December 31st, 2017



voice wisp: georgie → everyone

[She clears her throat. It's an awkward sound.]

Is... there anyone who can point me in the direction of a physician? I have, ah... [A delicate cough.] Discovered an allergy. As it were.

voice wisp ---> everyone.

[ Her voice sounds bewildered, she's attempting to keep her composure but it's fraying around the edges. ]

Where... am I?

[ She bumps into something decidedly not human, and this, after having wandered lost in the forest for a few hours before finding the gala, cracks the final shred of her composure.]

Who---or rather what are all of you?!

[ Her wisp trembles, then Claire takes a breath to steady herself. This is not the best way to make a first impression, with fear and insult laced through her tone. ]

I.. I am sorry. I'm trying to locate my siblings and... so much of this is beyond my comprehension.



i get you to swerve right outta fast lane

Who: Erevos and Georgie
What: Getting some salve
Where: Hot springs
When: After this
Warnings: TBD

you still got champagne running through your veins )



voice wisp: sovan → everyone

Hey, losers.

Have good dreams lately?

You're welcome.