Mar. 5th, 2010


The Question Finally Comes!

Who: Charity and Rowan
Where: The rooftop
When: Afternoon

She felt worse today. Charity knew that she was going to feel like shit for as long as her arm was healing, but she'd hardly been able to eat this morning. Hopefully it was just the pain and her body recovering, and not anything worse. Like another infection. Zane said he'd cut off most of the first one, but if it got into her blood... either way, hiking up to the top of the hotel was probably not the best thing for her abused body right now. But being cooped up was getting to her, and she had to move. Going outside wasn't an option, so instead she went up, up, up as far as she could.

By the time she got to the roof, she was positively exhausted. Charity curled up next to the AC unit for support and closed her eyes, pretending for a moment that she was on a boat as the wind hit her face. The distant screams of monsters could almost be gulls... oh, who was she kidding? Her life was upside down. People could do extraordinary things, but everyone was dead. Almost everyone. Then why were they still alive? Her mind drifted to Father Ray, to how calm and confident he'd been. Like he had some secret insight into the whole ordeal... was he right? Was this plague some God's work, or was the miracle that any of them were alive at all? She brooded quietly to herself, almost half dozing in the solitude of the roof.

Are you an angel? )

August 2010




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