Apr. 24th, 2010


Placeholder for Tony and Charity!

Apr. 3rd, 2010


Who: Andre and Charity
When: Day 11, morning
Where: Kitchen

Andre had been up early. He always got up with the sunrise to pray and do a little Bible reading. Of course, he'd been doing much more of that lately, but still, morning rituals had to be kept. His food for the soul taken care of, now it was time for food for the body. He didn't know how much of a rush there usually was in the mornings, so he was actually a bit surprised that no one was in the kitchen when he got there. He didn't mind, it meant he could cook, or at least something like it, in relative peace.

Or at least he thought he would. He didn't know how long the power had been out here in the hotel- it had been out when he got here, but there was still somewhat fresh food left, so he guessed it hadn't been too long. Still, most of the breakfast items were starting to go bad. Eggs were out, the milk smelled a little funny, and worst off, there was no power for the coffee machine. Resigned, he ended up finding a bowl and just pouring dry cereal into it.

He looked into the bowl, looking sad and pathetic without any milk in it. He needed a little something else to add to it, but he had no idea what. He headed back to the pantry, hoping to find something that would compliment dry raisin bran. Maybe there's some fruit punch at least, or some fruit that ain't too bad...

Mar. 16th, 2010


Who: Charity and Zane
When: Day 8, late afternoon
Where: Charity's room

He'd been to this room so many times he knew the way to it just as well as his own. In one hand Zane carried fresh bandages and gauze and tape, glad now for the stash of medical supplies that made his life a lot easier--he couldn't have imagined having to scramble every time someone was injured or sick. In his other hand he carried several bottles of water to give Charity. Now that the power was out the stairs could be tough going and even if she was doing well, Zane didn't want her straining herself unnecessarily.

He stared out the windows of the hallway as he walked, squinting against the sun that was sinking toward the horizon. Several stories up the destruction of the street was lost from sight and, aside from a distant plume of smoke, the world almost looked as though all was well. Zane had only to glance down at the clothes he'd been wearing two days in a row--clothes that weren't even his to begin with--to know it was not.

"Coming in," he called through the door as he knocked, really only giving Charity enough time to shout if she was in middle of changing or whatever else might make his presence unwanted. "I brought you more water." He hoisted the bottles up in the air as he made his way to her. "How are you feeling today?" he asked, slipping into the doctor routine.

Mar. 15th, 2010


Time to face the facts

Who: Charity and OPEN
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: Pool

She knew Zane had told her not to, but today Charity had spent some quality time with a bottle of whiskey snagged from her mini-fridge. And eventually she'd come to the decision that she shouldn't keep ignoring the power that kept acting up without her consent. So far it hadn't been dangerous (and really, how dangerous could water be, anyhow?), but it was starting to get inconvenient. She could hardly shower anymore without the water starting to fall the wrong way. So she grabbed another bottle, kicked off her shoes, and walked downstairs to the pool.

When she got to the pool, Charity stripped down to her boxer shorts and t-shirt. She stepped into the shallow end of the pool, sitting carefully on the steps so the stump of her amputated arm could stay clear. She didn't trust herself to swim quite yet, and didn't want to risk her arm getting more infected than it already was from the shit in the water. Then she relaxed, closing her eyes and feeling the current flow against her skin, concentrating on how it felt, waiting to see if some sort of... instinct would kick in, telling her how the hell she was supposed to control her damn power.

Mar. 5th, 2010


The Question Finally Comes!

Who: Charity and Rowan
Where: The rooftop
When: Afternoon

She felt worse today. Charity knew that she was going to feel like shit for as long as her arm was healing, but she'd hardly been able to eat this morning. Hopefully it was just the pain and her body recovering, and not anything worse. Like another infection. Zane said he'd cut off most of the first one, but if it got into her blood... either way, hiking up to the top of the hotel was probably not the best thing for her abused body right now. But being cooped up was getting to her, and she had to move. Going outside wasn't an option, so instead she went up, up, up as far as she could.

By the time she got to the roof, she was positively exhausted. Charity curled up next to the AC unit for support and closed her eyes, pretending for a moment that she was on a boat as the wind hit her face. The distant screams of monsters could almost be gulls... oh, who was she kidding? Her life was upside down. People could do extraordinary things, but everyone was dead. Almost everyone. Then why were they still alive? Her mind drifted to Father Ray, to how calm and confident he'd been. Like he had some secret insight into the whole ordeal... was he right? Was this plague some God's work, or was the miracle that any of them were alive at all? She brooded quietly to herself, almost half dozing in the solitude of the roof.

Are you an angel? )

Mar. 2nd, 2010


Some Days Are Diamonds; Some Days Are Rocks

Who: Terry and Charity
When: 2:15pm
Where: Charity's room

My beautiful visage will never be quite the same again. )

Feb. 21st, 2010


Who: Alan Springer; Charity Rose
Where: The Hotel and outside
When: Day 5

The confines of this stuffy hotel couldn't keep him... )

Feb. 20th, 2010



In which Charity meets Landon

Feb. 16th, 2010


Who: Charity, Penny, and Zane
When: Day 4, 6:30am
Where: Mostly the hotel Dining Room

Dining Room tabletop surgery. )

Feb. 3rd, 2010


Welcome to the End of Everything

Some vacation. )

August 2010




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