May. 23rd, 2010



In case there needs to be leader stuff discussed or something...


Feelings of Freedom

Who: Taylor and Rowan
Where: The roof
When: Mid-afternoon

Taylor was more than a little winded by the time she made it up the stairs to the roof. She didn't know what she was thinking, coming all the way up here. All she knew was that between being sick and just generally being afraid of what was out there, she had to get out and get some fresh air. She hadn't been up here since her picnic with Mini a few days ago and was starting to get cabin fever.

The little meeting they'd had earlier didn't exactly make her feel any better. Four of their little group, including Tayne, were still missing from the other night, and 2 more people weren't doing too well at all. She didn't feel like she had much right to complain about her spider bite after she'd heard what had happened to them. There was talk of a rescue party, and while she wanted to help out, she wasn't entirely sure she was healthy enough to really be of much use, especially after getting worn out by climbing the stairs.

All that melted away, though once she opened the door. The air didn't feel like it used to, and while the smells of death were fading, they were still there. But feeling the light breeze on her skin and the sun on her face made her feel better than she had in days. She stepped out more fully into the sunlight and smiled, feeling alive.

Like it was before we came in and messed it all up. )


Doing As You're Told

Who: Corey and John
Where: The front of the hotel
When: Late afternoon

There were too many signs. Corey couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to-- which he still kind of did. Even as he walked towards the hotel, with his over-loaded backpack, duffle-bag, shot-guns, and electrician's toolbox, he was seeing them. The angle of the sunlight pointing shadows towards the hotel, at this time of day. The lack of monsters in the streets or even in the houses he passed. The outflung arm of a skeleton, long since picked clean, hanging out of a car window. It annoyed him, but he couldn't ignore it, and he couldn't deny it.

So here he was, crossing that parking lot again, scowling darkly at the direction fate had dragged him, Blitz seeming just as unhappy as he was as she trailed along behind him. If this turned out to be wrong, or if things changed, his house was intact, boarded up and locked down and waiting for him, along with the rest of his supplies and belongings that he hadn't packed into the bags he brought with him.

Now he just needed someone to let him in. Standing in front of the closed door, he scowled further, and set down his duffel bag and toolbox to come and knock. Blitz disdained to follow quite that far, and sat down behind him a ways, two tails twitching and a couple of her tentacles clinging to his belongings.

This is where we're supposed to be. )

May. 20th, 2010



For finding another sign.


WHO: Aiden and OPEN
WHAT: Meeting and being awkward!
WHERE: The Kitchen!
WHEN: Early evening

Aiden glanced around the pantry with tired blue eyes. Physically he was looking for formula, his eyes scanning shelves, hands moving cartons of cereal and boxes of crackers, mentally however, he was miles away. He was thinking about David, David with his impossibly bright eyes and sarcastic nature, David who teased and played... David, who had died. It seemed that every day he went on without his husband more of his south withered. It was getting hard to even function on a basic level -- and that was all he'd been doing for the past week.

If he hadn't found Aric, the baby with black hair and bat-like wings, (wings that were tiny and delicate still, they hardly looked strong enough to unfold) he probably would have killed himself. He'd been steering that way as it was. Wandering the streets, alone, knowing he was responsible for David's death... it had been just tempting enough to succumb to. He'd been heading towards an apartment building, intent on leaping from the roof, when he'd heard the cry. It had been loud and stopped him mid-step, the sound startling. Why would there be a baby... but the cry had come again and Aiden had forgotten temporarily that he intended to kill himself.

Since finding Aric, the blonde had at least had something to keep busy with, but now that they were in shelter, with plenty of food and clean water, he found the thoughts of David creeping back in.

Cradling Aric against his chest, the blonde glanced around the kitchen as he thought he heard a sound from the doorway.

August 2010




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