Jul. 11th, 2010


Burying the hatchet

Who: Megan and Tony
When: Mid-morning
Where: Tony’s room

It had been nagging at Megan’s mind for a week now, how she’d left things with Tony. She’d tried to forget it, but she just hadn’t been able to. The way he’d acted the last time they’d talked, when she’d had a panic attack set in as he touched her... she’d tried to tell herself he deserved it from what had happened, but the fact of the matter was that he didn’t. Nobody deserved it, really.

She’d found out from the large man with the deep voice- Andre, she vaguely remembered- what room Tony was in and was determined to make things right. Thankful that the room number signs were also in braille, she’d followed the wall, feeling the numbers as she went. Finally, she found his room. She took a deep breath and said a small prayer to the Goddess to give her strength before knocking on his door.

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t kill me. I’ve got Pilates later. )

May. 8th, 2010


One step forward, two steps back

Who: Megan and Tony
Where: The bar
When: Early evening

We're all still figuring things out, aren't we? )

May. 7th, 2010


Placey holdey

For Megan and Etienne

Apr. 23rd, 2010


Common Scents

Who: Megan and Tayne
Where: Hall, first floor
When: 2 pm

Tiger and stomach flu. A... unique aroma. )

Apr. 13th, 2010


We All Get A Little Bit Weird Sometimes

Who: Terry and Megan
When: 1:00pm
Where: Megan's room

He honestly had no idea what to expect from this visit. )

Apr. 5th, 2010


PTSD (backdated, Day 9)

Who: Megan and Zane
When: Day 9, Evening
Where: Megan's room

He'd been told that Megan was okay and, for the most part, believed it given no one had rushed to get him to help with any injuries she'd sustained. Yet as the day went on and he hadn't seen the redhead about the hotel, he began to wonder. To turn his back and simply wait for her to show her face again would be easy. To always only think of himself would be the easiest way to survive of all. Yet he couldn't, and he tended to blame his medical training for the moral obligation. As someone who could help, he should. Now more than ever. Especially given that the woman had been attacked.

He questioned other residents of the hotel to find out where her room was, and the made his way there. Zane knocked on the door and called through, "Megan?" before trying the knob. He pushed the door open slowly, peering inside. "I came to check if you're alright."

Some people just do bad things. )

Mar. 30th, 2010


The Pain That Lingers

Who: Megan and Joyce
When: Morning, Day 10 of the Apocalypse
Where: Megan's room

Megan really had no sense of how long it had been since the attack. While she'd managed to come out of things a little with Zane, she was still in her own happy little world inside herself most of the time. She had slept some, in fits and spurts, but the dreams had always been invaded by that voice, those hands, that breath, sending her further back again, starting to undo all the things that had been accomplished while Zane had been there. So now, she just lay there, like she had for several hours. Her head wasn't hurting as bad as it had before, although her ankle was still killing her. Beyond that, she just stared blankly at the ceiling- blankly even for her- and hummed and sang quietly to herself, only moving a bare minimum when she needed to. She was safe where she was. The Goddess was watching her, and She would protect her.

Megan? It was a bad thing that happened and it was... completely random and... not something specifically aimed at you. And Terry stopped it from going any further. )

Mar. 20th, 2010


Who: Megan, Charles, Tony and Terry
Where: Bar, ground floor
When: Day 9, 9am

A woman's cry was a powerful thing, it brought sensations of fear and pain that even Charles couldn't fathom. )

Mar. 15th, 2010


Time to face the facts

Who: Charity and OPEN
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: Pool

She knew Zane had told her not to, but today Charity had spent some quality time with a bottle of whiskey snagged from her mini-fridge. And eventually she'd come to the decision that she shouldn't keep ignoring the power that kept acting up without her consent. So far it hadn't been dangerous (and really, how dangerous could water be, anyhow?), but it was starting to get inconvenient. She could hardly shower anymore without the water starting to fall the wrong way. So she grabbed another bottle, kicked off her shoes, and walked downstairs to the pool.

When she got to the pool, Charity stripped down to her boxer shorts and t-shirt. She stepped into the shallow end of the pool, sitting carefully on the steps so the stump of her amputated arm could stay clear. She didn't trust herself to swim quite yet, and didn't want to risk her arm getting more infected than it already was from the shit in the water. Then she relaxed, closing her eyes and feeling the current flow against her skin, concentrating on how it felt, waiting to see if some sort of... instinct would kick in, telling her how the hell she was supposed to control her damn power.

Mar. 7th, 2010


Who: Mia and Megan
When: Morning, Day 7
Where: The clothing stockpile room, first floor.

Clothes shopping! )

Feb. 23rd, 2010


Where everybody knows your name...

Who: Megan and Loren
When: Early Evening
Where: Hotel bar

Megan ran her fingers over the glass bottles in front of her, her back to the open doorway. Ever since exploring the kitchen, she'd become eager to check out other parts of the hotel, while they were still safe and accessible at least. She'd visted the laundry room, the pool, the exercise room, but none had proven as interesting as the bar. The glass bottles each had their own unique feel and sound, and even the labels were proving very interesting, as she was discovering that she could feel the letters printed on each one. If she'd known what the letters were, she probably could've read them as easily as she read braille. She made a mental note to work on that at some point. Still, she could actually smell the alcohol through the glass or at least escaping from under the caps. Picking up one particularly oddly-shaped bottle, she gave it a whiff. Tequila, she thought with a smile. A person could easily drink themselves to an early grave in a place like this. Or at least drink enough to forget that the world was ending all around them and they were the only ones left.


