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Dec. 23rd, 2014


Holiday Decorating Contest!

Let the creativity flow... )


Village Holiday Celebration

Happy Holidays! )

Dec. 22nd, 2014


Who: Ron and Hermione
What: Reuniting in the village
When: Sunday evening when Ron first arrived
Where: The zoo
Rating: Low

He was missing his children already. )

Dec. 20th, 2014


Who: Hugo and Rabastan
What: Roommates meeting and sharing beers
When: Backdated to the day they both arrived, so the 9th (I'm slow -_-)
Where: They're house
Rating: Low except for some language

Read more... )

Dec. 15th, 2014


WHO: Molly Weasley and Colin Creevey
WHAT: Molly is having a meltdown, and Colin is witness
WHEN: Monday mid-day
WHERE: By the lake
RATING: There may be some language
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

She cried until she thought she would drown. )


WHO: Luna Lovegood & Rolf Scamander
WHAT: Telling her future
WHEN: Shortly after her arrival
WHERE: Mike's Corner
RANK: Adorable
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Luna wasn't a romantic, exactly, but she liked to think she and Rolf had a future together. )

Dec. 14th, 2014


Who: Amelia and Gideon
What: Talking about feelz, being husband and wife. Cool things.
Where: House #26
When: Sunday December 14th, later evening
Rating: TBA

After the recent slew of tragedy in the village, it seemed life was starting to get itself back on track )

Dec. 9th, 2014


Sent to Gellert

MIKE sends GELLERT this book. The note reads:

Whole other world out there, mate.


Who: Lily Luna Potter and Draco Malfoy
What: Lily arrives in the village
Where: The outskirts of the village
When: Tuesday afternoon.
[Started in Gdocs and continued in thread]

Lily was going to be late! )

Dec. 8th, 2014


Whilst you were sleeping… )

Dec. 5th, 2014



"After all, to the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

-J.K. Rowling

.......... )

Nov. 30th, 2014


Who: Fleur and Nikki
Where: Out and about the Village
When: Sunday 11/30
What: The girls are out on their rounds trying to help when Fleur gets injured.

We will rise above by helping others rise )



Saturday, 11/29 & Sunday, 11/30

→ Severe thunderstorms & random earthquakes interspersed throughout the last two days.
→ The castle is damaged, but mostly okay. The residential homes are largely alright. The shops are destroyed. Nature severely damaged (fallen trees, uprooted bushes, etc.)
→ Every character who signed up to die should be gone as of today. If I accidentally left someone off, please let me know and I will add him/her immediately. I am spending the next few hours cleaning things up mod-wise. There will be a memorial this week (to be posted at another time) as well as general clean up and rebuilding in town.

May the following rest in peace:

-Cedric Diggory
-Hugo Weasley
-Dorcas Meadowes
-Edgar Bones
-Rabastan Lestrange
-Teddy Lupin
-Liam Connolly
-Lea Moon
-Autumn Flint
-Lily Luna Potter
-Dennis Creevey
-Ron Weasley
-Daphne Greengrass
-Alicia Spinnet
-Hermione Granger

Nov. 28th, 2014



Thursday, 11/27

→ Continued calm, but it is cold.

Friday, 11/28

→ There is an earthquake in parts of the village at 4:00 p.m. Part of the castle is destroyed. Many shop windows are shattered. Ceilings collapsed. The residential homes are largely left alone (for now). If a character is in his or her home at the time of the earthquake, he/she will feel a slight tremor, but nothing more.


May the following rest in peace:

~Rowena, Edwyn, & Helena Ravenclaw
~Neville & Frank Longbottom
~Regulus Black
~Molly Prewett
~Arthur Weasley

Nov. 26th, 2014



→ The storms abated, but it is still cold. The day is otherwise still.
→ No deaths.

Nov. 24th, 2014



→ The chill remains.
→ Storming continues. Flash flooding.
→ Intense winds shatter windows. Trees collapse.
→ The storming stops for about thirty minutes every other hour.


May Sirius Black, Fabian Prewett, Ginny Weasley, & Minerva McGonagall rest in peace.


May Severus Snape, Dorea Potter, Sally Bones, & Mei West rest in peace.

Nov. 23rd, 2014


Albus & Astoria

WHO: Albus Severus Potter & Astoria Greengrass
WHERE: His and Jamie's cottage.
WHAT: Sharing some secrets!
WHEN: Backdated to Friday afternoon.

Albus invited Astoria to his place because he wanted to talk to her about something pretty embarrassing. He needed a female's opinion (a female he wasn't related to). Isabella and Autumn had been helpful, but he didn't want to bug them. Granted, Astoria was Scorpius' mum and he loved her like a second mother at home, but here? Astoria was close to his age and had been a good friend so far. He trusted her not to laugh at him.

"So this is my room," he announced. He swept a hand around the room, which was decorated with tons of muggle superhero posters and filled to the brim with books and comics. There were also sketches and scraps of parchment everywhere. "Er, I tried to clean," he said as he stuffed some things under his bed. He smiled sheepishly. "How are you?"



→ There was relative quiet 1:00 a.m. through 7:00 a.m. The chill remained.
→ Storming started at 7:00 a.m. Dangerous winds. Flying debris. Blinding rain. Caves begin collapsing.
→ The thunder and lightening started at 12:00 p.m. and continued through 6:00 p.m.


May Analisa Montgomery, Aberforth Dumbledore, Luna Lovegood, & Narcissa Malfoy rest in peace.

Nov. 22nd, 2014



→ Loud roars begin around 8:00 p.m. They will continue until 1:00 a.m.
→ These roars sound unnatural, like something evil is being awakened.
→ Winter is always cold, but the chill now feels unnatural.
→ These roars might remind villagers of the monsters. These roars might remind others of Voldemort. Some villagers are old hats at this type of thing; others are brand new.
→ How do you react? Do you venture out to see what is happening? Do you stay locked inside with family and friends? Are you so drunk that you miss it entirely?

Nov. 17th, 2014


Happy birthday, Hugo!

ALBUS gives his cousin a sketch of his (Hugo's) favorite Quidditch team's emblem, a gift card to the food court, and offer to hang out doing whatever Hugo wants.

ARTHUR gives his grandson Smuggled trinkets, but also remembers Hugo's plea for food so he offers to take him to breakfast/lunch/dinner whenever Hugo wants!

REMUS gives Hugo a sweets basket and a general gift certificate to the various shops. He invites him for tea whenever!

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