Feb. 12th, 2010


No Angel

Who: Rowan, Liah and Juniper (NPC)
Where: The house, the master bedroom/bath
When: Night

With an extra body in the house, things had had to be shuffled a bit. They could have let Terry sleep on the couch, but with all the noise and with the double points of entry there, Rowan didn't really want to do that to him. But Verity and Jasper needed the double bed in their room, since there was two of them, and that left....

"You sure you don't mind sharing with us, Liah?" Rowan asked, a little self-consciously, as he was waiting for Juniper to finish washing up in the bathroom.

I think you're forgetting how well I know you )


It'll All Work Out

Who: Rowan, Liah, Terry, Verity, Zane
Where: The house the trio and kids have been staying at
When: Mid to late afternoon

Hey, open up! It's Rowan! And company! )

Feb. 11th, 2010


Who: Paige and Jasmine
When: Early Evening Day 3
Where: Suite 1203

You’re officially a superhero. )

Feb. 10th, 2010



Who: Joyce, Juan, Alan, and Someone to let them into the hotel?
When: Early morning Day three (7-ish)
Where: In front of the Hotel

Juan, Joyce, and Alan took off from the bar after breakfast. They explored a few abandoned buildings and avoided any confrontations with monsters that they could. Juan left his shotgun with Joyce since he was still feeling a bit weak. As the day waned and their search remained fruitless, they decided to board up in a small gas station for the night. Another course of junk food wasn't going to do them any good, but it was all that was available in the little pitstop. They took turns keeping an eye out for monsters... and for Amberlee and Paige. Ever since the two took off earlier that day, the three hadn't seen them and grew worried.

Bright and early the next morning, Joyce called Paige on her cell and with luck got a hold of the girl. Paige told them about a hotel where they had found other survivors. She gave Joyce the address and she, Juan, and Alan set off to hopefully find sanctuary.

would it be so easy to forget? )


A case of the munchies

Who: Megan and Alan
When: Late afternoon, August 24
Where: The kitchen and dining room

It had been a long couple of days for Megan, so it had been quite a relief for her to finally get a room to herself. While it hadn't been enough to completely block out all the outside noise, it was enough to at least dampen it a little. After the awkwardness of putting the room's former occupants' belongings in the closet, she managed to finally fall asleep somewhat, although that was likely utter exhaustion enabling her to tune out the sensations that were still so overwhelming to her.

Megan checked her watch to figure out what time it was when she woke up. Surprisingly, it was past lunchtime already when she woke up for good. She took a little time to meditate and try to center herself before her stomach began protesting and gurgling. Taking her cane and putting on her sunglasses, and locking the door behind her, she headed down to the lobby. She was surprising herself by how well she was getting around an unfamiliar place so quickly. While she wasn't completely sure where she was going, she was able to get a good sense of where things were from the echoes, and she was getting enough of the scent of food from the kitchen that she was pretty sure she was headed the right way.

It wasn't until she was almost in the dining room that she detected another scent, hidden at a distance by the other smells permeating the hotel, but at closer ranger standing out quite strong. It was an unmistakeable smell, although one that she hadn't personally partaken of since college. Yes, that was definitely weed she was smelling. She decided to take a chance on it belonging to someone, rather than just lingering in the air. She'd need a hand in the kitchen unless she wanted to just randomly go opening up cans. "Hello?" she asked the air, listening for a sound that would confirm the presence of another person. "Anyone there?"

Feb. 9th, 2010


Who: Zane and Paige
When: Day 3, 11:21pm
Where: Paige's Room

'And I’d be worried if you didn’t take getting your ass kicked by a girl seriously.' )


Who: Vianne and Catie
When: Day 3, mid-afternoon
Where: Catie's room

The small group she had been found herself with were her safeguard )


Who: Vianne and Terry
When: Day 3, 11:00 AM
Where: Terry's room

It looks like I'm having another cigarette instead )


Eh screw it, I'll post it when I want damnit.

Who: Penny and open.
When: Day 3, 11:06 PM. Yay specifics.
Where: Da pool.
Interesting note: This was a fic that I decided to make into a start because the ending alluded me. So you know, we'll see how that goes.

You know, I'm no stranger in your dreams. )

Penny heard a door opening, and what she thought might have been a voice, footsteps coming her way, but for the moment she ignored it and closed her eyes. A heavy feeling came over her, as if she were melting, sinking, and she took a deep breath and dove under the surface, dwelling there until her lungs began to explode, howling at her to breathe. She exhaled quickly as she made her way up, taking a deep breath and throwing her hair back, wiping the wet from her face as she opened her eyes to look around.

Feb. 8th, 2010


Attempting to Fly

Who: Verity, Rowan, Terry, Paige, Zane
Where: An abandoned parking lot with plenty of barbed wire fencing
When: Late morning, coming up towards noon

Verity was very jumpy. He was sure Rowan was as wary as he was being out here, but he didn't think his companion was jumping out of his skin every time the hot, heavy air moved a plastic bag too loudly. He wasn't sure because he kept looking every direction but at Rowan, hoping to not have to see the younger man's quite deserved scorn. He tried to calm down a bit, but the walking stick he'd found (a good sight easier to swing around than the poker) kept springing up almost on its own. He wished he'd been able to sleep a little more. He might be feeling a bit less, well, insane. Resting the cane on his shoulder, he took a deep breath and another look around, still avoiding looking at Rowan. Maybe if he pretended hard enough to not be a dork, it would become true.

