Feb. 7th, 2010


Who: Charles and Joyce
When: Day 3, late morning/early afternoon
Where: 3rd floor hall-way, Hotel Aletheon

After arriving at the hotel the day before, Charles had decided that locking himself into his room on the 3rd floor for the remainder of the day was the best way to grow comfortable with his new environment. He had checked out the bathroom, under the beds, the small coat closet and everything was safe enough, although he still couldn't bring himself to open the curtains. As much as he knew he needed sunshine, Charles wasn't ready for the panoramic view of desolation and destruction that the city had become. For hours that day, falling in and out of exhausted slumber, curled up on the bed furthest away from the window, he considered building a panel of some sort to block out the lower half of the view and allow the rays to come through. However, that would take going over to that side of room, which Charles was not ready to do. It was too close to the window and even the thought of coming that close to the world outside again was enough to huddle up on the door-side bed for the rest of the day and night.

The night had been hard with the still ravenous beasts outside wrecking havoc constantly. Charles didn't sleep too well, on and off consistently and as it seemed morning was approaching, the chaos outside let up, but it didn't stop. He had remembered, from two days ago, that it seemed the monsters slept or hid or something during the day. Today, however, it seemed as an eternal night even though the clock in his room clearly showed that it was six in the morning.

Finally, after a couple more hours of pills and settling into the new day in the new place, Charles pushed himself up off the bed and heeded the call of nature. Stepping into the bathroom and flicking on the light, he scanned the room only to notice that there wasn't any toilet paper. This meant that he'd had to venture out of the room. It was an eventual thing, he knew this, and the snack packs in his suitcase were almost gone. He looked at himself in the mirror, leaning against the door frame and took a few minutes to convince himself that it the hotel was safe enough to explore; at least to go find a maid's closet and refill his stock. With a couple deep breaths, he turned around, still in the t-shirt and jeans he had slept in and unlocked the door, stepping out into the carpeted hallways. "Now, to find a closet", he thought.

August 2010



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