Apr. 27th, 2010


A note

Who: Verity, to all
Right by the kitchen
When: Just after dawn

The handwriting begins neatly only to become bigger and sloppier as the blathering note goes on. There are also some pictures of cats and racecars in the margins, courtesy Jasper and probably Juniper.

Dear Everyone:

This is from Verity. You've probably seen me. The short guy with aspirations to mad science. Couple things:

1. I have an alarm system for downstairs up and running! It's kind of improvised. I think I've got enough to cover all doors and windows. Well, all doors anyway. Since we have scary people shooting at us and probably big monsters that want to eat us, I figured we might want big noises in place after bedtime. I'll probably want to set the alarms right before I go to bed, but that's not much after sunset. Can we maybe have a sign-in and sign-out sheet by the front door so I'll know if someone's still out? That's probably a good idea anyway.

2. I've almost got emergency lighting for the stairs ready. Battery packs don't last forever, so real emergencies, please. If you go out, keep an eye out for those flashlights you shake or crank to charge. We should really stock up some more on those. For now there're only enough for one or two per floor.

3. I'm weighing my options on some bigger projects right now. I think we want a windmill on the roof for a little bit of power. I think I can rig up an elevator that'll work with pully systems. Not sure if I'll use the regular one but try and make it manual or drop the existing elevator into the basement and start from scratch. Need to do some math for a while first. I also want to try and get some pipes into the building for communication between floors. I'm just not sure how well that'll work. Victorian houses only had three or four floors, pretty much. Easier. So walkie talkies should also go on the list, I guess. But those eat batteries, and batteries are in short supply.

SO. If you're good with tools or just with your hands, maybe drop in and help me with stuff? Or drop off ideas. I love ideas. Ideas are great. My hand hurts now. Gonna stop writing.

In much neater handwriting: Mr. Verity Aloysius Meany

Geeze, Jas, the first thing you write in weeks has to be my middle name? Why would you do that? Just for that, Jasper's middle name is Thaddeus. Ha.

Apr. 10th, 2010


A Note

Who: Terry, to everyone
When: Just before noon

Posted up outside of the kitchen, in plain view and in too-small, sloppy handwriting --

I want to start thinking about the future before it's too late to do so. If you have any interest in helping with the following things, please contact me...

- setting up a hunting party, consisting of only people who are comfortable with hunting the creatures outside -- and only those who can use a gun, please
- establishing a nightly patrol to keep the hotel safe, probably in shifts of three or four people, alternating days and shifts

Thank you,
Terry M.

Mar. 30th, 2010



Who: A sign posted on the wall
Where: On the wall, in front of the stairwell door, ground floor
When: Noon and onwards

After cooking the first of the chicken-flavored steaks up and scarfing it down, him and Taylor, Tayne figured posting a sign would be a good idea. They couldn't keep the meat forever, so they probably ought to use as much as possible, at least until Tayne figured out how to smoke, salt, or otherwise preserve it. And once he figured that out, he could go hunting....

But that wouldn't help him now, to get rid of the surplus they had now. So he got himself some paper from behind the lobby desk, a permanent marker, and some tape, and posted the following in front of the stairwell door:

Free food: sauteed chicken-steak served in kitchen until supplies run out.

He eyed his somewhat-sloppy handwriting, deemed it legible, and headed back to the kitchen to get started on another steak.

August 2010



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