May. 16th, 2010


Rooftop hopping

Who: Juan and Rowan
Where: Out and about the city
When: Late afternoon

Juan had decided that it would be fastest if he went out alone. His ability to teleport got him through many apartments from when he began in early afternoon, but yielded him very little in the way of supplies. The most of what he found were new vividly decaying mostly eaten corpses... a sight he was becoming all too comfortable with. In the last apartment he found a few cans of baked beans and one of corned beef, which he wasn't certain if it was still good, but he still was on the look out for more canned goods. One find made the trip almost worth it in and of itself. It was a backpack filled with camping equipment. It had a medium-sized machete, a small set of binoculars, a few army rations, and the most impressive of all an emergency radio. The addition of this device to their supplies would probably help a great deal. Juan hadn't tried to use the radio just yet, since he was still out and about, but he definitely wanted to share this find with at least Joyce if not Terry. He teleported out and up to the roof of the next building and pulled out said binoculars and began to scope out the next complex.

The next complex had a pair of drooping, blue-gray wings )

May. 15th, 2010


Breakfast for two

Who: Juan and Taylor
Where: The kitchen
When: Morning

she kind of hoped she didn't run into anyone )

May. 14th, 2010


Bourbon and Violin Music

Who: Josh and Juan
Where: the bar/lounge area
When: midday

The middle of the day had arrived, and Josh still felt like miserable crap. He'd taken three frigidly cold showers to try to bring down his temperature, he'd drank a ton of cold water, and he still felt like he was probably running about a hundred and three degrees. He knew why he was sick-- because of what he'd done in the basement the previous day, which had been a very good thing for everyone-- but that didn't make the consequences any easier to bear. He'd finally decided that lying around on his floor next to the window wasn't going to make him feel any better, either, so he got up and dragged himself down the stairs to the lounge.

It was deeply shadowed but still possible to see with the light that came into the windows, and Josh went behind the bar to see what he could find. He'd never been much of a drinker, hadn't ever been able to afford to be a drinker, but if he had to be wretchedly sick, maybe he could find something that would knock him unconscious. It was worth a try. Pale, hollow-eyed and sweating heavily, he leaned against the back part of the bar as he checked out the various bottles on the mirrored shelf behind it.

he hoped he wasn't evil like Pyro, but control over fire was pretty cool anyway )

Apr. 20th, 2010


Teleporting to... bed?

Who: Erin and Juan
When: 10ish
Where: Erin's Room

After hanging out with Landon, Mia, and others all afternoon, Juan was ready for bed. Though he had recovered his energy pretty well, he was ready for some shut eye. He went out into the lobby and closed his eyes. This would be the latest he'd teleported to his room. The darkness was a bit confusing, but Juan didn't want to waste batteries on what should be an easy port. He envisioned the bed and the messy sheets and disappeared.

He reappeared in midair, but something was wrong. He'd normally land a little above the bed because landing on something fluffy was fun, but this time he hit the corner of the bed and bounced onto the floor with a hard thud. "OWW. SHIT." he groaned and rolled onto his back. Smacking his head on the carpeted floor hard enough to actually feel it.

Apr. 19th, 2010


WHO: Landon and OPEN
WHAT: We'll find out, won't we?
WHERE: The kitchen
WHEN: Around 2 PM

Landon was thinking about Tom Waits. Not in any serious or important manner of course -- how serious or important could one's thoughts be when they revolved around a man who had been nearly seventy and smoked nearly forty packs a day? Still, it was what his mind was revolving around. Tom Waits and his poem "What's he Building in there?". The lyrics were running through Landon's head on repeat as he made his way into the kitchen, and the redhead found himself remorsing over the fact that he'd never get a chance to see Tom perform live.

In the Bostonian's hands were a knife and a canteloupe. The fruit was heavy and reassuring. He'd been careful about eating only when he really needed to, and even then it was sparingly. His stomach had been roaring dully for the past few hours. The meagre breakfast he'd shared with Loren that morning had hardly filled him, and only a little while later he felt as though he were starving again, his stomach clenching and growling. He felt a little bad for using the fruit, as though he were doing something wrong, taking away what little they had in fresh vegetation from everyone else, but the canteloupe was close to going bad, he could smell the syrupy-sweet almost too ripeness even through the thick and textured rind.