He spotted what he'd been looking for then. Verity had spent a lot of time since he'd witnessed Rowan's attempts last night trying to decide what the best place would be. They needed space, they needed something big enough to jump off of and small enough that Rowan's probably weakened legs wouldn't break in the likely event of impact. And they needed someplace as secure as they could find. Rowan would be busy. He'd seen his friend's concentration before. And that meant Verity would have to try and make sure that he didn't injure himself. Which really didn't leave anyone to watch for monsters, and Liah had to be home to watch the kids. This whole adventure was ill-considered and irresponsible, and Verity felt terrible for going at all.

That said, he wanted to see Rowan fly. And now he saw an opportunity. "There!" First thing he'd said in a while. He pointed with his trusty stick. The parking lot was only about a quarter full, the cars mostly concentrated in one corner. The fence was high and topped by barbed wire. And the gate had a fairly complex latch on it. "I think that's the best we'll find. We can try there." He pushed his rather sweaty hair back as he pointed, looking over at Rowan with a bit of a grin. He couldn't help being excited.

And falling flat on your face. )

Feb. 7th, 2010


Who: Charles and Joyce
When: Day 3, late morning/early afternoon
Where: 3rd floor hall-way, Hotel Aletheon

After arriving at the hotel the day before, Charles had decided that locking himself into his room on the 3rd floor for the remainder of the day was the best way to grow comfortable with his new environment. He had checked out the bathroom, under the beds, the small coat closet and everything was safe enough, although he still couldn't bring himself to open the curtains. As much as he knew he needed sunshine, Charles wasn't ready for the panoramic view of desolation and destruction that the city had become. For hours that day, falling in and out of exhausted slumber, curled up on the bed furthest away from the window, he considered building a panel of some sort to block out the lower half of the view and allow the rays to come through. However, that would take going over to that side of room, which Charles was not ready to do. It was too close to the window and even the thought of coming that close to the world outside again was enough to huddle up on the door-side bed for the rest of the day and night.

The night had been hard with the still ravenous beasts outside wrecking havoc constantly. Charles didn't sleep too well, on and off consistently and as it seemed morning was approaching, the chaos outside let up, but it didn't stop. He had remembered, from two days ago, that it seemed the monsters slept or hid or something during the day. Today, however, it seemed as an eternal night even though the clock in his room clearly showed that it was six in the morning.

Finally, after a couple more hours of pills and settling into the new day in the new place, Charles pushed himself up off the bed and heeded the call of nature. Stepping into the bathroom and flicking on the light, he scanned the room only to notice that there wasn't any toilet paper. This meant that he'd had to venture out of the room. It was an eventual thing, he knew this, and the snack packs in his suitcase were almost gone. He looked at himself in the mirror, leaning against the door frame and took a few minutes to convince himself that it the hotel was safe enough to explore; at least to go find a maid's closet and refill his stock. With a couple deep breaths, he turned around, still in the t-shirt and jeans he had slept in and unlocked the door, stepping out into the carpeted hallways. "Now, to find a closet", he thought.


All The Black Is Really White

Who: Terry and Landon
When: Day 3, around 10:00am
Where: Lobby

If you believe it... )


Who: Alan and OPEN
When: Day 3, 10:15 am
Where: The Hotel - random hallway

The morbid part of him couldn't help but consider that the dead who littered the streets of Detroit were really the lucky ones... )


Who: Penny and whoever. I would love to have a random group scene.
When: Day 3, 9:00 in the morning.
Where: Kitchen to start, then who knows.

It was starting to get dark outside; which was weird, since the sun only rose a few hours ago. Penny stared out the window in the hallway, watching the clouds roll over. Well, that definitely killed her plans for the day. She sighed heavily and ran a hand through her hair, before crossing her arms. She had been up all night, as usual, and would probably go to bed soon... but since she had planned on doing something during daylight hours, today, she wouldn't feel right going to sleep without doing something. Anything.

She had a very devious thought about going to find Zane and jump on him, but she shrugged it out of her mind. She'd save that for when she really wanted to aggravate him.

Instead, Penny turned around and walked down the hallway, heading towards the stairs. This was a hotel, right? There were bound to have been people staying here, and if she could find some way into the rooms she could probably score some cool swagger. It wasn't like they were coming back for it, after all. She could pick a lot (better if she still had her lockpicking kit), and thought of how she would as she descended the stairs slowly. Maybe she'd go back to the kitchen first and see if there was anything she could use for tools there... yeah, that was it, she'd go back to the kitchen. Penny followed the path she took the previous night with Zane, chewing on her lip. What was she going to use to pick a lock?

She was still pondering as she entered the kitchen, pausing and looking around. Well, there had to be something in here somewhere.

August 2010




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