Flight Prep in the Game Room

Who: Rowan and OPEN
Where: The game rooms of the hotel
When: Late morning

Sneaking away from the usual bunch for a bit, Rowan had a few ideas he wanted to work on with his wings-- and this time, he really didn't want anyone around to watch him potentially fall on his face. Or smash into things. Or generally make an ass of himself.

So he'd snuck downstairs and into the game room. Or card room. Or whatever the hell it actually was. The roof was high enough, and the room big enough, and the place full of enough heavy furniture for what he had in mind. First order of business: getting lift without having to run around like a moron. That wasn't going to do him any good if he needed to get away from something quickly, or if he was going to launch off a roof, right? Of course not.

So he took off his shoes-- heavy combat boots, he decided, were not very helpful when it came to flying-- grabbed one of the edges of the heavy poker tables, and started flapping the wings. With nobody around to rush him, and no monsters to make him rush himself, he could experiment with angles and direction of the beats and... stuff. That was the plan, anyway, right up until the deck of cards sitting on the table scattered across the room in a frenzied cloud, buffeted by his wings.

"Fuck," he grumbled.

Feb. 17th, 2010



Who: Megan
When: Late afternoon
Where: The hotel roof
Warning: Non-sexual nudity

It felt like the walls were closing in, and Megan had never been claustrophobic before. But knowing that she couldn't go out had made her that way. While the hotel was reasonably safe, she felt so cut off from nature inside, and that just couldn't go on any longer. Figuring that if she was going to do this, she needed to do it before they lost power and she had to actually climb the stairs the whole way, she gathered a few things then headed up to the roof.

Opening the door, she immediately broke into a smile at the feeling of the sun and the wind on her face. Sure, there was still the smells of death and the occasional noise she couldn't quite place, but she tried to block that out. This was going to be her time to commune with what was left of nature and hopefully the Goddess, if She was out there. Humming quietly as she walked slowly out onto the roof, she put down the small duffel bag she'd "borrowed" from a previous tenant and began setting up.

Calling on the Goddess )

Feb. 16th, 2010


Who: Amberlee and Megan
When: Morning, day 4
Where: Kitchen

It was day three at the hotel for Amberlee but it felt like much less. Her arrival had been marked with so much insecurity, her status some kind of wayward refugee or nomad in search of a safe resting spot for the night. Her experiences out on the streets of Detroit had not inspired hope in her situation. Nor had her condition let up, allowing her to finally have a regular days rest. After her meal and talk with the man who’d greeted her and Paige at the door, Amberlee had eventually bunked down for the night under the effects of some powerful sleeping pills. Then spent the following day in bed in the hopes some bed rest and time would be all she needed to move past the affliction. It didn’t work.

She couldn’t sleep forever. Even if it was her only respite from the constant whale that consumed her mind, she still had to abandon it to fend off the other afflictions that would consume her. An angered stomach was less fun, and only served to aid her in remembering all her past mishaps when food had eluded her. The memories themselves seemed to drive the hurt, and once they got rolling it was hard to make them stop. The kitchen would be her sanctuary, the food within a task, and focal point to center her frayed and flailing mind. So she ate, but it wasn’t quite enough. As Amberlee ate she hummed, drawing on a plethora of tunes she had heard throughout her life. Outwardly she appeared dainty, even happy as she went about her morning. It cast an odd contrast for someone settling into the end of the world. Still, it may have passed for acceptably normal had she not also been carefully stacking hundreds of glasses, one on top of the other into a pyramid, on the wide kitchen floor. By the time someone had entered to find her, the structure had grown quite large.

Feb. 10th, 2010


A case of the munchies

Who: Megan and Alan
When: Late afternoon, August 24
Where: The kitchen and dining room

It had been a long couple of days for Megan, so it had been quite a relief for her to finally get a room to herself. While it hadn't been enough to completely block out all the outside noise, it was enough to at least dampen it a little. After the awkwardness of putting the room's former occupants' belongings in the closet, she managed to finally fall asleep somewhat, although that was likely utter exhaustion enabling her to tune out the sensations that were still so overwhelming to her.

Megan checked her watch to figure out what time it was when she woke up. Surprisingly, it was past lunchtime already when she woke up for good. She took a little time to meditate and try to center herself before her stomach began protesting and gurgling. Taking her cane and putting on her sunglasses, and locking the door behind her, she headed down to the lobby. She was surprising herself by how well she was getting around an unfamiliar place so quickly. While she wasn't completely sure where she was going, she was able to get a good sense of where things were from the echoes, and she was getting enough of the scent of food from the kitchen that she was pretty sure she was headed the right way.

It wasn't until she was almost in the dining room that she detected another scent, hidden at a distance by the other smells permeating the hotel, but at closer ranger standing out quite strong. It was an unmistakeable smell, although one that she hadn't personally partaken of since college. Yes, that was definitely weed she was smelling. She decided to take a chance on it belonging to someone, rather than just lingering in the air. She'd need a hand in the kitchen unless she wanted to just randomly go opening up cans. "Hello?" she asked the air, listening for a sound that would confirm the presence of another person. "Anyone there?"

Feb. 1st, 2010


Who: Charles, Landon, Megan, Zane and Terry
When: Day 2, 4am/Morning
Where: Convenience Store, Gun Shop and then the Hotel

Ah think it's safe guys but... )


In the cards

Who: Megan and Charles
Where: The storage room of the convenience store
When: Somewhere between midnight and one AM or so

Can't read my, can't read my poker face )

Jan. 26th, 2010


Who: Landon, Zane, Charles, and Megan
When: Day 1
Where: In the streets and an abandoned convenience store.

'Ah'm a human, so far as Ah can tell.'  )

August 2010




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