Dec. 23rd, 2017



Dreams have shown me who I am

Who: George and Timore
What: Nightmares and memories
Where: Dreamscape and bedrooms
When: Late
Warnings: Nightmares and possibly boning

Somewhere all my darkest fears are gathering )

Dec. 21st, 2017



Voice Wisp: Winter/Everyone
(Her voice is a low, soft purr, with the sharpest of smiles lacing every word.)

Take great care and stay huddled up inside if you're the sensitive sort. It will be quite cold tonight.

I, on the other hand, will be dancing, if you dare to join me.



(after this)

[Voice Wisp: Faiella/Sovan]
SOVAN. Dear heart. Darling. Where are you?

Dec. 20th, 2017


voice wisp: London → Erevos.

[She sighs, this all due to Vevina's music no doubt. London steadies herself.]

I would like to see you. Is this alright?



Voice wisp: Vevina → Everyone

Hello, my darlings. I've been working on something since I arrived and I thought that I might share it with all of you. Please compliment them well, these sprites have worked hard for this performance.

[ There's a pause, a rustle, and then a rising chorus of tiny chatter that could be words, but they speak so fast that picking out any word is next to impossible. ]

Calm down, my tiny loves, you'll get your treats, but first....

[ Suddenly the chaotic chatter dies down into a soft, melodic hum of many in tune voices that grow into perfection. ]

Thank you, lovelies. I do hope you all enjoy this. I think we could use a little more music at this party, yes?

[ The sprites begin to sing and those familiar with the human world might find a few familiar songs in a lilting chorus that mimics human voice but with an otherworldly quality. Those fae used to such things will recognize some of the songs as Sovan's creations. Those inclined towards sweet feelings towards a particular individual might find their thoughts gently turned in the direction of that person (or persons) for whom they hold such feelings. However, the suggestion is a gentle one.]

song list )



Voice Wisp:Merry->To Seperate People, but with the same message.

[The wisps find each respective recipient.Merry had been thinking a lot of regrets and how love is supposed to work. Vevina's words have struck home. She's been working in this present for Yule, with the ingredients that Aelius had found for her and with much love and care she has crafted a brooch for each who participated. Merry's voice is gentle...]

I've made the wrong choices sometime, hopefully, this will help you make the right one. If you did not participate in my project please tell me if you'd like a brooch and I will make one for you. I don't want to leave anyone out.

[Each brooch lets the wearer see a part of their fate that is beautiful and good. It is meant to inspire the wearer with hope]

Aadi )

Aelius )

Arthur )

Doran )

Dyspiro )

Erevos )

Faiella )

Georgiana )

London )

NIall )

Robin )

Saana )

Timore )

Dec. 19th, 2017



[Written Wisp: Damen/Everyone]
While I have spoken to many, it seems my words bear repeating.

Things that the library is for: reading, research, and similar activities.

Things that the library is not for: waging war against sugary concoctions, revelry (on or off the furniture or books), weeping, any one of the many variations of hide and seek, matchmaking of any kind, brawling, or any other pasttime that doesn't relate to the acceptable activities list.



Wisp: Lir -> Georgie

[ There is a written wisp that comes to Miss Georgiana Holmwood. It unfurls in front of her. The handwriting is very good, maybe not as flourished as some of the others.

Please accept my deepest apology for offending you.

These are just the first token.


There's more )

Dec. 18th, 2017



wisp: nyx --> everyone

I find myself desirous of stories. Come, tell me your most intriguing.

Dec. 17th, 2017



Mirror: Merry -> Erevos

[Merry is in her quarters. It's silent and she is sitting at her table, the one Erevos made for her. There are pillows everywhere, strewn around the floor. She looks distraught and manic. She's been crying and there is stardust glittering on her face from all of the tears she's shed.


I need you.

I desperately need you.



Who: Merry and Niall
When: After this and before this
What: Merry's having a mid-love crisis
Where: Probably the lake, we'll see
Warnings: TBD

Everyone's to blame. )



voice wisp: raana → everyone

[The wisps come bearing presents, each carrying a heart, uniquely beautiful, lovingly carved, exquisitely crafted.