Setting the fruit on the counter, Landon began to cut into it, first slicing it in half, and then dividing it again. His suspicions of the age of the melon were confirmed as soon as the two sides fell apart. It cut like butter against a hot knife, the insides were soft and vibrant orange, so bright that it looked artificial. As he continued slicing it the smell became cloying, and for some reason Landon thought of his summers in Alabama, before he'd moved to Boston. The smell reminded him of honey-suckle blooming along the buildings of his youth, the pink and white blooms attracting everything from ants to hummingbirds. He smiled a little, thinking of the hot winters and even hotter summers, and finished dicing up the fruit, removing it from the cutting board and putting it on a plate.

Mar. 26th, 2010


Watch Out for Anything That Slithers

Who: Juan, Pepper, Rowan
When: Late afternoon, 5ish
Where: The hotel, then a neighborhood a little ways away from the hotel

Juan was loitering in the Lobby. After playing in the dining hall for a little while, he was getting antsy. Teleportation made the act of putting his violin away and grab his empty backpack on the seventh floor feel like an afterthought and Juan was ready to go. His talk with Terry the day before about helping with outings really got him excited and any chance that he had to leave the hotel would be taken at a moments notice. SO what better way to go about this goal than by hanging out in the lobby. It was the only main exit to the building that he knew of so someone was bound to happen by with the intent on going out. He'd just be patient.

Pepper had gone out earlier in the day - on super-secret business, of course. But spending so much time inside with nothing to do but bother Dhaval and scribble on her walls left her rather restless. She'd initially wandered to the first floor in search of food, but on her way out of the kitchen, touting a rather impressive sandwich, she spotted Juan popping back into existence.

"Oh, wow! Can you do that again?" She bounded forward and crouched down to peer at him, grinning in what she presumed was a friendly fashion.

The actual monsters. )

Mar. 23rd, 2010


Who: Mia & Open
When: Morning, around ten.
Where: Downstairs at the piano

She hadn't been able to actually play since she'd gotten here, despite her attempt the night Coyote had shown up. By this point, Mia's nerves were frazzled and her fingers were itching to touch the ivory keys. She couldn't think of a better way to relax, or at least to try and take her mind off of everything that was happening. To that end, she found herself perched on the piano bench fairly early today, her eyes closed as, at first, she simply let her fingers trace the keyboard, taking comfort in its familiarity.

After a few moments, she started to play. She kept her songs soft and simple, nothing too upbeat but avoiding sad songs as well. For a while she just played soft nonsense, but finally she found herself playing "Sunrise," one of her mother's favorite songs. She didn't sing along with it, not wanting to disturb anyone any more than she already was, as well as because she was afraid she'd start crying if she did. So she kept her eyes almost entirely closed, merely glancing down at the keys so that she didn't lose her place as she played.

Mar. 22nd, 2010


Who: Juan and Verity and Jasper
Where:The Dining Hall
When: Afternoon (2-3ish)

his singing voice was fine too )

Mar. 16th, 2010


Who: Coyote and Juan
When: Noonish
Where: The Kitchen
What: Lunch and Bromance?

He needed a sammich... a really BIG sammich... )

Mar. 15th, 2010


From The Rooftops To Beyond...

Who: Terry and Juan
When: 9:00am
Where: Rooftop and beyond

Terry had no idea what to expect when they teleported, but took in a deep breath and waited. )

Mar. 7th, 2010


Who: Juan and Joyce
Where: Juan's room
When: Early Morning, 7TH Day
What: Joyce checks up on Juan

the movements were particularly beautiful )

Mar. 5th, 2010


Who: Juan and Mia
When: Early morning 6th day
Where: Juan's room (701)

His new life was hell )

Feb. 16th, 2010


Who: Landon and OPEN
What: Anything!
Where: The room with the piano
When: Around ten AM,

Landon sat on the piano bench, one leg folded underneath the other. In his lap sat his Luna guitar, and the redhead was carefully turning the knobs on the left side, tuning the instrument gently, his large and calloused fingers working at the carved ivory. There was a faint smile on his features, the act of tuning his guitar was almost a form of meditation for him, the soft sound of the music soothing. The guitar wasn't really that out of tune, but with the chaos and difficulties they'd been facing over the past few days it was nice to have a distraction. Music had always hypnotized him, held him captive in the same way books did for some, the way love did for most. Music had been first and foremost in his life. Now, as he finished tuning his guitar, the Bostonian brought the wooden instrument to his chest. His hands gripped the worn wood in the way one might grip a lover, carefully, methodically. He picked out the starting chords, feeling his shoulders relax minutely as sound filled the room. He hadn't had a chance to play in too long.

