Jun. 14th, 2010



Who: Rowan and Liah
Where: The stairwell, then the suite. Aloooooone.
When: Early afternoon

After lunch, Rowan had left Juniper downstairs with Jasper and Verity, fascinated by all the cords and wires and things he was playing with and promising not to get in the way, and started climbing the stairs doggedly, looking for Liah and munching on an apple.

An apple! Someone had brought in a whole bowl full of fresh apples, and he'd already had one, plus Juniper had, had one, and been very excited about it. He was on his second, and had a third and a fourth in a pocket. One for later, he wasn't sure who for just for later, and one for Liah. Because your best-friend-slash-girlfriend definitely deserved fresh fruit.

Let's get you naked! )


The Eggs and Us

Who: Taylor and Tayne
Where: Outside the hotel
When: Mid-morning

For the first time in several days, Taylor was really feeling like her old self again. After being brushed off by the preacherman, she'd given up trying to be included in the rescue party and had used the time to totally allow herself to recharge. She'd read some of her comics again, but she'd gotten plenty of sleep, too, probably the first really good sleep she'd gotten in three weeks.

With the morning, though, she was back to her old worry-wart self again. She didn't know if anyone had made it back the day before yet, or if they had, what shape they were in. Figuring if anyone had come back they needed their rest, she headed outside. She knew approximately where Tayne's truck was, but she wasn't as concerned about where it was as she was about the condition of its precious cargo- the monster eggs. She didn't know what kind of shape they'd be in after being neglected for so long, but monster or not, they were still babies, and needed to be checked on.

So many things to do, so little time to do them in.... )

Jun. 13th, 2010


A Mission

Who: Liah and Coyote
When: late morning
Where: the eighth floor, random empty hotel rooms

Liah was a woman on a mission, and the reason she'd chosen the eighth floor for her purposes was twofold: she hadn't scavenged in the empty rooms on this floor before, and when she'd been down to the lobby earlier on her way back from getting herself some breakfast, she'd noticed that there was only one key missing from the board for floor eight. She could have taken the keys to access the rooms, but why should she? She didn't exactly need keys to gain access, after all.

802 had yielded absolutely nothing, certainly not what Liah was looking for, and she knew it was possible that somebody had already gone through the stuff in this room. After one last pass with her little flashlight, Liah decided to move on to the next room. She stepped through the closed door and jerked back as she realized that she'd run into someone in the dark hallway. "Shit!" she grumbled, her heart pounding, raising her flashlight to see who it was.

I know you think I'm hot, but you're just gonna have to control yourself )

Jun. 12th, 2010


Electrician and Engineer

Who: Verity and Corey, plus Jasper (NPC)
Where: The lobby
When: Late morning

Verity had slept in a little bit, and now he was going to use the bright daylight in the lobby to get started on his security projects. Tayne was probably busy, and Verity didn't really want to go looking for him. And Terry was totally laid up. He didn't think anyone would object to his new plans, so he figured he and Jasper would just get rolling on his floodlights. Tomorrow or sometime soon he'd try and recruit people to clear the area around the hotel, see what other defenses could be thought up. For now, bright lights were good for scaring away undesirables. Might work on monsters as well as crazy people with guns.

And now that he had his power back, he wanted to use it. A lot. It felt as though all those little machine tweaks were pressing against the backs of his eyes. He'd found his scrounged tools and supplies undisturbed, and he and Jasper had pulled light bulbs and even a few high-powered flashlights out of janitors' closets. The makings of his deterrent surrounded him, and Jasper sat beside him, assisting ably, the brothers hemmed in by twists of wire and circuitry. They looked more alike than usual, both intent on their task, heads bent and eyes sharply focused. They didn't talk much. They didn't need to.

Verity was used to being able to condescend mentally. )


Last Names

Who: Tayne and Erin
Where: Erin's room
When: Morning

After breakfast and another shower and a check on the eggs, Tayne trudged up to Erin's room, a couple books in hand from Dhaval's collection, to knock on the door and alert the fellow to his presence. He hadn't forgotten the promise, even if... everything was weird now. He had the vague sense that without the real Erin, the fake-Erin was useless now, but he couldn't know that for sure.

And he was pretty sure this one was the fake-Erin. If he was even still here, and hadn't somehow unraveled when his real self died.

Depressing Scene of the Week. )

Jun. 9th, 2010


Predictable Nightmares

Who: Tayne and Dhaval
Where: Dhaval's room
When: Early hours of the morning

Tayne's feeling of safety only lasted until the dreams finally began. After two and a half days of helplessness and ill treatment, of worry and stress hard after several days of illness, he couldn't hope to escape a nightmare or two. Until almost midnight he slept without dreaming, curled up against Dhaval and letting his body recover.

