January 30th, 2010

[info]phasedthrough in [info]downfallrpg


Who: Rowan and Liah
Where: That little bitty house
When: Late-ish

Juniper had fallen asleep during Pirates of the Caribbean-- which the previous owners of this house did, indeed, have-- which had to mean she was really tired, since it was her favorite movie. So once the movie was over, it really hadn't been all that hard to get her teeth brushed-- using someone else's toothbrush and toothpaste, which she complained bitterly about-- and get her into borrowed pajamas that were way too big for her and had cut holes for her extra arms-- and put her to bed. In fact, the complaining she'd made was pretty much too sleepy and incoherent to really even count as complaining.

So Juniper was in bed, sound asleep. And there were creatures howling and screaming outside in the streets. And suddenly Rowan felt like being in a darkened room with just a sleeping little girl was way beyond anything he could stand at that moment in time. Not that the rest of the house was much brighter-- it seemed prudent to keep as many lights off as possible, so as not to attract any of those noisy beasts, so actually the only lights on were ones nowhere near windows, like bathroom lights and the kitchen light. And all the curtains were tightly shut.

dreams of flying and distractions )

[info]alan_springer in [info]downfallrpg

Who: Alan and Paige
When: August 23nd, 2015, Day Two, early morning, around 6:00 am
Where: The Basement bar

They couldn't stay here, they'd need to find another location. Someplace safer... )

August 2010



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