Founder of Hufflepuff. He understood Arianna's wariness, of course, but Helga seemed as warm and welcoming as always so he hoped the meeting went well for all involved. The village was a funny place; sometimes people arrived from a point in their lives where they were unrecognizable to those who loved them, but other times everything worked out fine. Albus saw it all as an adventure, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt sometimes. He didn't want that for his good friend. He loved Helga too, but he knew Arianna had a different sort of relationship with his former teacher. For that reason, he quickly offered to be there when Ari expressed her nerves about seeing Helga again. He chose the garden because he knew it was one of Arianna's favourite places. He hoped it calmed any nerves she might face.

He arrived extra early so he would be the first one there. He didn't want to leave Arianna alone so better early than late.

May. 26th, 2013


Tree-House Dinner!

WHO: Open to Gilderoy, Arianna, Romilda, Charity, Jamie, Ron, Autumn, Susan...really any student. It is also open to Megan, Scorpius, Lilu (and Po), & Analisa.
WHAT: Potluck dinner in the tree-house! Can be IC/OOC.
NOTE: Again, I am on borrowed time with the laptop, but doing my best.

Albus no longer wanted a family dinner. )

Apr. 27th, 2013


Albus & Arianna

WHO: Albus Severus & Arianna Dumbledore
WHERE: One of the town roads.
WHAT: Al is on a bike ride.
WHEN: Early Saturday evening.

Albus knew his thirteen-year-old self had been in the village longer than his current one, but he could not remember any of that time. His friends and family filled him in, but their memories read like tales about another person. Oh, he knew they were right. Everything sounded exactly like him right down to latching on to people he would never know at home. He never admitted hearing the stories saddened him. They told him he wanted to be older when he was here before, but now he wished he were younger. It was strange being the same age as Jamie, but it was downright horrible being the same age as his dad. Harry's frantic entry made Albus long to run and hug him, but he held back in a way he knew his younger self would not. Now? He regretted it. He did not contact Harry in the next days. He saw him writing to others, but he did not comment, not even on Nana Lily's writing. It was too hard. He did not want to scare Harry off. Not having an uncle or aunt was different. He could not handle it if Harry did not want him around. Albus loved his mother, of course, but Harry had always been the one he needed most.

James said he was going to visit Autumn so Albus set off on his own. He considered going to Scorpius and Lily, but neither of them had contacted him either. Maybe they were busy. He did not want to bother them. He considered going to Evan and Bellatrix, but what if Kirley was there? Al understood he could not be with Bellatrix because she had stuff to deal with, but part of him still thought Kirley was just more interesting. It was that way with most girls anyway. He was too naive, too flighty, and too...Albus Severus Potter. Maybe, if he was honest, part of the appeal of Dark Magic involved feeling cool.

He did not feel cool then. He felt stupid.

His stomach grumbled. Maybe he would head to the teashop for a snack. He had his notepad with him so he could jot down thoughts. The only good thing with feeling so off? It got the creative juices flowing.

Apr. 7th, 2013


Who: Helena and Arianna
What: Ari had a bad dream, Helena is getting her milk!
When: Sometime after Arianna's journal entry
Where: The castle, their shared room.

I broughted you some warm milk! )

Mar. 30th, 2013


WHO: Arianna & Aberforth Dumbledore
WHAT: She, apparently, needed to have her own drama Potion mishap
WHERE: The Greenhouse
WHEN: Saturday 30 March, Evening
RATING: S, for Stupid girl.

The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - and never knowing. )

Feb. 15th, 2013


Who: Ariana Dumbledore and Gilderoy Lockhart
What: Love is in the air...
Where: The greenhouse.
When: Thursday afternoon.

Gilderoy rushed to the greenhouse as fast as his legs could carry him. )

Jan. 19th, 2013


Albus & Open

WHO: Albus Severus Potter & Open
WHERE: The tree house older!Neville made younger!Alby.
WHAT: Albus is doodling, writing, and generally musing about life.
WHEN: Slightly forward dated to Sunday afternoon.

It was strange to hear about a past in the village that he couldn't recall, but Al recognized himself in the stories his friends and family told. He wished he could get his hands on the journal he kept the first time, but apparently it vanished when he did. He liked the village well enough, especially meeting so many different sorts of folks, but half his heart was still back in the other world. He experimented with things his family and closest mates wouldn't approve of and now he felt like he needed to keep those secrets from them. He feared their judgment as well as their mistrust so he was left alone with his thoughts and fears. They had been right. Dark magic wasn't so easily controlled.

He gripped his quill tightly when he remembered the pull it had on him back home. The darkness scared him; it felt like two sides of him went to war, but then again hadn't he always felt that way? He hated the feeling, but, even now, he was intrigued by Lucius Malfoy's offer of more books and Bellatrix's mention of their time together. Yet, what about Scorpius? Lily Luna? Jamie? His parents?

Words came easily to Albus in those moods. He lounged against the base of the tree and scratched his quill against the parchment like it had a mind of its own. In a way, it did. He knew he was writing the words, but they were flowing so fast, it was like the message was delivered from another world.

Dec. 27th, 2012


Backdated to Christmas day

Presents from Helga )

Nov. 10th, 2012


WHO: Arianna Dumbledore & Godric Gryffindor
WHEN: Backdated to the morning of 15 October
WHERE: The Ravenclaws' old cabin
WHAT: A surprise encounter in the early morning with a slightly strange man
RATING: G/PG (depends on detail)
STATUS: Closed//Incomplete

Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. )

Oct. 20th, 2012


WHO: Arianna Dumbledore & Severus Snape
WHEN: 20 October, Four P.M.
WHERE: Castle Grounds
WHAT: Arianna feels the need to put Mister Snape's mind at ease regarding her recent outburst.
RATING: G/PG (depends on detail)
STATUS: Closed//Incomplete

You used to wonder what it's all about./Now those are questions you can do without./You laugh them off and do the best you can/But all you want is Mama's arms. )

Sep. 30th, 2012


A Meeting

Who: Severus Snape, Arianna Dumbledore, and residents of whichever cottage Arianna chooses to spend the full moon
What: Personal escort
Where: Starting at Arianna's cottage and ending wherever she decides to go
When: Sunday, 30 September, mid-afternoon

He didn't consider himself a rescuer of damsels in distress. )

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