Not long after midnight, though, REM sleep kicked in at last and everything was disjointed images, harried emotions, images of big cats torn to pieces and his comrades' throats cut in front of him while he watched, bars of cages that kept shrinking until he couldn't move, a trembling tension he couldn't escape from. When the dragon-head breathed a powerful gout water at him, instead of fire, he woke up with a cry and scrambled up and out of bed.

Everything was dark, and he stumbled over first desk, then chair, then wall, feeling trapped and growling in the back of his throat in an attempt to stave off the terror.

That turn into less predictable things. )


Who: Erin and Jasmine
When: Morning, Day 18
Where: Erin's room (201)

Jasmine had fully intended on going straight to Erin's room to check on him when she finally got back to the hotel. Unfortunately, the best of intentions didn't save her from the exhaustion she felt after such stressful days. As soon as she sat on the bed, intending to search her bedside table for his key, she slumped down among the pillows and fell into a restless sleep.

Hours later, she woke suddenly. There was a frightened moment when she wasn't quite sure where she was; but the early morning light coming into her window reassured her a bit. Quickly she got up and took a quick shower, then dug into the bedside table and retrieved the key to Erin's room, as well as a small bit of candle and some matches. She made a quick foray down to the kitchen, grabbing as much food as she could manage without feeling too greedy-- She hadn't eaten since they'd left the hotel, and she was afraid that Erin may have been forgotten in all the commotion.

Moments later she stood outside his door. She tapped hesitantly before unlocking the door-- it felt rude to just barge in. "Erin...? Are you a-awake?" She said quietly as she opened the door. She couldn't help but feel nervous. So much had happened in only a few days, and she still really didn't know the truth behind it all. What she did now was that she wanted to see Erin. Hopefully she wouldn't disturb him, showing up so early and with no warning.

Jun. 7th, 2010


[[Quick note, I figured instead of having a million scenes for one purpose, those who want to have their dreams invaded by Jessica can start a new thread in this one post. Any and all, believers and non-believers are welcome.]]

WHO: Jessica and ...
WHEN: During the early early mornings of September 8th
WHERE: In an apartment building somewhere in Detroit, then their dreams

Jessica sat for hours, the body still curled tightly to her side, as the stress and emotional turmoil of the past two weeks finally took their toll on her. She cried for everything that she lost. Cried as hopelessness crushed down on her chest now that she was alone. At least with James still alive, she could have had something to focus her energy on instead of letting it all coming crashing down on her at once. But he had said that this would happen. Somehow, he'd known that she would end up alone. Why hadn't she taken his words to heart? Because he was a mental patient, even though he seemed sane a good majority of the time. It was impossible for him to know what was going to happen. But in the same breath she thought that it was impossible for her to have the same dream with the man, and the others they had been with.

Pushing those thoughts from her mind, this wasn't the time or place to think about such insane things, she de-tangled her hand from James' cold grip and gently laid him on the ground. His other hand still had bag straps wrapped securely around it, so Jess extracted them from his arm and placed them all on the bed. First thing was first. She was still bleeding from the wound on her leg, which was also causing her to limp. She pulled open the trauma bag, checking the contents to make sure nothing had been too damaged in the fight from before. She snorted as she thought the word fight. It had been an ambush. A failure on their part. But the weather had a lot to do with it. They could barely see around them, not that they particularly wanted to. She pushed herself to focus again. Bandage herself, check inventory, prepare for the night that was already upon her. She stripped off her clothes, no sense in being shy around a dead body, and sat on the bed as she cleaned up the deep scratches on her leg. No wonder she had been limping, her knee was swollen a few sizes to big, but it was nothing threatening. She wrapped her knee in a tensor bandage, cleaned and stitched the cuts along her thigh then bandaged those. Her shoulder was throbbing, but she didn't have much choice but to use that arm. Packing up the medical supplies again, she turned her attention to the other bags. Clothes, obviously Elle's bag which she gladly pulled on items from. Ammunition, thank whatever God was watching over her. A little snack food, but maybe the apartment was still stocked. She needed to reload all the weapons she had, then checked for food. There wasn't a whole lot but she managed to fill her stomach well enough. There was nothing to occupy her time with, not wanting to be too loud by watching TV and finding no books or magazines that could hold her interest. So she managed to maneuver one of the stuffed chairs to face the door into the apartment, grabbed her rifle and settled in to stand guard.

She needed to stay awake. She tapped her feet against the hardwood floors, but then felt it made too much sound. She couldn't let her guard down like they had before. That would be disastrous. The creatures were still out there, and she wasn't about to let them get her. As much as she tried to fidget and shift to keep herself up, oblivion came to her quickly as she melted into the cushion of the chair. Its comfort lulled her into a false sense of security. The grip on her gun loosened, but not enough for the weapon to slid from her lap while her head lolled first to the side as her eyes drifted shut, then completely back as all the tension in her body released and she slipped into the dream world...

August 2010




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