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it, I tried to be cool, but you're so hot that I melted... It was a song from the past. Nearly five years past, but it was one of his favorites. Even as he sang, the idea that there would be no new songs to hear on the radio, no braying DJs promoting "The number one hit this week!" No emo bands with black swishes of hair weeping openly into their microphones on VH1... it was a little despairing. Landon continued to play though, finally losing himself in the familiarity and sound of the song as he sang along.

Feb. 10th, 2010



Who: Joyce, Juan, Alan, and Someone to let them into the hotel?
When: Early morning Day three (7-ish)
Where: In front of the Hotel

Juan, Joyce, and Alan took off from the bar after breakfast. They explored a few abandoned buildings and avoided any confrontations with monsters that they could. Juan left his shotgun with Joyce since he was still feeling a bit weak. As the day waned and their search remained fruitless, they decided to board up in a small gas station for the night. Another course of junk food wasn't going to do them any good, but it was all that was available in the little pitstop. They took turns keeping an eye out for monsters... and for Amberlee and Paige. Ever since the two took off earlier that day, the three hadn't seen them and grew worried.

Bright and early the next morning, Joyce called Paige on her cell and with luck got a hold of the girl. Paige told them about a hotel where they had found other survivors. She gave Joyce the address and she, Juan, and Alan set off to hopefully find sanctuary.

would it be so easy to forget? )

Feb. 3rd, 2010


Early Morning Hijinks!

Who: Juan, Alan, Paige
When:2 Day, Early Morning
Where: 729 East 9 Mile, Woodward, Michigan

Looked like a nice night )

Feb. 1st, 2010


A new day has come...

Who: Paige, Amberlee, Alan, Juan and Joyce
When: August 23nd, 2015, Day Two, early morning, around 7:30 am
Where: The Underground (bar)

Joyce had set her iTouch to beep at seven, and though it did, she didn't stir, at first. Her body, too tall for her to be comfortable on one of the couches, was lying on the floor on its side, back to the wall, gym bag under her head for a pillow. It had been warm enough that she Hadn't bothered trying to find anything to cover herself the night before. She'd slept in her clothes, her small backpack strapped over her shoulders, across her chest, so she was hugging it. If they had to move suddenly during the night, she'd only have to grab her gym bag.

This was all she had left. Nothing as interesting as a violin or a guitar, but her life was currently in those two bags and her pockets. She thought about going home, but it would be a long walk and to what end? At the moment, daily survival was more important.

And making sure as many of them got to a safe place as possible.

They'd found some food the night before, albeit items raided from a few of the neighboring restaurants. The calorie count was high, but who cared? The food would have just gone bad, otherwise...

The beeping became more insistent. Joyce sighed and slowly opened her eyes - and confirmed what her nose and back were telling her: She was on the floor of a bar, and what had happened yesterday had been real. She reached into her knapsack and fiddled with the iTouch. Was anyone else awake?

Jan. 27th, 2010


Who: Juan, Alan, Joyce, Amberlee, and Paige
When: Day 1, Late afternoon
Where: 'The Underground' (shady bar!)

The Gravity of the situation they narrowly escaped finally hit him )

Jan. 26th, 2010


Who: Alan and Juan and maybe others... tag in when you reply
When: Mid-afternoon (just before the virus struck, and then a few hours after)
Where: The streets

All around, it sounded as though all hell was breaking loose.... )

Jan. 25th, 2010


Who: Joyce, Amberlee, and Paige. Later Juan and Alan.
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: The streets and The Basement Bar

'I need a drink.' )

August 2010




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