Jul. 2nd, 2010


p l a c e h o l d e r

Terry and Joyce, talking about big important things

Apr. 17th, 2010



Who: Terry & Joyce
Where: Terry's Room
When: Evening of Day 11 of the End of the World

To say it had been an eventful day would be a massive understatement. After returning from the trip with Tayne, she'd unloaded the bodies of the 'dogs' and stored them away, to be dealt with later. Likely by Tayne, as he seemed to know how to prepare meat. Joyce figured it was something she should learn, so maybe a training session would be appropriate. For now, she didn't have to deal with them anymore. Especially with Tayne not being well...

He'd come back for her. He'd managed to get the other two women to the hotel and then, despite feeling like hell, he'd come back to... retrieve her body, he'd likely thought. Tayne could easily have become a target himself, but he'd taken that risk. It made Joyce smile.

She ate something - she wasn't sure what it was - and had to lie down for a bit, her mind racing with all that had occurred. The creatures hadn't been able to bite her or get a proper grip. Tayne's knife had skated across her skin. What else was possible?

Time to talk to Terry...

Joyce didn't bother putting shoes on. She walked to Terry's room in shorts and a T-shirt, hair pulled back in a ponytail, carrying two bottles of water and a Ziplock bag of cookies. She knocked on his door and waited.

Oh, right. I can fly. Just so you're aware of that. )

Feb. 17th, 2010


Day Four - Hell's Kitchen... without the yelling...

Who: Terry & Joyce
When: Day Four, dinnertime
Where: The Hotel Kitchen

Terry had spent most of the day trying to think through the things he'd talked to Zane about, the protection of the people living here and the safety of the hotel as a whole. For whatever reason, it seemed to him that more and more the people here were treating him differently, coming to him with things. It wasn't a bad thing, not by any means, but it was something to take into serious consideration. He wanted to be involved, and wanted their new home to be as safe as it possibly could be. If people were going to come to him, he would let them. The last thing Terry wanted was to be left out of the loop on these matters. It was important to him that he remain involved. Whether or not he wanted to, Terry realized he would never be able to shake the amount of responsibility and concern he held when it came to the safety of the group. Other human beings in general were a constant concern, and now that there were so few of them left...

After nearly driving himself mad in his room, Terry left to head down to the kitchen. He was hungry, hadn't eaten anything for most of the day, and as he descended the last staircase he wondered if there were others who were hungry but had yet to come down. Maybe a group dinner was in order... It would probably be better in the long run, anyway, if they attempted to conserve their food supply by cooking meals together. It was something to talk about, definitely.

The kitchen was dead silent as it always was, the polite humming of the refrigerator offering a reason to feel grateful. Terry knew that it wouldn't last much longer. The electricity would go out soon enough, and when it did, they would have a lot more on their hands. Food would be come twice as difficult to secure, considering the heat outside. It was probably likely that the sweltering heat meant that most grocery stores in the area would be filling up with vomit-inducing odors by now, only worsened as the days dragged onward.

Terry moved to the pantry and began digging out boxes of pasta, glancing them over to decide what he would do with all of it.

Do you like Italian? )

August 2010




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