Her voice is low and soft, heavy-laden with honeyed desire and the weighty blanket of satisfaction. Each word is a gentle purr, a lover's croon.]

I am much too much, my power made complete. To bear it alone would be a sin, even among those of us who believe in so such thing.

Take it, beloved. To each of you, a piece of me.

[Each heart contains a core of throbbing light, crystalline and iridescent. Shifting, writhing, it maintains no shape and shifts through them all. A piece of Raana's power, crystallized in light, made incandescent by Niall. A gift without price or expectation. Passion in the palm of your hand, should you choose to take it.]



voice wisp: Jemisha → Everyone

[Her wisp sighs, but it is not malcontent, simply pensive and then it expands, a thought crossing her and slipping from her lips.]

I helped defeat a gingerbread army, but I don't believe I have yet to dance and this is a shame. [She can move like the dark, and to dance brings her peace, especially with those she holds dear.]

Would anyone join me? And perhaps find other pursuits as you do.



Voice wisp: Vevina → Merry

Tell me what happened, love.

[ Vevina's voice is quiet but steady now. The volume solely determined by the sleeper currently curled up on her. ]

Dec. 16th, 2017



Undo These Chains My Friend

Who: Timore & Faiella
What: Fai comes to see if he's dead.
Where: Timore's room in the palace
When: After getting scolded by the king
Warnings: Timore being a pissy shithead probably.

Under the words of men )



Who: Erevos and Arthur
What: A (re)meeting
Where: A hallway somewhere near the library
When: A time
Warnings: Probably lots of fairly detailed death talk coming up

Read more... )

Dec. 15th, 2017



voice wisp: aelius → everyone

So, here's the thing.

I thought, given everything, it would be nice to have some homemade treats instead of ones that a fae of feasts or food or sweets magicked into existence—and, really, thank you for that, Ashtara, we all appreciate your efforts. So, as one does, I went to the Starlight Palace's kitchens. Since that's where you go to make food.

Apparently, I did not end up in the Starlight Palace's kitchens, but having never actually gone to the kitchen before, I was not aware of this until after I accidentally used the Unseelie King's workshop to create sentient Sugar Plum Fairy Dolls, Gingerbread Men, Marshmallow Snowmen, and something that might be burned molasses but I'm honestly not sure.

[Distantly, there is the sound of shouting. Something explodes.]

They've decided to wage war on each other as they each attempt to establish a sovereign kingdom.

This is my gift to you this Midwinter. If someone might be interested in helping negotiate a peace treaty, that would be great. If any of you more litigiously inclined fae want to defend me from the Unseelie King, that would also be great.

[A pause.

There's another explosion, a resounding shriek, and something like a canon sounds in the distance.]

They've weaponized the candy cane.

Please hurry.



she gets her pleasures from her chemist shop

Who: Eiran and Sovan
What: Eiran finds Sovan after the fight
Where: The Starlight Palace
When: After light castigation and sads
Warnings: Healing sex probably. Uncomfortable descriptions of being human.

that bottle leads to hell i ain't drinking that honey can't you tell )

Dec. 16th, 2017



Voice wisp: George → Everyone

[There's a few bars of violin music before George speaks.] You know, I do find I enjoy playing with company instead of alone. Does anyone else play an instrument by chance?

Voice wisp: Timore
Is everything alright?

Voice wisp: Monster
I don't believe we've been properly introduced, but I do hope you'll be willing to change that.

Dec. 15th, 2017



Voice wisp: Eiran → Everyone

Considering what a mess there was earlier, should anyone feel that they'd prefer not to risk sleeping and encountering whatever mayhem that might entail... my services are always available.

Voice wisp → Timore and Sovan
So how many pieces did our benevolent lord leave you both in? I'd ask if I should be concerned, but I'm really not. You both knew better but apparently you were still too dense to think matters through.

Written wisp → Island
You had better not be who I think you are.