Jun. 26th, 2010


Drinking Contest.

Who: Coyote and Liah.
Where: the 12th floor hall, then the roof, then the lounge
When: late morning

This felt like a good idea at the time... )

Jun. 13th, 2010


A Mission

Who: Liah and Coyote
When: late morning
Where: the eighth floor, random empty hotel rooms

Liah was a woman on a mission, and the reason she'd chosen the eighth floor for her purposes was twofold: she hadn't scavenged in the empty rooms on this floor before, and when she'd been down to the lobby earlier on her way back from getting herself some breakfast, she'd noticed that there was only one key missing from the board for floor eight. She could have taken the keys to access the rooms, but why should she? She didn't exactly need keys to gain access, after all.

802 had yielded absolutely nothing, certainly not what Liah was looking for, and she knew it was possible that somebody had already gone through the stuff in this room. After one last pass with her little flashlight, Liah decided to move on to the next room. She stepped through the closed door and jerked back as she realized that she'd run into someone in the dark hallway. "Shit!" she grumbled, her heart pounding, raising her flashlight to see who it was.

I know you think I'm hot, but you're just gonna have to control yourself )

May. 25th, 2010


placeholder for the rescue stuff

Apr. 23rd, 2010


A Wager

Who: Liah and Coyote
When: early afternoon
Where: the roof

Rowan had brought back her favorite pair of sunglasses the day before, when he'd gone on an excursion to both of their houses to collect as much as he could carry of things they might want. It was a small thing, but it made her feel better. The sunglasses were big and bold, the lenses dark and the frames a subtle mix of tortoiseshell and leopard-print, and Liah had them on as she sat on the roof, her back against the stairwell wall, not more than three or four feet from the entrance to the building. Ro would probably yell at her if he knew she was up here, but she needed to get outside, fierce, taloned bird-mutants in the sky or no. She knew they were there, at least, and she figured she could watch for them and flee inside (or, hell, just phase herself through the wall if she had to) at the first sign of one.

his 'something is wrong with the world (besides the monsters)' sense was tingling )

Apr. 9th, 2010


Bitch, Please

Who: Liah and Coyote
When: early afternoon
Where: the basement

Liah had visited the basement with Tony the other day, but she hadn't had the chance to look around as much as she wanted to. She'd also been flirting a bit with him, which had distracted her even more from what she might possibly find. She was all about scavenging things they might need whenever she had the opportunity. So after she'd had lunch and finished up the sketch of Verity she'd been working on, she'd headed downstairs, wishing for Rowan's wings as she navigated the billion flights of stairs from the twelfth floor to where she was going. If nothing else, she was going to have kickass legs, at least.

She had her little flashlight, which fortunately still worked, because it was seriously dark on the pool, laundry room and storage room level. Liah moved down the hallway, listening to see if it sounded like anyone else was around. She wasn't easily frightened, but it was creepy down here when the lights weren't working.

it was totally awesome to meet you. NOT. )

Mar. 16th, 2010


Who: Coyote and Juan
When: Noonish
Where: The Kitchen
What: Lunch and Bromance?

He needed a sammich... a really BIG sammich... )

Mar. 12th, 2010


Who: Coyote and Mia.
When: ~9:30 PM.
Where: Inside the hotel entrance.
Heeey... pretty sweet pad here, mind if I chill? )

August 2010




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