Feb. 27th, 2010



Feb. 23rd, 2010


Who: Zane, Penny, and Open
When: Day 5, 11:13pm
Where: Laundry Room

He'd worn the blood stained cloth he had on currently around all day, his own personal burden. )

Feb. 21st, 2010


Who: Amberlee and Jasmine
When: Dusk, Day 5
Where: Rooftop

She had found ways to curb the insanity, and tend to the growing need for mental security, but she was aware it was coming at a cost. )

Feb. 16th, 2010


Who: Amberlee and Megan
When: Morning, day 4
Where: Kitchen

It was day three at the hotel for Amberlee but it felt like much less. Her arrival had been marked with so much insecurity, her status some kind of wayward refugee or nomad in search of a safe resting spot for the night. Her experiences out on the streets of Detroit had not inspired hope in her situation. Nor had her condition let up, allowing her to finally have a regular days rest. After her meal and talk with the man who’d greeted her and Paige at the door, Amberlee had eventually bunked down for the night under the effects of some powerful sleeping pills. Then spent the following day in bed in the hopes some bed rest and time would be all she needed to move past the affliction. It didn’t work.

She couldn’t sleep forever. Even if it was her only respite from the constant whale that consumed her mind, she still had to abandon it to fend off the other afflictions that would consume her. An angered stomach was less fun, and only served to aid her in remembering all her past mishaps when food had eluded her. The memories themselves seemed to drive the hurt, and once they got rolling it was hard to make them stop. The kitchen would be her sanctuary, the food within a task, and focal point to center her frayed and flailing mind. So she ate, but it wasn’t quite enough. As Amberlee ate she hummed, drawing on a plethora of tunes she had heard throughout her life. Outwardly she appeared dainty, even happy as she went about her morning. It cast an odd contrast for someone settling into the end of the world. Still, it may have passed for acceptably normal had she not also been carefully stacking hundreds of glasses, one on top of the other into a pyramid, on the wide kitchen floor. By the time someone had entered to find her, the structure had grown quite large.

Feb. 5th, 2010


Who: Amberlee, Paige, and Terry
When: Day 2, 7:45am
Where: Detroit streets in search of a drug store.

Amberlee took off at a pace from the bar eager to find a solution to her problem. She hadn’t paused in hope that the others would follow her. She didn’t care if they did. Her wits were frayed. She was swinging on the end of her rope. More than anything else she desired some relief from the mental noise whirring about her mind, and so far no one had listened or helped in any way.

She walked with her head down guarding images of the surrounding dead scattered about the pavements and, simmering in the cars. It wasn’t out of any sort of necessity to do so however. The fact was she wasn’t seeing much of what was around her anyway; so distracted by her own internalization. By the time Paige even caught up to her stern march she had broken into her two times table, her hushed breath working through them with a purpose. "Two times two is four, two times three is six, two times four is eight..." Despite the oddity, she found it helped a lot. "I'm not going back," She interrupted herself to speak defiantly at Paige. "I can’t just sit around anymore." Her voice was shaky unlike the day before, stress evident in the frailty of her voice.

Feb. 1st, 2010


A new day has come...

Who: Paige, Amberlee, Alan, Juan and Joyce
When: August 23nd, 2015, Day Two, early morning, around 7:30 am
Where: The Underground (bar)

Joyce had set her iTouch to beep at seven, and though it did, she didn't stir, at first. Her body, too tall for her to be comfortable on one of the couches, was lying on the floor on its side, back to the wall, gym bag under her head for a pillow. It had been warm enough that she Hadn't bothered trying to find anything to cover herself the night before. She'd slept in her clothes, her small backpack strapped over her shoulders, across her chest, so she was hugging it. If they had to move suddenly during the night, she'd only have to grab her gym bag.

This was all she had left. Nothing as interesting as a violin or a guitar, but her life was currently in those two bags and her pockets. She thought about going home, but it would be a long walk and to what end? At the moment, daily survival was more important.

And making sure as many of them got to a safe place as possible.

They'd found some food the night before, albeit items raided from a few of the neighboring restaurants. The calorie count was high, but who cared? The food would have just gone bad, otherwise...

The beeping became more insistent. Joyce sighed and slowly opened her eyes - and confirmed what her nose and back were telling her: She was on the floor of a bar, and what had happened yesterday had been real. She reached into her knapsack and fiddled with the iTouch. Was anyone else awake?

Jan. 27th, 2010


Who: Juan, Alan, Joyce, Amberlee, and Paige
When: Day 1, Late afternoon
Where: 'The Underground' (shady bar!)

The Gravity of the situation they narrowly escaped finally hit him )

Jan. 25th, 2010


Who: Joyce, Amberlee, and Paige. Later Juan and Alan.
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: The streets and The Basement Bar

'I need a drink.' )

August 2010




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