Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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May 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

I've seen some discussions on the nature of the hotel and its movements and I thought I would pose a question: If you could have this place transported to any other place regardless of the era, where would you like to go? And why?

For me it would be Al Qayrawān, circa 900 C.E. For the culture, mainly, but also because I never got the chance to see it in its glory.



[No Subject]

Tomorrow is Cinco De Mayo.

I want to celebrate by making Mexican food.  Chilaquiles - fried tortilla chips sauteed in tomatillo sauce topped with sour cream, shredded chicken, cheese, red onions, avocado slices, fritos bean and eggs for breakfast/brunch around ten. 

Later, a dinner starting with menudo - red chili pepper soup with tripe.  And then maybe tacos for a main dish with all different fillings and sauce, everyone can serve themselves.   

Anyone can help me cook and/or come from brunch and dinner!

We could dance after dinner.  Does anyone have Mexican music they could play?  I don't mean you have to play it yourself. Recorded music would be great.

Also, suggestions for other ways to celebrate or too be more authentic are welcome!



[No Subject]

WHO: Finn and Poe
WHEN: May 4th
WHERE: The Woods
STATUS: In Progress
WARNINGS: Sexual Situations

So what are we getting up to today? )



[No Subject]

Who: Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson
Where: On the way to the Kitchen
When: May 4th
What: A run in
Status: In Progress
Warnings: n/a

This doesn't have to be awkward )

[No Subject]

WHO: Mike and Dan
WHEN: May 4th - evening
WHERE: The Library
STATUS: In Progress

Our beliefs don't make us better people. Our actions make us better people. )



[No Subject]

Who: Dalamar and Ginny
Where: The Library
What: Dalamar is browsing the books and runs into someone new
When: this afternoon
Status: Incomplete/threaded

He was determined to learn more about this place... )



[No Subject]

Who: Gilmore and Theo
Where: Theo's library
When: 5th May
What: Brooms aren't going to fly by themselves
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: None

Let me show you why they call me glorious )

[No Subject]

Who - Thor // Diana
Where - Dining Room
When - Wednesday morning
What - Breakfast
Rating - PG13 just to be safe.

Don't act like you haven't been there, 7AM with the bed hair. )



[No Subject]

Who: Dalamar and Willie
Where: The greenhouses
What: Meeting a ghost
When: Backdated just a little bit, slightly after the ghost plot
Warnings: Likely none
Status: Incomplete/Threaded

Meeting with a ghost is interesting )

[No Subject]

Who - Diana // Ciri
Where - The grounds/patrol route.
What - Patrol/Conversation
When - Nonspecific patrol round
Rating - PG13 as I don’t know if heavy topics will come up. The Witcher was wild, y’all.

Run these streets here, don't need cops. I'm callin' all Gs from each block. )



[No Subject]

Let's hope we don't get attacked by an oversized piñata.


I hope we do.


Do you want to spar or something? Try to kick my ass. Whatever.



[No Subject]

WHO: wesley + rogue
WHERE: room 111
WHEN: backdated to May 3
WHAT: the roommates meet each other
STATUS: in-progress
WARNINGS: tbd (nudity, language)

It was like winning the world's weirdest lottery )



Thor & Nebula

Who: Nebula & Thor
Where: The Game Room
When: 5/4 evening
What: Thor & Nebula catch up
Status: Complete, closed
Warnings: Mentions of violence probably, will add more if they come up

Read more... )



[No Subject]

WHO: ben+rey (armitage, poe, finn - npc)
WHERE: the dining room
WHEN: may the fourth be with us all
WHAT: a family dinner deserves family drama
STATUS: in-progress

You come from nothing. You're nothing. But not to me )